Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,473 Soul Guidance System

Liu Tianxin's guess instantly made the other two people break into cold sweats. It has to be said that his guess is reasonable and meets the requirement of identity equality first. The protagonist and the remnant soul of a thousand-year-old ghost who can single-handedly fight against the entire continent are basically equal beings.

Secondly, there is no rule that the opponents in the duel cannot appear in the same body. If Electrolux is really the opponent this time, then they will be too passive. First of all, the intelligence of the chess game world has been exposed. Opponents have figured out how to win.

Secondly, the enemy is in the dark and we are in the light, and people live in their own minds. There is a possibility of counter-attack at any time, which is simply fatal.

"Ahem, the bold assumption is correct, but we still need to be careful to verify it. Although there is a possibility that Electrolux is our opponent, I think the possibility is not too big. Although there are no regulations in this regard in the chess world, generally The spawn points of the two chess players will not be set too close," Yake explained.

"Actually, it's easy to prove this, isn't it? As long as we kill him. His knowledge actually doesn't have much effect on us. After the broken soul is strangled, we can swallow it and inherit his power. This will not only remove He has eliminated hidden dangers and enhanced his own strength, so why not?" The sneer on Liu Tianxin's face was chilling.

"I said... you're not serious about coming, are you? Didn't we have a good conversation before? Why did you suddenly fall out with each other?" Cheng Ying felt that the atmosphere was a bit awkward. Trying to smooth things over.

However, he didn't expect that Liu Tianxin followed the spiritual link and stole part of his power, and Yak turned a blind eye to it. Let Liu Tianxin control Cheng Ying's mental power and crush him towards Electrolux.

"What are you doing?" Electrolux, who was addicted to the memory library, was unprepared and was knocked over by this.

"Kill you!" What Liu Tianxin had in his hand was the processed mental power. The originally loose and loose spiritual power was processed into a sharp blade. Even if Electrolux's soul was extremely tough, he would die if he was penetrated by such an attack.

"Why..." The chest of Electrolux's spiritual body was penetrated, and his breath was extremely weak, as if it would dissipate at any time.

"Although I don't know if you did it on purpose, in a sense, our cooperation is perfect." Yake suddenly appeared at the moment when Electrolux's consciousness was about to disappear, injecting the mental power he had prepared in advance, and turned his Consciousness reawakens the spiritual body and repairs it again.

"Holy crap? When did you two plan this? Am I the only one who was kept in the dark about the co-writing?" Cheng Ying looked at Electrolux who had come back from the dead, and his mood exploded.

"No, I didn't plan anything with him? I was really determined to kill Electrolux. After all, only in this way can we test whether he is really the enemy hiding around us. I was It was very clear that only if I was determined to kill him would he have any chance of surviving. "

Electrolux: "..."

Although he was not injured, what just happened cannot be explained by a bad prank.

Chengying had no choice but to explain the whole story in person. He was the most innocent one and had never had any murderous intentions, so only his words could make Electrolux listen.

"I can understand your choice, but after many things happen, you can't just pretend they didn't happen. At least you have lost my trust to a certain extent."

" seems that we are more trusted by you." Cheng Ying shrugged: "If we were enemies, there would be no need to say this, right?"

"Indeed." Electrolux nodded: "Knowledge is always worth exploring, and there is knowledge here that I may not be able to explore in my lifetime. At least there are no special circumstances. I will not leave on my own initiative."

In a sense, this is a real fragrance.

The confrontation in the spiritual world was not noticed by Beibei in reality. This time, the group of people had almost obtained the soul rings. In this way, there was no need to continue to stay in the dangerous forest.

The four of them hurried on, heading in the direction of Shrek Academy. Even if you don't plan to join the Tang Sect, it's impossible not to join Shrek in this era.

Whether it is teachers or teaching resources, Shrek is undoubtedly the strongest. Of course, Chengying and the others don't really need teachers and teaching resources. What they need more are outstanding soul master students.

In the future, to resist the brutal rule of the gods and overthrow the ruthless oppression of the proletarians by vested interests, this is what is needed. The three views have not yet been fully established. Children whose values ​​have not been completely brainwashed by the soul master system.

Compared to students, the two of them actually wanted to apply to become teachers, but it was a pity that Shrek Academy couldn't accept them because they only had one soul ring. And there is only a ten-year-old kid as the teacher.

Considering that traditional soul masters are very proud, and would even make stupid decisions like not to fake foreign objects, and are proud of it, the two of them are more inclined to join the soul guidance system.

This makes Beibei feel very sorry for the two of them. This is like the time when liberal arts and sciences were separated into separate subjects. In a school where science is extremely strong, a child who is very talented in science chose a liberal arts major. It is really embarrassing. It gives people a sense of loss that is a waste of natural resources.

However, the thoughts of the three time travelers are relatively consistent. Children of the martial soul system all have strong talents. Their arrogance has been engraved in their bones since they were young. They naturally look down on those children with mediocre talents and can only choose the soul guidance system. . Such a mentality is very inconvenient for education and guidance.

In contrast, students who choose the soul guidance department may still have the inherent impression that soul masters are invincible, but after all their thinking is much more open-minded, easier to guide and educate, and easier to organize.

After some achievements are made here, let the students of the Soul Guidance Department smash the pride of the Soul Guidance Department. This way, it will be easier to re-guide the children of the Soul Guidance Department and reshape a new world view.

The instructor at Shrek Academy was completely unaware. The two students in front of me haven't even joined the academy yet, and they are already thinking about how to poach them.

As for the exams and entrance exams, there is no difficulty for them both, especially the soul guidance department exams, which are more about testing patience, proficiency and spatial imagination. These two of them, even as ordinary people, are extremely good at it. Naturally, they passed easily. Their excellent results allowed them to become other people's children, which also created the foundation for them to open private tutoring classes.

[To be continued]

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