Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,399 Oscar’s Luck

In a sense, Oscar in the original work actually has the qualifications of a protagonist. He was born in a poor family, but he has a powerful teacher. He is extremely talented, has an optimistic and cheerful personality, and is ruthless at critical moments. If Tang San hadn't been there, , he is likely to become the protagonist of this era.

This can be seen from the time when he and Tang San were separated. He went to the Soul Beast Forest to hunt soul beasts. Although he was an assistant, he relied on his eloquence and personality charm to let someone hunt a top-quality beast for him. The ten-thousand-year soul beast even obtained the ten-thousand-year soul bone in the fire battle.

Regardless of Poseidon Island's cheating experience, this time away from Tang San was actually the fastest time for him to become stronger.

In addition to Tang San, Ning Rongrong actually limited Oscar's potential to a great extent. Although women can only affect the speed of drawing my sword, this concept is not correct.

But a person's goals often affect his achievements. A person whose goal is just to provide food and clothing and marry a wife, and a person whose goal is to dominate the world and go to the stars and the sea, even if they have the same qualifications, their achievements will be very different.

As an extremely talented civilian soul master, Oscar can actually do a lot during the historical moment of the decisive battle between Wuhun Palace and the family soul master. If done correctly, both sides will suffer losses, and he may even have a chance to take over the legacy of Wuhun Palace. Break the solidification of classes and truly realize the rise of civilian soul masters.

However, he set his goals in life to follow in Tang San's footsteps and marry Ning Rongrong...

Cheng Ying couldn't say that this was due to lack of ambition. After all, he himself was in love with his children and short on heroism. However, such a life goal would definitely limit his potential.

Looking at the Oscars now, what is your goal in life? Civilization is reviving, and it is a hundred times more difficult than Cheng Ying to take the tulip to the sky, and to re-walk the path that the tulip has taken without any soul power.

Looking at his seems that he has no intention of choosing a mate, and he has the aura of "if civilization is not flourishing, why do we have a home?" Chengying thought that he already had such courage...

Hmm... If he had such courage back then, he would probably have died in the far north and been eaten like a cookie by the Ice Emperor. Sure enough, he is still more suitable for hugging thighs...

"Okay! This little guy does have potential, so what? How do we convince him to accept the system? It's not difficult to convince him to accept the system, but how can we ensure that he doesn't abuse the system?" Rong Nianbing raised his concerns .

If the system is kept by him, it can at least be guaranteed not to be abused. But if it is left to Oscar, that is not necessarily the case. After all, he is counting on reviving civilization. How can he not use such a convenient tool like the system?

"Well... I can make it clear that even if he really abuses the system, it won't be a big problem.

Tang San, who has a complete protagonist's aura, can be solved, but Oscar, who has a broken protagonist's aura, is even easier.

How about this! Let's take him to visit the reincarnation disk and let him make his own choice. If he is willing to bear the system as a mortal, we can agree to some conditions for him, and after his civilization develops to a certain level, we will accept his civilization, or help them gain a foothold in the stars. "

Chengying didn't have a good idea. System transfer required the other party's approval, and it was useless to get approval through deception.

"Yeah, that's right. I hope you can convince him that the weaker the person carrying the system is, the better. In this way, even if the system has subjective consciousness, it can't do anything." Rong Nianbing also agreed with this plan.

In a tent in the central area of ​​the survivor camp, Oscar is reviewing this week's catalog of collected materials and handicraft output. The current survivor camp is considered a planned economy. He must formulate the next stage of the plan based on the existing situation. production goals.

Just when he had a headache from calculations and longed for a calculator. A white light flashed before his eyes, and two figures suddenly appeared.

This is a strange scene that is impossible to see in this age of lawlessness. Even Oscar immediately took out his pistol.

"Calm down! Look carefully and see who I am." As Cheng Ying spoke, the gun in Oscar's hand levitated and separated from his fingers.

"You are..." Fuzzy memories came to mind, and the photos I had seen in textbooks came to life: "Tulip Duke! You are not dead!"

"Why is this child so unable to speak?" Although Rong Nianbing said this, he was obviously suppressing a smile.

The veins on Chengying's forehead twitched, and he resisted the urge to curse: "Of course I'm not dead. In fact, the reason I came here this time is to negotiate a deal with you."

"Trade?" Oscar wondered: "I have nothing here, is there anything good to trade? Are you interested in our steel-making furnace that often explodes?"

"Not really." Cheng Ying shook his head. Although the steel furnace he used to hand-made often exploded, it didn't mean that he really wanted to take it back as a souvenir: "We are interested in you."

When these words came out, Oscar's expression suddenly became extremely complicated. In every sense of the word, he was very handsome, and he was exactly the same as Tang San after the Blue Silver Emperor had awakened. It was precisely because of this that he was attracted to There were some subtle misunderstandings.

After struggling for a long time, he replied: "I'm sorry, I don't accept selling myself."

Cheng Ying: "..."

Gan! What is going on in this kid's head?

"You misunderstood, we are not interested in your body." Cheng Ying explained helplessly: "What we are interested in is a certain characteristic of your body. I need to save an item that can bring powerful power to people. , but abuse will bring unknown and huge dangers, and people who have the ability to preserve it are extremely rare, and you have this trait.

Of course, if I just give it to you, it won't be considered a transaction, but a simple gift. I hope you can save this thing and give up its use at the same time. To this end, we can agree to some of your requests. "

Cheng Ying briefly summarized his purpose, and Oscar felt a little relieved. If Cheng Ying wanted his body to do some unspeakable things, he really didn't know if he could make up his mind to refuse for the sake of the future of the camp. .

If you just save one thing, even if it is dangerous, it is not completely unacceptable.

"I always need to know what you can give me and what I want to keep." Oscar did not accept it immediately. He wanted to see what this guy who can still use extraordinary power in the apocalypse would do. How powerful.

"No problem, let's go! Go to Tulip. My ability to pay will definitely not let you down."

While talking, a space door opened next to Cheng Ying.

[To be continued]

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