Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,490 Stewed indiscriminately

The development of physical limits is very important for two people. The improvement of soul power is actually very slow without affecting their own potential. In contrast, improving physical fitness is actually simpler, and there are no bottlenecks. As long as the method is correct and the perseverance to persist, anyone can train themselves to the limit of the human body.

Instead of being human and breaking the limits of the human body, their exercise will continue to play an important role in improvement.

"If we want to break through the physical limits, where should we start?" Although Liu Tianxin has been supplementing his knowledge these days, in terms of knowledge, compared with Yake, who has lived for more than three hundred years, he is still not as good as There is a big difference. Even if he recovers his memory, he will still be at a disadvantage in terms of pure knowledge reserve.

There is no shame in asking others for advice. Yake also gave the answer: "We want to increase the limit of the human body, and the simplest way is to increase the number and speed of cell division.

Strictly speaking, when we exercise, it is actually harmful to our health. To be precise, for a healthy enough person, it is harmful to our health to continue exercising in addition to exercising to maintain a healthy body.

You also know very well that the reason why we can improve through exercise relies on overcompensation, that is, we first lose a certain number of cells and then replenish more. Under normal circumstances, the number of cell divisions in the human body is limited. . If regular and heavy exercise leads to the death of a large number of muscle cells, it will actually affect lifespan. Many athletes suffer from various injuries as they age. It also has something to do with this.

Increase the number of cell divisions and increase cell activity. It is for overcompensation in our exercise. But this is only the lowest goal, which is our guarantee. That is, we will only try this if other goals cannot be accomplished. "

Liu Tianxin nodded. In fact, it is easy to understand if you think about it, although their training methods are very scientific. It can exercise every muscle of the human body most efficiently and to the greatest extent. It simultaneously strengthens tendons, bones, and even skin, but ultimately, it's a very inefficient exercise.

Overcompensation also relies on the body's instinct. Cells must be lost before they can be replenished. But since the human body can replenish itself and replenish more. In theory, it can directly generate more muscle cells. It's also very simple. It can even temporarily generate more muscle cells during combat. When they are no longer needed, these cells can be converted back into stem cells and stored in the body.

This is to increase the speed and number of cell divisions, which is why they are trying to guarantee this time. This is indeed the worst result for them.

But if other soul masters take it directly, it can achieve a small increase in the number of cell divisions, which is already very good. It is impossible to even think about recovering from injuries as quickly as Wolverine.

"Our higher-level goal is to strengthen our nervous system. Strengthen our control over the body, so that we can spontaneously control the secretion of hormones and regulate body rhythms.

Our body itself is an incredibly sophisticated machine, but our brain is just an ordinary machine user. To put it simply, our brain does not have administrator rights, just like when we use an Apple phone, we have no choice Looking at the files stored in the system, there is no way to directly change the operation of an application from the code level.

The same goes for the brain for the body. We can only use it, but many basic functions cannot be controlled. For example, we can control breathing, hold our breath, or stop breathing. But we can't control the heartbeat, so he just actively stops the heart, which can't be done for a few seconds.

And gaining administrator rights over our bodies is one of the goals this time. As long as we have complete control over our bodies, we can do many incredible things.

During combat, we actively speed up our heart's beating speed, secrete adrenaline, and enter a state like bullet time.

Or, after eating the food. Control the rapid peristalsis of the stomach, speed up food digestion, and allow us to replenish energy as quickly as possible. After obtaining administrator rights, we can grow muscles wherever we want. We can say goodbye to tiring and inefficient exercise. All we have to do is become familiar with the body that has been modified by ourselves, that's all.

After being able to control all administrator rights of the body, the nervous system will also become extremely developed, and the nerve fibers can receive more powerful and multiple electrical signals, and can even be released as an attack. With precise frequency control, you can cause your enemies to suffer cardiorespiratory arrest. "

Yake said, continuing to test and mix many jelly grasses: "As for our ultimate goal this time, it is to transform our bodies into a biochemical factory, the human mother's nest, so that we can produce what we need in the body. Material can even literally pull a knife out of your chest.”

Cheng Ying: "..."

Liu Tianxin: "..."

It's not a girl, they are very sorry, it's really a pity that they can't use the milky knife.

"The last situation I'm talking about is that after our ability to control the body has exceeded a certain critical point, we can already edit the physiological structure of the body at will, delete or add certain organs through our own thoughts, and achieve special functions.

For example, if you want to connect directly to the computer, you can let your nerve grow into a USB interface, plug it in, and you can directly read the information in the computer. If you have to describe it, it is a bit like the movie you have watched, super The heroine in the body, but not as perverted as him.

Her ability to go back in time and see through history even surpasses Tulip's technological level, and is a standard black technology. Although we can't do that, if you want, you can grow a launch hole on your arm that spits out acid, fireballs, etc.

So this is a very inefficient way of fighting, but the advantage is that you can look handsome. After all, whether you are strong or not is a matter of version, and whether you are handsome or not is a matter of life. "

Cheng Ying and Liu Tianxin nodded, deeply agreeing. Anyway, facing Douluo's new group of rookies, there was basically no need to use all their strength. Being handsome is, of course, a very important thing.

"Well... the preparation is almost complete. A total of seventeen kinds of herbal extracts are used, so in theory it can indeed turn our bodies into factories. However, it has not been clinically tested, and I don't know what effect this thing will have. . In short, just do it, just do it.”

[To be continued]

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