Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,360 Characteristic Testing

After the giant evil god's body was summoned, it was not immovable. As the fleet was moving, it could clearly feel that there was a huge thing behind it moving forward in the ocean.

Although the summoned copy does not have such strong pollution ability as the original body. However, with the sacrifice of thousands of people's flesh and souls, it temporarily gained a huge size and commensurate physical destructive power.

Jose knew very well that his evil god was not invincible. It can even be said that it is not his own. Once found, the weakness may be exploited by the opponent for its so-called actual effect.

In this way, killing the opponent's effective forces is not the top priority. Instead, the top priority is to destroy the enemy's vehicles and destroy their logistics facilities. The strategic goal determines the tactics. His strategy is to stall for time. After waiting for the construction of your earth center shelter to be completed, give this planet the final blow.

Although he only possessed the body of the evil god for a short time, the damage on the physical level was still huge. In many cases, if he is big enough, he can do whatever he wants. Even a dangerous wanderer is nothing more than an opponent of this size. Root small bean sprouts.

Cheng Ying had no intention of turning back to fight, but ordered all the warships to turn their guns back. Towards the rear, he shot blindly. All parts of the legion's attack, excluding acceleration, are directed behind them. Since destruction at the physical level is chosen, this body can physically interfere with the outside world. This also means it can be harmed.

If the fleet fires a new salvo, it can theoretically kill this guy directly, or at least cripple him. But turning back means that a large number of people will directly see this guy's true face. In that case, countless people would be contaminated, and it would be better to fight while running.

It's just that such indiscriminate shooting also makes the hit rate very worrying. The legion's attack range is relatively large, and the hit rate is acceptable, but the hit rate of artillery and ballistae is a bit embarrassing. This thing requires precise calculations before shooting, and the trajectory is also an arc. If the opponent this time was not big enough, it might not even be able to hit the edge.

While running, Cheng Ying took time to test the characteristics of the evil god. He was sure that if this was Jose's sneak attack, he would definitely use all the ultimate moves before he understood the characteristics of the evil god. Even if Fighters that are not the most suitable will be used.

So this attack is definitely not that simple, and the D-class personnel are on a bumpy ship. He was extremely scared as he approached the room where the Evil God's followers were kept, but before he knew how terrifying the Evil God was, if he didn't want to die, he could only get closer to check it out.

The moment he opened the door and entered, various indicators on his body began to appear abnormal. Cheng Ying quickly recorded that the first abnormality was in his body.

His nerves are growing rapidly, and it can be judged from the information in the recording that he is now in a state of mental disorder, that is, a state in which he is immersed in hallucinations and gives erroneous answers to questions.

From this point of view, the cause of mental disorder is likely to be caused by the overgrowth of nerves. From some extreme perspectives, human will has never directly contacted reality. All our feelings about reality are through the body. This backward machine transmits distorted information, and nerves are the cables that transmit this information. If there is an abnormality in these cables, even if the brain is not damaged, it is likely to cause hallucinations.

With the rapid growth of nerves, the eroded D-class personnel completely gave up answering the commands in the earpiece. And he ignored all instructions, banged the door frantically, and tried to leave.

After realizing that the door could not be opened, he began to tear apart his body crazily, tearing every bone and joint in his body before he entered the testing room. They are all implanted with extremely small positioning devices, so they can be used in the outside world through methods other than surveillance. to speculate on his internal movements.

After banging on the door and finding that he could not leave, his mental madness seemed to reach a new stage. Although tearing his body brought him pain, the reason why he tore his body was not pain. This can be seen from the nerves in his body. The signal transmitted can be seen. No signs of pain other than the destruction of his own body were detected.

"Strange, what is he doing? This feeling seems to be aversion to the body. This is also reflected in those who are mildly corroded. People who maintain some sense are also recorded trying to tear their own thighs. When asking them When explaining the reason, they were told that they felt they had the wrong number of legs and hands. If they could split their hands and feet, they would look much more comfortable." Cheng Ying muttered the patient's observation report.

"If it were in reality, this might be a mental illness. Some people are born or have accidents. They feel that their bodies have extra or missing zeros.

This feeling is roughly like an extra mouth growing on the palm of your hand. Normal people would ask how to get rid of it. It looks very similar to the mental state of these eroded people. "

"Although I also think that the mouth on my hands should be removed, I have a bold idea about this." Although Ma Chao has to release legion attacks all the time to fight against the monsters of life, because he cannot read, he has always carried his body on his back. Now Just in time to observe the experimental report with Cheng Ying, I heard his muttering and gave a subtle answer.

"Put away your bold ideas! The mouth on your hands is not for you! Their current situation may be due to some problems with their self-perception. That is, they think that they may not be animals with four limbs, but have more limbs. , patients reported that they wanted to split their limbs in half, which means that their ideal creature is likely to have eight limbs, such as an octopus.

If the guy in front of me continues to mutilate like this, he may be dead before he can complete some kind of transformation. Get him out first, and I will try to operate on him. Is there any seafood left? The octopus doesn't need to be particularly big. Let's see if this evil god can handle it. "

After discovering a certain pattern, Cheng Ying breathed a sigh of relief. If the compilation process was traceable, it often meant that the evil god himself had to follow many rules, which would make it easier to deal with.

As soon as he breathed a sigh of relief, he felt the battleship under his feet shaking violently, and waves tens of meters rising into the sky beside him: "Fuck! You can actually attack from a distance, quick! Cancel the personal shield and convert it into a battleship area shield. !”

[To be continued]

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