Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,383 Plan shelved

Jose didn't think these people were real at first. In the virtual reality game inside Tulip, you can also see all kinds of artificial intelligence. When talking to them, you can't realize that you are facing a machine.

They can even perform feats that are more shocking than humans. If it were a game world, artificial intelligence could make this scene even more tragic and make people excited.

After being baptized by such information, I will not be easily infected just because I see the brilliance of humanity here.

Even though he had traveled all over Rome, he still couldn't find any difference between these people and the artificial intelligence in the game.

It was precisely because of this that he was able to be so unscrupulous at the beginning. Choose to hypnotize civilians directly. Let them become your loyal subordinates.

But seriousness often affects people's judgment. Almost no one can be as rational as a machine, and neither can Jose. No one knows whether the world created by the contained objects is true or false.

Because the contained object is an unreasonable existence, he can do anything. It is this state of not knowing what is true or false that makes Jose gradually unable to see the world as a game.

This is actually a very normal phenomenon, just like the executioner who carries out the death penalty. He often causes psychological problems because he continuously deprives people of their lives. He knows that this is not his responsibility, but he will still be affected.

It is now difficult for Jose to think that this world is truly false. He finally understands why his leader seems to be a bit like a virgin. He has experienced so many other chess game worlds, each time deciding the life and death of countless people. He is still not crazy now, and his mind is extremely strong.

Or perhaps, Cheng Ying had anticipated this a long time ago, in order not to lose his own humanity. And the last bit of bottom line was retained.

Jose didn't know what the real situation was, but he found that he seemed to be unable to drag such a great and innocent country to its demise for the sake of a slim to almost non-existent chance of winning.

"It seems that I am not very suitable for this kind of chess world." Jose shook his head. He was one of the few winners in the simulated battle in the virtual world. But in the face of the truly unpredictable world of chess, it is ultimately somewhat powerless.

"Forget it, since there is almost no possibility of victory, why bother dragging the whole world into the water?" In his heart, Jose was always asking himself, if this time was the final decisive battle, would he because of a little uncertainty? The hope of victory has pulled the whole world into the water.

After thinking about it, I found that the answer is yes, I have to choose between my own country and other worlds. The answer is not suspenseful at all. Although this choice is very selfish, it is undoubtedly human nature. A selfless civilization cannot survive in a cruel universe.

Jose left silently. He suddenly felt that he might as well take root in Rome from the beginning, then climb the technological tree like the chief, and finally end up in Central Asia. Let’s have a decisive battle in an upright manner! In that case, it would be a devastating fight. There will be no psychological burden on both parties.

Because such a war is in line with the will of the two great countries, and all they do is promote the completion of everything.

But there are no ifs in this world. Once a choice has been made, there is no turning back. Jose returned to his base, and the construction of the core base has been basically completed. But he didn't enter,

There is no material pulling the moon to fill the center of the earth.

What follows will not be a conspiracy to annihilate the world, but an upright duel.

The center of the earth is the safest teleportation point, and it is also the most suitable war preparation depot as a weapons warehouse. In this universe, it is difficult to create storage props, but with the help of teleportation, it is actually possible to use the center of the earth as a storage space. .

If a nearly absolutely safe location like the center of the earth is used as a transmission transit, many space techniques that are difficult to use here can be used in battle.

And the individual's combat effectiveness will also be increased to an exaggerated level. Facing a leader with a worrying talent for combat, relying on assassination techniques may not necessarily mean there is no hope at all.

He transported a large amount of weapons and equipment to his shelter in the center of the earth. Since his plan to create a natural disaster and keep it alive for longer has come to nothing, it was just right.

Although Lu Bu and Zhao Yun are strong, they are ultimately constrained by the limits of the human body. When Jose fights tooth and nail, even they can't stop him.

"Ha Qiu~" Cheng Ying rubbed his nose: "I always feel that something bad is going to happen. I advise you to stay away from me recently. It is best to leave Chang'an directly. Otherwise, that guy will jump over the wall and come directly. Assassinate me.

If a fight really breaks out, the impact of the battle may directly kill you instantly. "Cheng Ying said this to Chen Xi, and Chen Xi also believed it. Although he was protected by luck, there was also an immortal protecting him secretly.

But recently the immortal who protected him has become autistic and is doing his best. It can't beat a machine. The most annoying thing is that the machine can still be mass-produced. What's the point of protecting it?

As for Chen Xi's luck, although it is very huge, it will protect him when he is in danger. But because this thing has no consciousness of its own. They can only passively defend, and their defensive capabilities are actually not very strong. If a general is not afraid of being cursed by luck, he can easily break through this layer of defense.

If the traveler on the opposite side really wants to assassinate Cheng Ying, then Bao Buqi will come with a nuclear bomb. The power of the nuclear explosion is a pure physical attack, and the cloud and energy will not weaken it at all. With his fragile little body, his combat power is estimated to be only around 50%. If he was involved in such a battle, he wouldn't even be able to put out a corpse.

"Ahem... I think it's best for you to leave Chang'an City." Chen Xi acted unreasonably, but it was sincere if he could say it to his face: "There are too many civil servants like me living in the city. Well, if you guys start a fight in a place like this, even Liu Tong, not to mention the civil servants, may be affected by you."

"Tsk! You've gone too far! I can leave Chang'an, but you have to send the most capable generals and their headquarters, otherwise I won't be able to defeat that guy. You have also seen that I can only fight with him. I know how to make waves. Who in my right mind would know how to make waves with me?

Anyway, the target of the acquisition is definitely not the emperor, so there is no need for those generals and elites to stay in the palace. "Cheng Ying also shamelessly brought in reinforcements.

[To be continued]

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