Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,354 Mechanical War Kun

Domesticating and mechanizing certain giant creatures as weapons of war has become the norm for Tulip. When they first emerged, they transformed the Cloud Shepherds, the atmospheric dragon clan in history, as weapons of war when fighting against the atmospheric biosphere.

Therefore, although it is a relatively backward technology, the technology accumulation is still quite rich. There is a ready-made network for connecting nerves and electrical signals for reference. Jukun's nerves are much stronger than those of the airy dragons with light bodies, and are even as thick as many cables. It is a piece of cake to complete the transformation.

However, the neural network inside these behemoths also needs to be modified. Vertebrates can dominate the biosphere and have been the top predators for hundreds of millions of years. It relies on selecting the super large size technology tree on the skill tree.

The super-large front-end technology is myelinated nerves. This black technology in biology was like a dimensionality reduction blow in the era when Anomalocaris and sea scorpions roamed the ocean, reducing the transmission speed of nerve signals from every day. A few meters per second, rising to three digits in one fell swoop. Directly across an order of magnitude.

Without this kind of black technology, it would be difficult for a creature to exceed one meter in size. Imagine that it takes nearly a second for your brain to move your fingers. Such a delay, let alone showing off the speed of light in the game. QA, even walking upright is a difficult challenge.

This was also the reason why it was difficult for the top predators of that era to grow too large. And now the same problem has appeared on Jukun.

Fifty meters is almost the limit for mammals. Even a blue whale can hardly stay flexible beyond this size. However, nourished by the essence of heaven and earth, giant blue whales can easily reach 100 meters or even more than 200 meters long. It's not a rare thing either.

Especially these guys, they live on plankton in the ocean, and their food is almost inexhaustible. Even their cubs cannot be hunted by ordinary predators in the ocean, plus there are many giant kelps. They live together as a group. In this endless ocean, they are simply invincible. The total number of groups is exaggerated to an absurd degree. Even if they move a little clumsily due to their large size, it does not affect their invincible status in the ocean.

But if it is in a war, the delay of one or two seconds will be fatal. There is a delay of a second or two in delivering a message. Then completing a turn may be delayed by more than ten seconds. In a fierce naval battle. You may face fierce artillery fire within ten seconds.

In desperation, these giant kuns had to replace a large number of nerve lines. They replaced the backward sodium-potassium pumps with metal cables, which increased the transmission speed of electrical signals to close to the speed of light. Basically, it is not possible to rely on natural evolution. possible. This transmission speed is exceeded.

Now that such major whole-body surgeries have been performed, the interiors of these semi-mechanical and biological battleships have naturally undergone many transformations. Back then, Tulip had transformed Kunpeng on Mars, and that 10,000-meter behemoth has now become a member of the Tulip family. The boss of a well-known freight company is the flagship of his company.

It can be said that I lived a very moist life.

This technology is naturally easy to master. The first step is to build a cockpit inside the giant kun. This thing must take out certain organs. Therefore, the waists of the unlucky giant kuns become victims. Compared with the heart and lungs Such a delicate organ, replacing the kidney, only needs an ion permeable membrane to filter out toxic substances in the blood.

In the space vacated here, the establishment of two command posts can basically satisfy the control of the giant Kun battleship. Compared with the sophisticated and huge steel battleships, these mechanically modified biological weapons. It is much simpler to control.

The principle is of course the old Pavlov. By controlling the secretion of hormones and constantly giving pleasure and pain lessons, Jukun can soon be trained into an obedient rb...

Ahem, train them into elite warriors who obey your words.

The blood vessels and other circulatory systems in the giant kun's body were also artificially reinforced with alloy fibers, just like the layer of metal wire wrapped around the snakeskin tubes of later generations. In this way, even if the enemy's attack could destroy the armor and explode the flesh and blood, It is also very difficult to destroy blood vessels.

After making up for the weakness of this biological creature, these mechanical war kuns have advantages over ordinary warships. The first is that they are easy to produce. Nowadays, countries have minimal development of the oceans, and the populations of various giant kuns are extremely small. It's outrageous. You must know that Jose initially relied on whaling to supplement the meat for the immigrant army. Even so, there was no significant decrease in the number of kun in the ocean, and this existing organism was not seen. Make mechanical modifications. The production efficiency is naturally much faster than directly building a giant steel ship.

The second is speed, not to mention that the streamlined body is the most suitable for the ocean. Whether it is turning or sprinting, it is more flexible than ordinary warships that rely on propellers. Even if there is a shortcoming of insufficient output power, you can still rely on external Propellers are used to compensate, even if these exposed parts are attacked. It won't be that they lose power, which means they have one less weakness than ordinary battleships.

In addition, these guys are not worried about sinking. Guys like blue whales can dive, not to mention specially modified sperm whale submarines. Submarines during World War II were beaten by sperm whales even more than diving. It is very dangerous for modern military submarines to dive to the extreme depths of sperm whale diving.

Relying on torpedoes for underwater operations and relying on the vast ocean to mitigate the impact of artillery shells, there is no doubt that the advantages of sperm whale submarines can be maximized.

As for these mechanical war kuns, the biggest advantage is that they have cloud energy! Lu Bu's super giant Kun alone has the cloud energy equivalent to an entire army. You can imagine how thick the cloud energy will be formed when hundreds of giant Kuns are arranged in a battle line on the ocean.

Not only the cloud energy, they also have some huge inner energy. Many weapons that use inner energy can even be installed directly on them without considering the energy supply.

As for the shortcomings of giant kun, there are naturally many, such as their size. Although some big ones can grow to have a displacement of tens of thousands of tons, even in this era, such super big ones are rare. Compared with The displacement of a giant steel ship, which can easily reach tens of thousands of tons, is still small.

As a result of their size, they can carry fewer weapons. In particular, the weapons need to be waterproof and able to withstand the impact of water flow. Without affecting the streamlined body shape of the giant kun, it will be more difficult to place more weapons.

[To be continued]

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