Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,482 History Museum

The young lady's mind is broad, but Oscar's mind is confused. The stimulation of brain waves and facial cleanser are so strong that even if he boarded the Sky Commercial Street, he still looked confused.

"Come back to your senses! Everyone is gone." Cheng Ying patted Oscar on the shoulder to bring him back to his senses.

"Tulip people...are all like this..." Oscar didn't know how to describe it for a moment.

"From your point of view, it is indeed very open, but this is actually a difference in concepts. People's definitions of certain things will change with the development of the times. Physical contact is nothing to us. The act of intimacy, because human interaction has been taken to another level.

Have you ever experienced the feeling of spiritual connection? In the transformed human body, there are storage permissions that can be accessed. If you are willing, the people with the highest permissions can contact each other and have skin contact. You can receive each other's thoughts and browse all the memories of each other at all times. Ordinary couples cannot. Enable this permission for the other party.

Of course, this kind of physiological structure has also led to some vicious incidents such as some Neptunes cheating dogs and spare tires to grant themselves permissions, and then seizing the opportunity for blackmail. Recently, they have been promoting people to beware of this type of fraud, but unfortunately the results have been little. It’s your wish, but it’s hard for the local police station to intervene..."

Oscar: "..."

Useless knowledge has increased!

"What's for sale here?" Oscar changed the subject.

"Food, clothing, souvenirs, etc. are pretty much the same as other scenic spots!" Cheng Ying explained casually.

"Ah? I thought I would sell mechanical cores, modification parts, biochemical medicines, etc. Isn't that what science fiction novels say?"

Cheng Ying: "..."

He thought so at first, but after he experienced it, he realized that women will always represent the main force of regular consumption, and women will not like these weird things.

"Think about it! When you come to the scenic spot to play, will you drive a mecha? While playing, you will choose new peripherals for the mecha? Is this a beaver? This is not a beaver!"

Oscar thought about it and found it made sense.

"The things you mentioned will be sold in professional stores or online stores, just like hardware stores. The more advanced ones are controlled items and cannot be traded or even held by the private sector.

You can go to the beach to relax, or let's go visit military products next? "Chengying was not interested in costumes when watching the Oscars, so he suggested.

"Let's go directly to the military products! I already believe that you have the ability to pay the transaction remuneration.

They still want me at the camp. If I disappear for too long, there will be problems. "

"Well, you are much more diligent than I was back then." Although Cheng Ying often spent time in the workshop tinkering with inventions, many of them were large toys such as early wind-up off-road vehicles that were very convenient but had no popular value. , is an inventor driven by interest. In comparison, Oscar is much more dedicated.

"If you are in such a hurry, then shorten the process. In fact, new immigrants to tulips have to go through a similar process to get to know today's tulips.

Star Roulette is a relatively representative area, but not all of it. Next we go to the seventh floor, which is where regular information is stored. It houses Tulip's largest server and is also Tulip's largest museum. "

With that said, the two took Oscar and boarded the new elevator. Although teleportation was more convenient, the energy consumption of teleportation was much greater, so they would still choose conventional physical methods to travel.

Different from the first two floors, as soon as you get out of the elevator on this floor, you enter a white and monotonous world. The temperature is a bit cold. You can see staff flying between huge white buildings. Everyone on the building A white square is a door that can be opened. When the door is opened, white cold mist will come out.

"Although the cost of room-temperature superconducting materials has dropped a lot, it has not been fully popularized yet. The upgrading of equipment sometimes takes longer than technological progress. Therefore, many servers still need to maintain ultra-low temperatures inside to be stable. run.

Coming here, there is nothing worth seeing on the seventh floor. There are these pure white server buildings everywhere. The entire floor is filled with servers. If you want to enter the museum, you need to have a special path. "

With that said, Cheng Ying took Oscar to the ground floor of a white building. After entering, Oscar saw many massage chairs, some of which had people lying on them with their eyes closed, as if they were sleeping.

"This is the loading bay of the virtual world. The museum is not in reality, but in the virtual world. You don't have nanomachines, so you have to use a special connection device. The red one is over there. Lie down on it and close your eyes. Just wait for the machine to start.”

After saying that, Cheng Ying and Rong Nianbing also lay down in the loading cabin and connected to the server's internal network.

Entering the server, Oscar was at a loss. He stood on a pale land with no end in sight. In his field of vision was a sky composed of suspended bubbles. Each bubble seemed to be showing a piece of history.

Cheng Ying appeared next to him: "Let's go! Those bubbles are recorded history, some are on-site records, and some are re-photographed afterwards. After all, not every historical moment will be lucky enough to be recorded by someone with a camera.

I think you know the early history of Tulip, so let’s start from the Star Era when we collectively left Douluo Planet! "

"This is the first year of the Star Era. The lunar base is officially completed. What you see is an aerial view taken by a satellite from space."

Oscar found that he had actually entered the bubble, and the surrounding scene had turned into pitch black space. What he wanted to face directly was the moon, but it was different from what he had remembered. There were many hemispherical transparent parts on the moon. The interior of the building is light green and seems to be growing certain crops.

"In the virtual space, you can fly at will and even move instantly. If you are interested, you can go to the surface of the moon to have a look. In fact, you have never known that the lunar base was basically completed before the evacuation.

At that time, the construction of the lunar base relied on low-temperature silicon-based biologically modified base vehicles brought from the Sun and Moon Continent, so you can see that the buildings at that time were very homogeneous, and almost all buildings were based on the same mold. When carved, the difference is only in size. "

Although in Cheng Ying's view, these transparent Japanese melon-like buildings are backward products, they still gave Oscar a huge shock. Human beings can actually take root on the surface of a planet without an atmosphere and build such a building. A magnificent spectacle!

[To be continued]

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