Ah San did not have a figure like Dayu, nor was there any extremely famous flood control hero in history. They were far from anticipating the river that had always nourished them. How irritable will you become once you enter menopause?

The hungry refugees watched as the water in the river continued to drop. The fish on the river beach jumped a few times because they lost water, then lay helplessly in the puddle, and suddenly rushed forward like crazy to fight for food.

However, no one cared about why the flow of the river was decreasing under the heavy rain. Even the wise men in the country only had a partial understanding of the situation at hand.

Their gods and Buddhas, their Brahmās, will not tell them. In the upper reaches of the river, a super barrier lake was formed after the collapse of mountains blocked the river channel.

All rivers are dammed in the lake. As the water level continues to rise, even the mountain peaks cannot block the river water forever. When the mountain peaks acting as dams collapse, the river water that has been accumulated for an unknown period of time will pour out in one breath. That force would be enough to destroy everything downstream. Even the strongest legion in the world is here. Facing the power of a natural disaster, he is as small as an ant.

The gods and Buddhas did not give them warning, and more and more people gathered on the almost dry river bank. There is endless food there, and it seems to herald hope in the midst of disaster. They prayed and thanked the gods for cutting off the rivers and providing them with abundant food during disasters and famines.

However, gratitude soon turned to horror. The mountains upstream could not block the river forever. The embankment collapsed in an instant, first a few boulders because they could not withstand the pressure. And rolled down from the mountain. Immediately afterwards, water columns were sprayed out from the gaps in these boulders like long dragons. At the same time, a huge amount of sediment was taken away.

What follows is a chain reaction. More and more boulders rolled down, and the stable structure of the dike finally collapsed, and the river water rolled down with a loud noise.

Nothing seemed to be able to stop his progress, everything in his path was destroyed and then converged in the river. Become fragments with infinite destructive power. Crush all life that falls into the river.

Asan, who was collecting food on the dry riverbed and kneeling before the gods, felt constant vibrations under his feet. There was a loud roar from the upstream direction. They thought it was the gods who answered their prayers, so they knelt down and worshiped even more piously. But when they raised their heads, they saw the river water rushing down like a tsunami. Then there is no more.

These people no longer need to consider whether water burial pollutes the environment. They directly return to the embrace of the Ganges and become part of the periodic table of elements.

Compared with Asan, who is happy to die, apart from the Han Empire, the only one in the world who is qualified to fight against natural disasters head-on is probably Rome. From any point of view, Han and Rome are the two most powerful empires in history. The most splendid empire in the world even fell into the future without any pressure for hundreds of years. The national power of Rome was at its peak that had not been reached in the West for thousands of years.

Although the civil system is doomed to the prosperity and decline of this huge empire, there is no doubt that the Rome in front of it is one of the strongest on the land. If Chengying had not caused trouble, in terms of combat effectiveness, it would have been inferior to the chaotic Han Empire. Even more powerful.

Compared with Asan, in terms of geographical location, Rome is not much better. As an empire with a strange shape that circled the Mediterranean Sea, the calm bathtub of the Mediterranean Sea was of unparalleled significance to their transportation.

However, as geological movements became more intense,

The African plate began to squeeze towards the Eurasian plate. The Roman empire was very unlucky to be at the junction of the plates. Half of it was on the Eurasian plate and half on the African plate. If it were normal, it would definitely not be like the Pacific Rim volcanoes. The seismic zone is so active.

But now that geological movements are intensifying, the African plate is like the Eurasian plate in love with each other. The tragic Mediterranean, under such violent squeeze, will probably become a younger brother within a short time.

Although the land area of ​​Rome was greatly expanded this time, it was not cultivated or built. It was meaningless under a natural disaster. On the contrary, it destroyed the once stable shipping lanes and destroyed countless excellent ports around the Mediterranean.

Faced with such a disaster, the Roman legions had to dispatch frequently. Compared to the Asans, they were more aware of the secondary disasters caused by earthquakes. At least they saw the flow of the river drop. I knew this thing might have been diverted or was being held back.

At least I know how to send the legion over to take a look at the first time. If it is blocked, I will use the legion to attack and release the flood. It is better than waiting until the embankment breaks and destroying everything downstream!

Along with various disaster intentions, there will undoubtedly be plagues. Asan relied on faith to fight against them, but the Romans were obviously much stronger.

Although ancient Western medicine was dark, if there was any problem, they would just want to bleed you, or give you an enema, or feed you some pigeon graves to taste. If your status is noble enough, you may even be lucky enough to taste the authentic medicine. The Egyptian pharaoh's corpse is mummy powder. Even in modern times, Western medicine will even give you a prefrontal lobotomy surgery to turn you into an idiot in an instant. The most ironic thing is that this thing even won the Nobel Prize in Medicine. When the Nobel Prize comes to light, you have to perform well.

But most of these things happened after Rome. At least in the ancient Roman period, Western medicine could actually keep pace with Chinese medicine. Nowadays, many people are criticizing Chinese medicine, but this is obviously irrational behavior.

Isn’t it ridiculous to compare classical medicine with the modern and complete medical system and then come to the conclusion that Chinese medicine is useless? The comparison also needs to be compared with the Western medicine of the same era to be reliable. Compared with the classical Western medicine that only bleeds when encountering problems, it is obvious who is useless.

Therefore, medical skills that are comparable to or even surpassed ancient Chinese medicine are already at the top level of the era. In addition, in Rome, there is no such thing as the thought of the dead being the most important, and they have richer experience in dissecting corpses.

It also played a great role in controlling the plague after the disaster, especially since this was still an era of extraordinary power. If a certain ability reaches a certain level, it will derive talents. In this era, there were also miraculous doctors in the West, and Galen was undoubtedly such a person. Of course not that Galen hiding in the grass...

Hua Tuo can turn the dead into life. As a strong man of the same level, it is not surprising that Galen has some extremely magical medical abilities.

[To be continued]

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