Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,344 Synchronized Driving

With the help of many military generals, the speed of parts production immediately increased. These generals still respect Cheng Ying very much. On the one hand, his ability is too strong, to the point of being incomprehensible. On the other hand, That is, he can indeed fight. Although his fighting awareness is poor, Cheng Yinghui can defeat him ten times with one force! After breaking the boundary three times, a powerful punch is not something that ordinary generals can withstand.

What's more, his three realms are broken and his exoskeleton form with super output is really an explosion of attributes. There is no skill at all. It's all about being faster and stronger than you. Ordinary top generals can't defeat him in a duel. .

With this mentality, they naturally have no complaints about warming up parts, and can even help Chengying warm up some redundant general parts.

A few days later, several brand-new mechas were assembled. Cheng Ying was flying in mid-air to paint them, and people were already eager to come over and watch the excitement.

Because there were a lot of people this time, Chengying simply chose the machine he liked from his memory. The universe star god, the vitality star soul, and even the machine in Luoluo's adventures were all reproduced, but the mecha The structure is much more complex than in animation, otherwise it would be difficult to accurately simulate human movement.

As for the distribution of mechas, it is natural to rely on fighting. The performance of each mecha is similar, the only difference lies in the painting and external weapons.

In the melee, Huang Zhong was the first to kill and snatched away Apollo. Zhang Fei followed closely and snatched away Hades. Dian Wei suffered the loss of not being able to fly and had no choice but to punch him away. Zhang Xiu seized the body of the Tiger King, leaving Zhang Xiu with a dark face as he climbed onto the Phantom Star God.

Although they are both top military commanders, their talents in driving mechas are also different. Zhang Fei and Dian Wei's driving talents are relatively average. It took them a long time to make the mechas walk steadily. Zhang Xiu is much better than them. Not only could he run and jump, he also learned how to do a backflip. He collapsed the maintenance scaffolding with one kick and was thrown out of the mecha by Cheng Ying to copy the operation manual.

Huang Zhong is the most talented among the four. This is something Chengying never expected. The old man is actually good at this at such a young age. In theory, shouldn't high school students be the best at operating mechas?

Compared with other generals who just follow the usual combat routines to drive the mecha, Huang Zhong learned to use the special equipment of the mecha from the beginning, such as the wheels under his feet, which allowed him to slide on the ground without moving his legs, and achieve mobile shooting. , the targets in the distance were hit and shattered one by one.

As the strongest Archer in the Han Empire, even if Huang Zhong switched to firearms, his accuracy would still not be affected. In most air battles involving long-range combat, his advantage was still considerable. In addition, he had good command of mecha pilots. His understanding is also better than other generals, and he is expected to perform quite well in the next naval battle.

In addition, Li Tiao, who is the most powerful qigong practitioner, also grabbed a mecha. However, because he couldn't grab other generals, he only grabbed a fruit treasure war god with a weird style. Not to mention the colorful colors. You can also see the round fruit head, which makes people suspect that he is here to be funny.

However, Li Tiao's driving talent is really strong, even more exaggerated than Ma Chao and Sun Ce. It's so outrageous that a set of punches with a mecha feels exactly like a real person, without any feeling of sluggishness at all. He even used The mecha's huge size caused it to remain in the air for a long time, allowing it to perform many actions that a normal human body could not complete.

For other generals, the improvement of their strength by mechas is not particularly exaggerated, but for Li Tiao, it is an earth-shaking change. It is not an exaggeration to say that he can beat the Japanese and Korean version of himself ten times ago.

Cheng Ying originally thought that after the generals got the mechas, he would be able to take the time to build a flight system for the shelter to avoid possible horrific disasters on the surface. However, he did not expect that as soon as the generals were released, Ma Chao and Sun Ce ran away with bruises and bruises. He came over and hugged his thigh to express that his mecha had been dismantled. The older generals were unhappy with the two of them pretending to be cowardly, so they teamed up to dismantle their mechas and asked Cheng Ying to avenge them both.

"Ah...this...although I really want to say that I deserve it, but can you two let go first! After all, you are also important ministers of the empire, how can you hold my thigh here?" Yes, these two funny guys. It's a hug in the physical sense, and Cheng Ying won't let go unless he helps.

"Forget it, I surrender to you. Let me ask you, what price can you pay for revenge? In a normal battle, you can never be the opponent of the four of them together. Even if I update the body for you, in the final analysis, you are still of the same generation. There will be no qualitative change in performance of the mecha.

Unless..." Cheng Ying deliberately looked embarrassed.

"We can pay any price! You must have some new model of mecha! We are willing to be a test product!" Although Sun Ce's mind was all about muscles, at the critical moment, his reaction was not as fast as usual, and he stabbed hard after saying Ma Chao.

Ma Chao also nodded when he heard this: "Yes! Me too!"

"Are you really willing to pay any price? Think about it!"

"It goes without saying! It doesn't matter what the price is!" The two said in unison.

Cheng Ying pondered, and then said maliciously: "Is it okay to let you enter each other's bodies?"

Ma Chao: "..."

Sun Ce: "..."

So the price of becoming stronger is integrity? Although the relationship between the two is very good, it’s not that good! Even though both of them were experienced in many battles, they both looked embarrassed at this time.

"Ahem... um... we have something to do, let's go first!" Ma Chao and Sun Ce sent Cheng Ying's thigh on the spot, and they wanted to run away. It doesn't matter how good the relationship is with someone like being penetrated by the other party!

"Haha! As a gentleman says, a horse is hard to catch. But you said you can pay any price, and you still want to run away?"


Cheng Ying instantly displayed the form of the three world-breaking plus powered exoskeleton, and with crushing speed and power, he grabbed the backs of the two people's necks and brought back the two funny men who were halfway out.

Letting the two guys struggle and curse, he still carried them both towards the largest workshop on the seaside.

When the elevator door opened, the two people who had just been scolding Cheng Ying as a pervert immediately shut up. The big guy in front of them was so unbelievable that they forgot to curse.

What appeared in front of them was a huge mecha that was fifty or sixty meters high. The huge turbine on the chest could feel the incomparable power just by looking at it.

Ma Chao and Sun Ce looked at me, and I looked at you, and then they all turned their heads away in the next moment, not daring to look at each other. The price seemed not unacceptable.

[To be continued]

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