Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,486 Biodiversity Research

After Liu Tianxin conducted a simple sampling analysis, he determined that the poisonous gas here contained a large number of microorganisms. On the one hand, these microorganisms would enter people with breathing, just like conventional bacteria and viruses. Invasion of the body's immune system is known as toxicity.

On the other hand, they will eat organic matter directly from the surface in contact, which is corrosive to organisms. After testing, these microorganisms will also secrete acidic substances that are extremely corrosive to metals, and they themselves have similar multicellular properties. The structure has relatively sharp mouthparts that can destroy the oxide film on the metal surface.

In addition, the mist will also be absorbed by the soul power shield. The mist, which itself contains a large amount of soul power, will be concentrated on the surface of the soul power shield, which will cause more and more microorganisms to adhere to the surface. Significantly increases shield consumption.

In other words, most conventional methods will cause considerable trouble when entering this toxic mist.

Fire and frost can indeed restrain the fog, and the reason is very simple. They can kill microorganisms in the fog, but these fogs are controlled by plant-type soul beasts, and they will have a certain initiative to target those who release flames and frost. attack.

"It's a bit troublesome, but it's not a big problem! I think we can try to fight poison with poison. It doesn't sound good to say that. It should be called biological control." Yake touched his chin and put the petri dish containing the microbial extract back under the microscope. I rummaged through the car to find various deeds and started making arrangements.

"You once said that you must use magic to defeat magic." Yak explained to Cheng Ying who lived in his spiritual sea: "When encountering such a difficult situation, it is often the easiest and most efficient way to use the power of others to defeat the enemy. method.

The reagents I prepared can induce mutations to a certain extent. The focus is not on mutations, but on changing the recognition receptors of the original microbial protagonists. These microorganisms are too small in size to have overly complex thinking, or even to be called them at all. For wise thinking. The method of identifying similar species relies entirely on the pheromones released by itself and the receptors on the body surface.

Next I'm going to give our body surface and our vehicle surface. Coating them with specific pheromones so that microorganisms that we cultivate and change their surface receptors will not attack us. "

"Wait, they won't attack us. These microorganisms in your petri dish and those in the mist will not recognize the pheromones in our car!" Chengying didn't react for a while.

"The reason is very simple. The microorganisms in my petri dish will not recognize us as enemies, and the microorganisms in the poisonous gas will not regard the microorganisms in the petri dish as enemies. But the microorganisms behind the icon in the petri dish will actively Those who prey on other microorganisms! With their reproduction speed, it won't take more than a day to replace the entire poisonous miasma, and then we can go in without hesitation." Yak shrugged and said that it was that simple. It has no soul power at all, but it is very scientific.

"As promised, we are here to investigate biological diversity? Why do we want to commit genocide right after we come here?" Liu Tianxin complained, but it was also clear that the mutated microorganisms are actually the same as the original ones at the ecological structure and genetic level. The difference is very small, it just changes the identification of friend or foe. You can even continue to coexist with the plant spirit beasts here.

The process of replacing the new generation of microorganisms was very smooth. One day later, the drone that once again dived into the poisonous gas, as if it were in an uninhabited land, successfully arrived inside the Ice and Fire Eye, and transmitted the scene inside.

"It looks like there's nothing wrong." The two of them applied pheromones on their bodies and checked that their weapons and vehicles were in good condition and had been wrapped in pheromones, so they set off to the interior of the Ice and Fire Eye.

"The Jade Scale Seven Ultimate Flower! It is said to be a plant-type soul beast that is very suitable for plant-type martial spirits. You can possess it by absorbing its soul ring. It has the same powerful toxicity as him. However, according to our previous conclusion, the toxicity of this flower should be It comes from the microorganisms that live with it. Is it possible that after absorbing this kind of soul ring, the human body can also live with this kind of microorganism?" Cheng Ying murmured.

"It's possible that the rules of soul power in this world are different from the one we used to have, so I'm not sure how the soul ring works here. Is it the same as before?

arrive! Speaking of which, this place is still a bit dangerous for us. There are no less than ten hundred thousand year soul beasts in the valley. Fortunately, the plant type and soul beasts are not very aggressive, and due to the limitations of their movement capabilities, their territories are relatively small. narrow. It is basically impossible to face two 100,000-year-old plant-type soul beasts at the same time. "Jacques got out of the car first.

Looking into the sky from here, you can see clouds shrouded in colorful mist. The sun shines down from the clouds, making it colorful and like a fairyland.

"Who are you? Why did you break into our territory?" A big pink flower suddenly spoke human words, causing both of them to turn their attention.

"If my guess is correct, this one should be the Fragrant Qiluolan." Liu Tianxin touched his nose and felt that it was a bit of the uncanny valley, a flower without a nose and eyes. The way he talks to you while imitating the movement of opening his mouth to speak is really a bit scary, even though the flower is actually quite pretty. When it moves like this, it becomes scary.

"Hello, we are members of the Douluo Biodiversity Scientific Expedition Team. We are here to investigate the biodiversity here. We will accumulate valuable experience for future management of ecological disasters. We hope you can cooperate with our investigation."

Youxiang Qiluolan: "???"

He originally thought that those who came here would be people from the Tang Sect. If they were, as long as they accepted the test, they could take away the seven kinds of immortal grass from here. If they were intelligent 100,000-year-old soul beasts, they could take them away. of essence.

But these two people now are obviously not from the Tang Sect. And it looks easy to come in. This really makes Hua Xin doubtful.

"We do not welcome strangers to enter here. If you are from the Tang Sect, please prove your identity. If you can prove it, you can take away seven kinds of fairy grass from here. If not, please leave. I will not I don’t want to use force here.”

Hearing this, Liu Tianxin patted the hood and said: "Actually, we don't mind using force at all. If you don't believe me, you can try it and see who is more powerful, the power of your 100,000-year-old soul beast or the power of a small cold nuclear fusion reactor." Bigger? I'm also very curious, so I brought a lot of spare nuclear fuel with me. I hope you can satisfy my curiosity."

[To be continued]

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