Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1491: Switch externally attached soul bones at will

Cheng Ying was extremely clear about the changes in the body he was staying in. He could even feel and even affect the heartbeat frequency. At this moment, he was amazed by the changes in this body.

From a macro perspective, the flesh and blood in the body began to squirm rapidly, assembled and assembled into new organs. After synthesizing certain substances, they changed back again.

This process seems a bit ghastly, like being polluted by some deep-sea evil god and becoming a descendant of the evil god. The wriggling flesh and blood can regenerate and reorganize organs at will, as well as unknown substances synthesized in the organs. It just looks extremely evil, and its arms can even grow tube-like eyes like a parasitic beast.

However, from a microscopic perspective, this seemingly chaotic and evil process is actually very orderly. That is a process of a series of somatic cell combinations.

Special compounds combine to give stem cells an exoskeleton, connecting multiple cells together to form a structure similar to the simplest, multicellular organisms in the human body.

This multicellular structure can be easily driven to death when faced with normal multicellular organisms, but it has unparalleled advantages when faced with bacteria and viruses. Basically, it can be said that any bacteria and viruses have no resistance in front of them. .

It's like a person with hands and feet. Facing a slow-moving sea cucumber, unless you swallow the sea cucumber and choke to death, the possibility of being counterattacked is almost non-existent.

These miniature multi-cellular structures shuttle around the body, destroying harmful foreign substances, and can also be pieced together to form brand new organs. Because the cells that make up them are essentially stem cells, they are almost omnipotent. The outer layer of exoskeleton can induce differentiated somatic cells into pluripotent stem cells when they are not needed, and can move freely in the body again.

This is not actually a groundbreaking idea. In fact, it is actually a quite primitive biological structure. When multicellular life was born, there were not so many cells with complex functions, and these stem cells that can deform at will are Traveling through the ancient animal bodies of that time. It is responsible for transporting nutrients, transporting gases, and eliminating harmful substances in the body. When necessary, it can even temporarily replace certain organs in the body.

The medicinal effect of fairy grass is just a copy of this structure. For humans who have evolved from single-cell organisms, this instinct already exists in the genes, and it can be stimulated through certain means, and external Bones can also make these cells stronger than original stem cells.

"In short... we seem to have succeeded, but if you want to use it, you need to be distracted and have a certain degree of knowledge." Liu Tianxin felt the changes in his body, and suddenly opened his palm, and a nozzle appeared in his mouth at the same time. Inside the palm, cells begin to secrete synthetic explosives after the two liquid substances are mixed. Release a violent explosion. Then shock waves erupted from his palm. A huge water column exploded on the lake more than ten meters away.

"Although it is only a relatively superficial application, the effect is already good." As Yake spoke, a pair of wings grew out of his back, as if he had soul bones attached to the outside. He spread his wings and flew.

"Damn! Why can you take off directly?" Liu Tianxin also tried to build wings, flapped a few times, and almost fell into the lake.

"Of course it's because I have dual-core control here! I don't need to be distracted at all. I can even control it with three cores if I want. Now I kind of understand the protagonist of the novel. Why do you always like to bring an old man with you?" Yake A rare childish smile appeared.

Immediately afterwards, the two of them began to try various different organs. Sometimes it's the tubes that grow on the body that can launch high-speed cannonballs, and sometimes it's the sharp blades popping out from the fingers. If you want, it's not difficult to grow a spider amputation on your back to disguise the Eight Spider Spears.

As for toxins, that's even simpler. What other toxins can be more destructive to the human body than a micro-multicellular structure with an exoskeleton. They can even directly cause damage at the macro level with the combined power of several four-year-old capillaries. The human immune system is defenseless against them. Even giant macrophages. They can also be cut into pieces by their deformed limbs, and the corrosive substances released will not stick to them at all.

Although these are not externally attached soul bones, they are no worse than real externally attached soul bones, and are even more convenient.

Cheng Ying helped Yake control his muscles and laboriously formed a cylindrical structure on his arm. A beam of light shot out from it, burning the ground in the distance into darkness.

"Successful! I said it is possible to release laser light from the human body." Cheng Ying said excitedly: "Since there are cells that can emit light, in theory, the brightness of this light can be enhanced, but the power is a bit unsatisfactory. "

Liu Tianxin looked at the small burnt black spot on the ground and nodded: "Such a small wound still needs a certain amount of time to be irradiated. The effect in actual combat is indeed not very good. But you can change your mind. Don't attack. The enemy's body is directly aimed at their eyes. If you hit their pupils with this thing, they will basically be blinded. And you still have multiple cores, and you can control them all at the same time. "

It has to be said that Liu Tianxin does have excellent fighting talent. As soon as any weapon was born, he could think of a suitable way to use it.

"It's almost time to leave, then you said we have almost plundered this place." Cheng Ying said cheerfully: "The gangster-like character you two displayed must be very appreciated by the one in the God Realm. Well, after all, this is exactly the same character as him."

The two of them basically plundered all the renewable resources in the eyes of Ice and Fire. Although they did not reveal that they could produce these substances, they were able to rely on the function of these treasures to deceive others, and they could use any shocking abilities in the future. The guys who were spying on them would also think that they had eaten too much jelly grass and had mutated.

"Although it can only show the power of the attached soul bone, it is indeed very convenient." The third eye opened in the center of Yake's forehead. Originally, this was supposed to be the Eye of Destiny given to him by the Emperor's auspicious beast, which required soul power. It can only be used after reaching a certain level of mental power and breaking through, but now it can be activated easily.

Relying on the special and exquisite structure of this eye, he can increase his mental power output to three times the original. Chengying's huge mental power controls this eye, and he can easily scan the surrounding area for dozens of miles. .

Now, it seems that three uninvited guests are approaching.

[To be continued]

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