Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,484 Black technology to enhance combat effectiveness

In various senses, the current Sun and Moon Empire has far surpassed the Douluo Continent Three Kingdoms. The combat effectiveness of the regular army is several times or even ten times that of the Douluo Three Kingdoms. If the high-end powerhouses include the evil soul masters of the Holy Spirit Sect, That's basically no worse than Douluo's.

What is missing now is only an opportunity to launch a war, and to cultivate enough grassroots management to take over the captured territory of the Douluo Three Kingdoms as soon as possible. Now that the war is about to break out, no accidents are allowed.

The changes in the Douluo Three Kingdoms were within the range that the Sun-Moon Empire could cope with, which made the senior officials breathe a huge sigh of relief. The Sun-Moon Empire's biggest reliance on crushing the Douluo Three Kingdoms was the linked soul guide. This type of soul guide , can connect the soul powers of different people together and use large-scale attack and defense capabilities.

Even Extreme Douluo may not be able to break through the joint defensive soul guidance position used by thousands of soul masters gathered together in a short time. This has a crushing advantage over Douluo's traditional soul master army.

The level of linked soul guides is generally very high, and the composition is extremely complex. It is divided into mobile terminals for each person, and more complex hosts. The mobile terminals are related to the user's soul guide level, and the hosts are often level seven or above. There is no doubt that these soul guidance tools are not mass-produced by Douluo. No matter how many ordinary first-level soul guidance tools there are, they cannot threaten the linked soul guidance position.

At most, these soul guides can allow those simple soul masters to gain some increase in combat effectiveness, allowing soul masters of the food system and auxiliary system, who are not very good at fighting, to have the ability to fight on the frontal battlefield.

But that's all. The combat effectiveness of the soul masters of the Douluo Three Kingdoms is already very strong. With the addition of these weak first-level soul guides, the increase is actually very limited.

While the Sun and Moon Empire was relaxing its vigilance, Ma Huayun's team was urgently trying to decipher the core formations of the secondary soul guides. If they wanted to simplify these formations, the formulas left by Cheng Ying would no longer make sense. They must find ways to use the knowledge they have learned to derive new formulas on their own.

There is no doubt that the core array of the second-level soul guide is much more complicated. Although Ma Huayun has changed from a dragon slayer to a dragon, the way of thinking he learned from Cheng Ying has not changed yet. Since it is too difficult to directly derive the formula of the second-level core array, then choose the formula that you have derived to the first-level core array to sum up your experience.

When there is a correct answer, trying to find a way to move up is more difficult than a blind person trying to figure out an elephant. It is much lower. Gradually, they have figured out how to deduce the simplified formula of the first-level core magic array. The door is open.

Thinking about it, it won't be long before they can achieve major technological breakthroughs, and these technical talents who participated in the research will be valuable assets in the future.

Cheng Ying did not put too much energy on them. Society is developing in an upward spiral. Capitalists are undoubtedly progressive compared with feudal landlords. At this stage, Ma Huayun still has considerable progressive significance. To overthrow him is It is unnecessary and is setting the clock back for history. The working class is far from being formed. Huayun Group's attitude towards ordinary people is far from being exploitative. The wheel of history will continue to roll forward slowly, but Yake and Liu Tianxin are more concerned about increasing their own strength.

It’s not that they have become obsessed with great power again and attribute it to themselves, but that this era is inherently unsafe. Even if you want to lead the rise of civilization, you need to have the ability to settle down and live in peace. And the two of them’s definition of the ability to settle down and live in life is obviously different from this. Normal people on the mainland are a little different.

For example, what they think is the ability to settle down and live in a stable life is to be able to beat an Ultimate Douluo to death with one punch, which is barely enough. But to achieve this step, it obviously requires considerable effort.

Cheng Ying finally saw that Liu Tianxin had a talent for scientific research on weapons. He was always good at transforming various technologies into weapons that could be used in battle.

They also learned very quickly how to train their bodies. Although they joined the Soul Guidance Department, they never stopped training their bodies.

As for Tulip's exercise method, it is no longer limited to running, push-ups, sit-ups and other exercises. Every muscle in the human body can be exercised, and even muscles that do not exist can be grown through exercise.

They seem to be living a normal life every day, but every moment, the muscles in their bodies are undergoing high-intensity exercise. If you observe carefully, you can see that their skin-like muscles are squirming like little snakes. That's proof of their constant exercise.

After developing their physical potential to a certain level, their pure physical strength is already quite terrifying. They can explode their muscle power with all their strength. One punch can make the soul emperor's eyes full of stars. It's the real me. With one punch, you may To the point of death.

If an ordinary soul master without any training skills wanted to reach their level, they would have to eat a lot of genius treasures. But all the two paid was high daily food expenses and a lot of meat. Vegetables are consumed crazily by two people, and stomach exercise is undoubtedly an important part of exercise. The first thing to learn is how to make the digestive system absorb the food in the most efficient way. Obviously, the two of them The training in this area is very hard, and he eats like a rice bucket.

The result is that every time they punch, they can mobilize the strength of almost every muscle fiber in the body. Of course, this is just a chassis for insurance and a last resort.

As a civilized person, how can you simply rely on your muscles to speak? A strong body of muscles can indeed bring considerable strength, but in comparison, mechanical strength is easier to come by and more powerful.

The soul guidance device made by the two people has long been no longer limited to levels, and there is no core magic circle. Instead, the magic guidance circuit is divided into more detailed and professional functional blocks according to a more detailed division of labor, which reminds me of the computer. Various components are common.

For two people who have just entered a brand new world, the rules of the world have not yet been explored clearly, and the level of technology is limited, both the power armor and the mecha seem a bit flashy.

Face the enemies of this era. The most effective one is actually a tank with rough skin and thick flesh, a strong shield and a powerful main gun. Although this thing is not as flexible and handsome as a mecha, it is not as durable as a mecha, and its structure is simple. It is really needed. If so, it can appear like a wave like T34.

[To be continued]

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