Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,372 Air Combat Strangulation

This time, few of the mechanical sperm whales responsible for the sneak attack made it back alive. Although Dangerous Wanderer's swimming speed is not very fast, if he is allowed to keep his feet on the ground, he can actually run very fast in the water, and can dodge and move in a small range. Also very flexible.

Even with their streamlined bodies, the mechanical sperm whales were cut off without any resistance in front of the giant sword that was longer than their entire body.

The sea water was dyed a terrifying dark red, which also declared that the underwater sneak attack was a complete failure. Next is the head-on battlefield.

After realizing that there was an irresistible monster underwater, the immigrant army decisively gave up the method of sending a small force to test, and the mechanical giant kun and the fleet quickly approached the enemy.

At the same time, a large number of carrier-based aircraft took off from the aircraft carrier. After being brainwashed, the pilots were forcibly implanted with operation manuals. Although they lost a bit of their spirituality, their overall quality was far superior to that of the Han Empire's air force. They were skilled in forming a pair of aircraft. formation. One high and one low, they cover each other and seize the favorable terrain in the air, which makes the recruits of the Han Empire suffer a lot when they go to the battlefield for the first time.

As we all know, air combat is a battle of energy. When the performance of the vehicles on both sides is not much different, they can seize a higher position. Not only is it beneficial for shooting, but it can also be accelerated using gravitational potential energy. Make yourself faster to get behind your enemies.

Although the theory is very simple, it is to seize a high position, but the tactics of energy air combat derived from this theory are extremely numerous. It is difficult to learn and apply them skillfully without thousands of hours of flight time.

The carrier-based aircraft of the Han Empire suffered heavy losses in the first round of firefight. The generals frowned as they just watched the carrier-based aircraft explode into a ball of fire in the air. I feel so distressed that I can't stand it.

They all came from hard times. It was not easy for them to be lavish, but the nature of saving when they can is still burned into their DNA. Although most soldiers successfully parachuted, if they fell into the water on the battlefield, it would not be so easy to rescue them. If they lose, there is almost no way to rescue them.

Finally, someone couldn't help it anymore and piloted his own mecha to fly high into the sky. In a pure air combat, the non-aerodynamic design of mechas actually does not have much advantage over carrier-based aircraft. At least at the same level of technology, it is difficult to show the advantage.

Unless the driver's level is extremely high and he can take advantage of the more flexible advantages of humanoid combat weapons. Rely on extreme reflection to avoid tracking enemy missiles.

Huang Zhong, who was the first to take action, was obviously an expert in this field, even though his body was already aging. But in terms of driving mechas, he was the most talented among the generals of the Han Empire.

The desert camouflage-like paint looks out of place on the battlefield at this moment. It is one size larger than a carrier-based aircraft, making it the focus of the battlefield.

Originally, the air power of the Han Empire was at a disadvantage. The immigrant army immediately freed up its manpower to besiege this exclusive mecha.

Several infrared tracking missiles were fired towards him, and the speed was almost impossible to catch with the naked eye. But he looks like the protagonist in "The Matrix." He twisted his body to the smallest extent, and on the premise that the missiles had locked onto him, he avoided all missile attacks.

Take advantage of the gap when these missiles that fly over have no time to turn around. The machine gun on the mecha's arm has begun to roar. The dense bullets poured in the direction of the missiles, immediately detonating one of them and triggering a chain reaction.

Causes all surrounding missiles to explode.

While doing all this, he was also quickly approaching the enemy formation, and there were fighter jets that relied on him to be faster. Try to get behind him and pounce.

At this time, the advantage of the mecha is revealed, that is, it can turn around in the air. He retaliated with more ferocious firepower, and the fighter plane that tried to sneak attack Huang Zhong, an old comrade, was suddenly unlucky. He was hit in the face by a barrage of large-caliber bullets. Emitting black smoke, he fell into the sea.

At the same time, Mr. Huang has also entered the enemy's formation. It's time to open Wushuang. As we all know, the best thing for archers is melee combat. Since ancient times, archers have always been in trouble, and Mr. Huang is no exception.

I saw the long knife in his hand slashing out streaks of sword energy in the air, but it obviously had no tracking function. But there are almost no fighters to avoid. Either it was split straight down the middle, or its wings were chopped off. It crashed into the ocean without any suspense.

Seeing this great power, the other generals couldn't help it. Their driving skills may not be so outrageous. But more or less, he also has his own tricks. One by one they soared into the sky.

Even Lu Bu and Zhao Yun, who were not piloting mechas, took to the skies. But now these two people seem to be in trouble. Since the last time they beat up the dangerous wanderer, they haven't teamed up to attack again.

The reason is probably that Lu Bu learned that his daughter was deceived by Zhao Yun, a big pig. This is not the most important thing. If I have to say it, Lu Bu feels that except Zhao Yun, no one in the world is worthy of his daughter. , the problem is that Zhao Yun, a big pig's hoof, also hooked up with Ma Yunlu. This attitude is to marry the two together, the most powerful general in the world, how can he bear it, his daughter is so wronged.

I don’t know how many times I have fought with Zhao Yun during this period. If Zhao Yun hadn’t broken through the heart tribulation and transformed into the unparalleled Zhao Yun, he might have been lying on the bed now.

Although the two people no longer cooperate because of the well-known theory that men are big pigs. But because they fought with each other several times. Their respective strengths have been greatly improved. Now even face the dangerous wanderer alone. It won't be as embarrassing as it was at the beginning.

And in the midst of an air battle. The two of them have greater advantages than mechas. Against fighters, there is no need to use God Mode. The space in the air is simply too huge. Even if he becomes a giant of thirty or forty meters. The range that melee attacks can cover. It is also insignificant compared to the speed at which a fighter jet flies.

And if they fight with their own strength alone, their two biggest advantages are that they are small enough. Even the smallest fighter plane must have a wingspan of more than five meters, otherwise it will be difficult to carry enough ammunition and a pilot. This makes their goal much bigger than just two people.

The enemy that the fighter jet is designed to target is the same fighter jet, not something as small as a human body, facing two small people moving at high speed. Immigration Army machine guns. It can only be performed elegantly. What is the art of body drawing?

[To be continued]

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