"Please put away your bold plan, our country has a complete set of criminal laws!" Chen Xi had a very bad feeling, Cheng Ying must be trying to trick him. Especially since he had just been asked to explore the dissociated mental capacity of these people.

He is the nine-tailed fox of the Han Empire! It's a mythical beast! He is born to be lazy! It is absolutely impossible to stay up late and work overtime! Absolutely not!

However, Chen Xi's protest was of no use. The harm of the evil god was obvious. Even if all the people were extraordinary and injected with Dian Wei's genes, they would not be immune to this kind of mental damage. Regardless of whether the war is won or not, this immediate disaster must be resolved.

"Come on, come on! Let's enter the evil god's space together. If my guess is correct, the white light on your body must be the brightest."

Although the two are thousands of miles apart, they can communicate face-to-face through the evil god's space. This can be regarded as a method of long-distance communication, but this is obviously not the most important thing.

Chen Xi is indeed the most special one. As soon as he appeared, the Evil God's space began to collapse in large tracts. Although this space is vast and almost endless, if the collapse continues like this, sooner or later the Evil God's body will have nowhere to escape.

But Chen Xi is not omnipotent after all. Although he will gather a large amount of the faith of all peoples in his body, the range that he can destroy is only a sphere with a radius of a hundred kilometers, which is still too small compared to the vastness of space.

"How could you expand your domain so much all at once? It's much better than I expected!" Cheng Ying narrowed his eyes as if he thought of something interesting.

"What is the field? There was no such setting in the report you gave me before." Chen Xi was surrounded by white light, and he always felt that the world filled with white light made him feel very friendly.

"Field is just a name I made up temporarily. To be specific, you knew it before. Different people have different intensity of white light in their bodies. And most people's white light is not strong enough. It can only be maintained inside their bodies.

But his will is strong enough. Or people who identify more strongly with the Han Empire. It is actually possible for the range of white light to break through the outside of the body. Just like me. "As he said that, in the white light, there was a small ball of blue light, and Cheng Ying was in the ball of light.

"I call the area covered by light a domain. Expanding this small piece of blue light requires a lot of mental energy. So I can't do it alone, but you are different. You are not tired at all in maintaining such a large area. the meaning of."

When Chen Xi heard this, he was furious on the spot: "This is all the free energy of the common people. Don't let me use this power to destroy the evil god's space and find its true form. And I can feel the evil god's control over this space." It's very powerful. Before, you were just making small fuss and didn't attract its attention. Now that it's making noise, I can feel that he has started to fight back. My energy will also be consumed.

Not to mention regulating the domestic climate. "

"Don't worry! Of course I can't use up my free energy to deal with this space! Even if I consume all your reserves, it won't be enough!

As for climate adjustment, there is no need for you to continue investing in it before! Various water conservancy projects and meteorological projects have already started. When things like typhoons and earthquakes come out, it will be difficult to complete the disastrous weather. Even if you are included, you still can't withstand the tsunami. "

Of course Chen Xi knows that the current weather in the empire does not really use his adjustment. Because of this, his energy has accumulated to a very full level, but this is his little treasury! How can you let others make up their own minds?

"Even so, you are not wasting it. If you don't come up with a solution quickly, I will be offline. Here, every second that passes, I consume my energy."

Hearing this, Cheng Ying had no choice but to explain: "It is indeed too luxurious to rely on the energy of the whole people to fight against the evil god. The source of power that this evil god, which uses negative emotions as its source of power, can absorb is too easy to find. Torturing a person can Gaining a lot of negative emotions, the people on Jose's side have been brainwashed and are absolutely loyal. They can torture as many people as they want.

Relying on free energy to fight is undoubtedly a drop in the bucket. If you want to effectively weaken the evil god, you actually need to rely on positive emotions, but it is much more difficult to obtain positive emotions than negative emotions.

So you need a stable base as a production platform for positive emotions. You don't need to expand the scope of your territory, you just need to maintain the current space of control. Then you just need to find a way to make the people who come in emotionally high, and they will The positive emotions generated can offset your consumption and even further damage the world. "

Chen Xi narrowed his eyes: "What are you going to do? You can't get positive emotions by simply pulling people in. Even if you give them a speech and give orders outside, you can't make them happy, right?"

"So I need to borrow your domain! I will name the space shrouded in white light a domain, really because the owner of the white light can control some basic rules in the domain, like me."

With that said, a layer of ground appeared under Cheng Ying's feet, who was originally suspended in mid-air, and then he fell on it. Although this layer of ground only appeared within his blue light range, within this range, it would be difficult to step on it. It has a real feeling.

“I just added a layer of rigid plane and a gravity command to him. By adding more commands in this space, a more complex environment can be achieved.

Although the cultural level of people in this era is limited. But I think no one can refuse the experience of a fully immersive virtual online game. I think there is no easier happiness than sneaking to an Internet cafe after school.

You don't even need to construct a complex and realistic environment. For people who have never been exposed to video games, Snake and Tetris alone can bring endless fun. If you can reproduce Super Mario, it can even make him a memory for a generation. .

How about it? Do you want to give it a try? We can do it step by step. Let’s start with the simplest pixel game. You don’t need to bring in all the person’s consciousness at the beginning. It’s enough to bring in a small part of the consciousness to control the buttons. Constantly update and iterate the games to keep them fresh. I It’s hard to think that anyone can resist the temptation of such a game, right? "

[To be continued]

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