Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1444: Absolute Hit

"What is the hardest object you can make now? Give me one, the bigger the better." Liu Tianxin poked Cheng Ying beside him.

"Is the hollow one okay? The solid one consumes too much." Cheng Ying probably knew what the other party wanted to do.

"Okay, it can be made into something like a steel ball. It's used to break defenses anyway." Liu Tianxin suggested.

Cheng Ying had a look of pain in her balls, "Is this how you use Rich Woman's Happy Ball?" However, he still mobilized his computing power and began to create the hardest substance currently available.

It is still a structure of tightly packed atomic nuclei, but the difference is the arrangement order. Just like the same carbon, some are as soft as graphite, and some are as hard as diamond. Although the principles are completely different, the differences between different atomic nuclei There is also a huge difference in the solidity of the combination and the materials they form.

"In terms of strength, this thing is probably equivalent to a neutron star. After all, the technical level here is limited, and it can only do this for the time being. I made it into a spherical shape, and there is a skeleton support inside, which should be enough."

With that said, Cheng Ying has completed the design. The waves on the white ocean are turbulent, and the chaotic matter has re-condensed into common atoms, and is bound in a powerful force field. The vibrations have weakened, and they have been combined with different atoms to form roots. The extremely strong hollow cylinders are connected end to end and turn into rings nested together, eventually forming a sphere.

The interior of the sphere is densely packed, and criss-crossing brackets support the structure of the sphere to prevent deformation.

Although the weight is very light, the size of the sphere is extremely huge, with a diameter of nearly a kilometer, and it is even larger than Adam who turned into a white human form.

This thing itself has no offensive power. It is only hard when used to hit people, without any damage bonus, but it is enough. When the strength reaches a certain level, the hardness becomes the sharpest weapon.

Adam, whose whole body was wrapped in the Absolute Domain, was almost immune to all of Tulip's attacks. Many weapons that hit the planet could not even leave a single bit of damage on his body.

The light of the soul is often so powerful. As for more powerful weapons? Tulip also has it, but there is no doubt that it is bulky and not easy to use against enemies that can move at high speeds.

"Done, it's up to you!" Cheng Ying threw the huge sphere to Liu Tianxin, trying to destroy the solid defense. It would be enough to use more powerful force.

An arrow that absolutely hits must definitely hit the target, which means that no matter how powerful the defense is, the power of the arrow must be stronger than the maximum limit that the defense can withstand.

Liu Tianxin took the huge solid sphere and threw it out lightly. The sphere flying at this speed can be used by ordinary people without any extraordinary power. It can be easily caught, after all, the mass of this thing is very small.

It's just that this slowly floating sphere didn't show any signs of slowing down after approaching the defense of the absolute realm. The side that is in contact with the realm of the absolute. The surface of the sphere even deformed due to the violent extrusion.

On the surface of the Absolute Realm, layers of hexagonal boxes appeared, which were obviously under tremendous pressure. The most unbelievable thing was that the speed of the sphere did not slow down at all. Even if it is squeezed and deformed. The forwardmost part of the sphere did not slow down at all.

The harsh friction sound could be heard clearly in the core of the entire planet. Faced with the sudden and powerful attack, Adam, who had just gained the power of a god,

Choose the most wrong way to respond. Concentrate all your strength on defense.

He now has the power of a saint, and all enemies are like ants in his eyes. How could he lose to the attack caused by a mere ant?

It's over if you go head-on, you will never lose. So he activated his maximum power, pushed against the flying sphere, and released his strongest absolute field.

But he soon discovered that something was wrong. His all-out reaction actually had a good effect, but it didn't work, so the more effort he put in, the harder he tried. The greater the resistance on the other side.

If you are a normal person, you will probably think about the enemy's attack having certain characteristics at this time. Will adjust its own strength according to the strength of defense.

But there is one point of view in this world that is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and that is that great efforts can produce miracles. This is a universal rule. It has been stipulated that as long as the power is strong enough, almost anything can be done in the world, so when encountering something that cannot be solved, it is right to increase the power!

This caused Adam to make an extremely wrong decision, and he activated the AT force field to the strongest level he could activate. Then... it was crushed without any suspense, and the sphere was almost shattered, but even the fragments were slowly approaching him.

Ka La ~ Ka La ~ Ka Ka La La ~

The Absolute Realm finally couldn't bear it anymore and shattered. The terrifying energy impact swept through the star core and blew away a large amount of chaotic matter. Only the huge sphere remained motionless.

The destruction of the absolute field of full power undoubtedly brought huge backlash to Adam, which frightened him and tried desperately to avoid him, not daring to let the sphere touch him.

However, there is absolutely no need to do this, because even if he does encounter it, he will not be harmed in any way. It would only lightly touch his body surface and then lose all energy and fall off.

"Now!" Liu Tianxin and Cheng Ying realized at the same time that now was the best opportunity to attack. So they all released their most powerful attacks.

The heavy artillery in the orbit of the planet was aimed and fired, blocking the evasion route from all angles. When there was absolute field protection, such an attack would not have much effect, but the absolute field had been destroyed, and the enemy was still in the process of backlash. If it hits, it will definitely be severely damaged.

Liu Tianxin's moves were a bit special. He actually unfolded the inherent barrier, and then merged the inherent barrier with reality: "Come out! My king's army!"

Summoning heroic spirits is not a special ability, but if it can cross the world and summon the most powerful heroic spirits in each world, then the strength of this skill will increase instantly.

Not only that, but what follows is the Infinite Sword System. Powerful treasures appear in their hands. If these weapons are only used for throwing, it is no different from using nuclear warheads to hit people. They can only be held by the heroic spirit. Only in their hands can they show their true power.

There is no doubt that compared to his usual infinite sword system, the power this time will be geometrically increased.

Everyone used the ultimate move to clear the field, and all these forces gathered together and headed towards Adam.

[To be continued]

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