Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,471 The Talent of “Trash”

Beibei originally accepted "Huo Yuhao" into the Tang Sect because of his poor life experience. As for his talent, he didn't care much about it. Even if he wanted to, there was nothing he could do about it. He had two levels of innate soul power, and there was nothing worse.

Under normal circumstances, the possibility of becoming a soul master below level 3 is very slim. It is unusual for someone with two levels of innate soul power like him to be able to practice it.

But now it seems that his ability to practice to the point of practice is probably not accidental, but relies on some extraordinary talent. From Beibei's point of view, this child seems to be extremely sensitive to the skills. Instinctively, you can practice in a more efficient and effective way.

Just by his improved Xuantian Technique, the help he will bring to the Tang Sect in the future will be extremely huge, not to mention all the techniques with higher potential that may be developed after his meridians recover.

Although he was originally prepared to teach this child well, after his mentality changed, some details that he would not have explained to him in the first place were revealed bit by bit by Beibei.

Sure enough, as he told the story, "Huo Yuhao" once again adjusted the route of operating the technique. This time, Beibei found that the efficiency of practice was 50% better than the last time.

The speed of Xuantian Kung practice is faster than other techniques, and it has an endless special effect. After being improved at this time, the speed of practice is even more than twice that of ordinary exercises.

This alone is enough to accumulate a lot of information for Tangmen. Such luck is simply more outrageous than picking up a 5 million lottery ticket in a garbage dump.

However, Yake didn't care about this. He also had a more efficient practice route, but he didn't show it because he didn't want to shock the world too much.

"It seems that you have entered the state. Then I will protect you here. You can practice for a day and become familiar with the feeling of the new technique. This is extremely important for you to lay a solid foundation." Originally, Beibei came here to help Tang Ya obtain the third degree. Three Soul Rings, but in order to let Huo Yuhao go through the process of skill transformation smoothly, he decided to stay here for a while.

But even in the chess game world, there is a certain plot inertia. That night, a snake attacked their camp. Even if they lit a fire, a thousand-year-old mandala snake lurked over and was discovered by Tang Ya, who was on alert.

Mandala Snake is a classic supporting role in Douluo World. Basically, it has to die several times in every movie, and here is no exception.

Datura snakes have average fighting power and fairly good toxicity. What is more distinctive is the horn on the top of its head, which can spray poisonous gas. If you are careless, you may be hit.

Cheng Ying woke up Yake who was practicing: "Hey! It's your turn, it's your turn, it's your show-off time! This time it's your turn to use the mental detection I gave you to assist Beibei!"

Yak shook his head when he heard this: "It's not necessary. Spiritual detection is a very practical skill. Although in another world, you are a teacher who teaches all peoples. But the knowledge you have in this world is not enough. The next step is to Let me tell you how to use mental detection correctly?"

In the real world, amid Tang Ya's exclamations, Huo Yuhao stood up from sitting cross-legged and rushed towards the mandala. With his cultivation level of only tenth level. Using the white first soul ring to rush forward is no different from sending someone to death.

But now it was too late for him to stop him. He saw "Huo Yuhao" stepping on the ghost shadows with great skill, showing more dexterity than Tang Yalai, the head of the Tang Sect.

Even Beibei didn't have time to stop him, Yak had already arrived in front of the Mandala Snake. Facing the thousand-year soul beast, Yak didn't even need to use his own absolute characteristics to defeat the opponent.

Mental detection allows Yak to clearly see the flow of the opponent's soul power, muscle contraction, and even analyze the electrical signals in the enemy's nerves. Relying on these, Yak can accurately analyze the enemy's weaknesses, and he has formulated a feasible The bug feature of the plan will never fail. Facing this mandala snake, there is no possibility of failure.

I saw the Datura Snake raising its upper body, as if it might attack at any time, but Yake didn't panic and pointed his finger at the Datura Snake's forehead.

The Datura Snake's reaction was much faster than that of Yak, and it immediately made an evasive action, but its avoidance just sent its neck to Yak's fingers.

He just tapped the Datura Snake's neck, causing the Datura Snake to convulse violently as if it was electrocuted.

"How did you do it?" Cheng Ying watched in astonishment as Yak just stretched out his fingers and pointed at different places on the mandala's body without any fuss, causing the mandala snake to struggle in agony. There was no room for counterattack.

"It's very simple. Have you ever banged a muscle? Do you feel like you can't move even half of your body?

Similar weaknesses exist in almost every animal, but the muscles are constantly moving, so the locations of these weaknesses are not fixed, making it difficult to capture them with the naked eye.

But mental detection is different. It allows me to see the flesh and blood texture of my opponent, and I can easily capture the trajectory of the weak points. I am slower and less powerful than my opponent, but I have the power to defeat the enemy with one blow, so he can only A futile struggle like this.

This level of fighting skills is completely entry-level in the eyes of Tulip's professional athletes, but it is more than enough to deal with this mandala snake.

Even if you don't have any soul power at all, an ordinary person's body can still produce quite strong combat power, provided you know the enemy's weaknesses. "After Yak finished explaining, the Datura Snake had fallen to the ground, foaming at the mouth.

If there are weaknesses that can make it tingle all over, there will naturally be weaknesses that can seriously injure or even paralyze it. Yak's movements are not fast, but it only takes less than ten steps to subdue the Datura Snake. He waits for Beibei to rush over. By that time, all that was left on the ground were datura snakes that had been half-dead for a day.

"How... did you do that? Is it a special soul skill?" Beibei mentioned the seven inches of the half-dead mandala snake, which was probably equivalent to seven inches. After all, this snake was too big.

"It's my first soul skill, mental detection and sharing. I can see the flow of the enemy's soul power and muscle movements, so that I can directly attack the enemy's weaknesses." Yake explained lightly, but Beibei was very interested. How difficult it is to clearly and accurately determine where the weakness is and seize the opportunity to attack.

This requires an extremely calm mind and extremely decisive judgment. This "Huo Yuhao" may not have physical talent, but his combat talent is definitely the best!

[To be continued]

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