Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,493 The Pursuit of the Holy Spirit Cult

Liu Tianxin's palm sprayed out a high-temperature, high-pressure, and high-speed metal jet, which easily broke through the old man's body defense. What followed was horrific destruction. When dealing with tanks, the metal jet would enter the cockpit and then burn. Burn the driver or detonate the ammunition.

But here, there is no cockpit, breaking through the body's surface defense, and there is only a fragile body inside. The high temperature of the metal jet destroys the body crazily, burning the body full of holes, and the internal organs are even more terrible.

The old man wailed, and the soul power in his body was like a blown balloon. Liu Tianxin was blown away easily like a leaf, but he did not suffer any harm. Spread your wings and float in the air. Facing the last remaining old man. He showed no mercy at all.

A white substance like spider silk popped out of his wrist. He quickly pulled himself into the old man's side. At the same time, the other party also realized that he couldn't escape. He chose the character to fight back, wanting to die with his opponent.

Although it was too embarrassing to die together with a first-ring soul master. But at this time, he no longer regards the other party as a first-ring soul master. The soul ring on his opponent seemed to be taunting him. He even thought it might be some kind of soul beast in disguise.

Just like anglerfish in the deep sea, they will use the small lanterns on their heads to lure prey and swim into their mouths. That soul ring-like existence is probably such a bait to make the enemy underestimate their own strength. .

His method of choosing to die together was also very simple. He released his strongest eighth soul skill. The souls imprisoned in his body were all burned and transformed into the power of this attack. His fists were wrapped with a layer of lethargy. A blinding white light.

"Good guy! You are outrageous!" Liu Tianxin did not stop because of the opponent's attack. He directly released the steel core armor-piercing bullet in his arm. The armor-piercing bullet contained violent toxins. Even if some of the opponent's organs were shattered, Existences that can continue to survive will also die under the erosion of poison.

Faced with an attack that could severely damage Contra, Liu Tianxin did not panic at all, and just let the opponent's fist penetrate his body. Then he watched helplessly as his opponent fell in front of him with a look on his face.

Indeed, his fist penetrated Liu Tianxin's body, but it did not hurt him at all. He did not even touch him. He only blasted a crater of tens of meters in the hill behind him.

You can't see clearly until the light of the attack dissipates. Liu Tianxin's abdomen turned into a weird O-shape. There was a hole in her abdomen that people couldn't understand, as if she was born like this. Not only the appearance, but also the internal organs were squeezed into a ring. It can be said that although the power of this punch was huge, it did not touch his body at all.

No matter how powerful the attack is, what's the use if he can't hit it? Who would have thought that his body can deform like plasticine? Let the opponent's fist pass directly through your body without causing any damage.

This time his opponent can be said to be dead, and he is quite determined to die.

"It's a bit weak! I haven't tested my abilities at all." Liu Tianxin was a little helpless. He didn't use his soul power in the whole process. It was all the various abilities of his body. The challenge of surpassing the seven realms was as easy as drinking water.

"It's not that he is weak. Look at the hill behind us, which was almost penetrated by one of his moves. In terms of pure destructive power, we are far behind him. After all, all we can rely on is the chemicals stored in our bodies. Yes. No matter how it breaks out, with our mass here, it will never be able to cause such great damage.

It's just because our power systems are different and he is not familiar with our abilities enough that he suffered a big loss in front of you. "Yake explained.

"Of course I know, so when we encounter a title Douluo, it will most likely be a disaster. After all, compared to lower-level soul masters, the biggest advantage of a title Douluo is that it is comprehensive, even if it is the weakest auxiliary system , after cultivating to this level, I am afraid there is no weakness in terms of physique.

That kind of opponent would be difficult for us to target. You still have to use equipment to do it. "As Liu Tianxin said this, he suddenly felt creepy and the hairs on his body stood up.

"Fuck, you crow's mouth!" Cheng Ying shouted in the spiritual world of the two of them: "12km away. There is a Titled Douluo, coming at high speed. And it's not an ordinary Titled Douluo. The Douluo is expected to be at least level 96. Let's You can't defeat it with any equipment, just run away."

"Fuck! Come on!" Yake jumped into the driver's seat and the two of them turned around and ran away. In addition to the speeding tires, the car even spurted blue flames from the back. For those who didn’t know, they thought they were traveling through time to the world of QQ Speed.

The five huge jet tubes and the tail fin on the back of the car allowed them to run at incredible speeds on the rugged ground.

The one who was chasing them was indeed a Titled Douluo, and it was because of the Titled Douluo with level 97 strength, the leader of the Holy Spirit Sect, Zhong Liwu.

This boss was originally here to supervise his younger brother's execution of the mission, but his younger brother was suddenly killed. Of course, he had to catch up to see this kind of thing.

Who is this bold person? Dare to kill people from his Holy Spirit Cult? But when he flew over, he discovered a problem. That was the target I was chasing, running so fast!

Obviously they can't fly at all, but they can be sent out in front of the ground, faster than flying. Who knows how they can achieve such speed on such a bumpy ground?

In order to catch up with his opponent, Zhong Liwu directly activated his ultimate move. He summoned a huge bone dragon with a body length of more than forty meters. The dragon spread its wings and released the power of the wind attribute.

Leading him to pursue him at extremely high speeds, this giant dragon had a trace of silver dragon blood in his body, allowing him to use all attribute spells. He was the most powerful undead puppet in Zhong Liwu's hands.

"Let me go! It's actually this turtle grandson!" Liu Tianxin yelled: "I just killed the three miscellaneous fish of your Holy Spirit Sect. It's unnecessary. The leader should come out to hunt me down!"

"Stop talking nonsense! I'll help you calculate and design the Zhuyuan. Hurry up and aim for me to shoot him!" Cheng Ying also wanted to curse, but with the plot in front of him, if a time traveler had replaced him, he would have died ten times, and there would be one at the beginning. Super Douluo chases and kills, playing crazy!

Liu Tianxin also knew the priorities. Without them nearby, it was not worth a war position. There was no torrent of steel to support them, and all they could rely on was the chariot they were driving.

[To be continued]

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