Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1462 Negotiation and Assassination

Three days passed minute by minute, and Snow Emperor did not waver at all. There was no backup of the technical data. After deleting it, even Tulip could only start from scratch. She did not leave herself any room, and it was exactly the behavior of this gambler. , also pushed William into a corner.

The Snow Emperor was not in a hurry, so William finally chose to compromise: "We can talk."

Electromagnetic waves from unknown sources resounded throughout the universe, but Snow Emperor remained unmoved: "I need to see your sincerity, and your true form must come in person! On the reincarnation disk, we have prepared the negotiation table!"

William had read the first puzzle in Snow Emperor's mind, but no matter how hard he tried, he could not solve it, so he had no choice but to negotiate.

He has the highest authority in the universe at present. Even the siege by the Dimensionality Reducers can only drive him away at most, but cannot threaten him. Whether the main body appears is not the key.

Three atoms inadvertently appeared in the center of the reincarnation disk. The gravity generator deflected the direction of gravity, making the reincarnation disk look like a glass supercontinent. William transformed into the image of a blond white man, standing at the negotiation table in the center of the reincarnation disk. .

"I've shown my sincerity, it's your turn."

Snow Emperor was now opposite him, nodded and said: "Yes, but the person negotiating with you will be our negotiator, not me as the leader."

The Snow Emperor did not sit at the negotiation table, but William was not too confused. This was normal for Tulip. It was Tulip's consistent style to let professional people handle professional matters. The Snow Emperor negotiated with him in person, and he will doubt.

At this moment, a violent explosion suddenly came from inside the reincarnation disk. This time, even the Snow Emperor frowned.

"What's going on?" Snow Emperor asked at the mobile terminal.

William also sensed the chaos in the reincarnation disk. A group of powerful militants defeated the dimension reducers who maintained law and order and were heading here to kill them.

There was a sudden riot at this time. It was hard for William not to think that it was Tulip's conspiracy. Snow Emperor did not explain that she had not arranged this matter, but there was no point in explaining it now.

The militants are elucidators. They are an organization completely independent of Tulip. Any actions are decided by themselves. Therefore, even Snow Emperor does not know their purpose, so what she has to do now is not to cooperate, but to do something. Do your job well and maintain order.

Under her order, more dimensionality reducers were sent over, but it was unknown how effective they would be.

There were only three militants, and the one at the front was Di Tian. His body seemed to have been modified and used the body tissue of a dimension reducer, and his strength was no weaker than that of a dimension reducer. Holding the arbitrarily deformable yet absolutely solid Best Metal, he was somewhat invincible amidst the siege of numerous dimensionality reducers.

As the saying goes, civilization is anti-force, democracy is anti-evolution, and science is anti-instinct. Although Tulip's warriors have undergone a lot of professional training, they lack the experience of life and death fighting, and they have no experience of fighting back when they are on the verge of despair. It is similar. They have very limited development of their own fighting talents.

Jia Shentian is a fighting genius that is unique among billions. He has dominated the Douluo Continent for 890,000 years. His combat experience is so rich that ordinary people cannot imagine it. Holding Best Metal is like turning it into one of his own limbs. generally.

The attacks of the Dimensionality Reducers can easily extinguish the stars, but fighting inside the small reincarnation disk, they have to restrain the intensity of their attacks. As a result, Ditian can easily resist their attacks with Best Metal. Although the counterattack cannot break the defense, it still Can knock opponents away.

One person protected the other two and fought all the way to the center of the reincarnation disk.

"It seems that there are a few traitors among you. To show your sincerity, let me help you eliminate these guys!" William felt that these guys were coming for him. Instead of waiting for the other party to sneak up on him, It's better to strike first and kill them.

"We will resolve the Tulip matter internally." Snow Emperor's statement was very strong, but William didn't listen at all. He instantly appeared in front of Di Tian and pointed at Di Tian: "Death!"

Best Metal is only absolutely strong and does not have the ability to block everything. The invisible obliteration is obviously something that Best Metal cannot stop, but the obliteration may not be effective. Ditian himself has undergone a considerable degree of physical transformation, and his mental power is even more powerful. With enhanced specialization, it can resist irregular-level obliteration without the special soul protection of the dimensionality reducer.

It was just the severe pain that made him scream, and the best metal on his body burst out like a hedgehog, turning into a thorn armor.

William used his authority to create a powerful physical attack that hit the Best Metal without any damage. Even if he was a dimension reducer, an attack that would definitely kill him was meaningless for an absolutely solid object.

Di Tian spurted out a mouthful of blood, and the two people behind him blocked the aftermath. Even so, there was still a huge gap above the reincarnation disk, like a large piece of cake being taken away by a spoon.

"Can you confirm it's the real person?" Behind Di Tian, ​​a woman in a tight-fitting combat uniform asked.

"It should be the true body, have you noticed? His body actually has no entity. If it is a clone, it cannot be so fake."

"Is your basis based on your beast-like intuition?" The woman frowned, but she had to admit that Di Tian's intuition has always been strong: "There is not much time, I will take action!"

The woman took out a hand-cranked paper shredder, which was supposed to be used to destroy tickets on buses. Now it can only be seen in museums, but she held it as a weapon.

William frowned. He was unexpected by the hardness of Best Metal. This kind of solidity exceeded the upper limit of this world. Theoretically, there should be no material in this world that he could not destroy. Even the body tissue of the Dimensionality Reducer was cold. Crushed by him. But the situation before him went against his common sense.

"What is that shredder for?" William frowned. He did not feel the threat of death. As a person with authority, his hunch was very accurate. As long as he wanted to, the universe would deduce various scenarios for him. This kind of danger is also the most troublesome point of him. It does not give the dimensionality reducers any chance to besieged.

When there is danger in frontal combat, he will retreat as soon as possible, but this time he did not feel the slightest danger. When something goes wrong, there must be a monster. The unbreakable metal and strange attacks made him murderous. No matter what, He wanted to kill first, but the moment he had this idea, he felt extremely dangerous, as if he would definitely die if he killed him!

[To be continued]

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