Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1508 The loosening of the seal

Absolute zero is indeed irresistible in the physical sense. Once it is reduced to absolute zero, it means that all molecular motion stops. In that case, no matter how strong the combat effectiveness is, it cannot be used.

Therefore, absolute zero is indeed difficult to fight against. If you don't want to, you cannot rely on special settings to defend. The transfer of internal energy takes time, and similarly, it also requires a medium.

As long as a layer of armor is hung on the surface of the vehicle, the armor's ultra-high specific heat capacity will release heat to offset the damage caused by ultra-low temperatures. Then break and fall off to ensure that the vehicle body is minimally affected.

The vehicle is heated internally. It can also resist ultra-low temperature attacks to a considerable extent. Not to mention an external energy shield. Can directly insulate low temperature.

"Anyway, everything is ready, let's set off." Yak jumped into the car first, followed closely by sitting on the huge mechanical dragon. Liu Tianxin.

The external armor of the mechanical war dragon has also been modified, and an additional layer of anti-sweat coating has been added to the body surface. To ensure that he can exert his due combat effectiveness in the ice and snow.

Fortunately, this mechanical war dragon itself has the properties of ice, so the impact of ice and snow on him is not as great as imagined. In addition, the body is equipped with a fusion reactor, which can be said to be an endless supply of energy, which can provide a large amount of heat to the body and ensure that it will not freeze in extreme environments.

Whether it is a vehicle or a dragon, they move forward very quickly. In just the blink of an eye, they had reached the edge of the Far North, and the temperature here was already a bit like that of the Mao Xiong territory.

It's a pity that through the cockpit, the cold air from outside can't penetrate at all.

"Under normal circumstances, when you get here, you should wrap your body around me!" Liu Tianxin couldn't help but tease.

Cheng Ying rolled his eyes. In the original work, Tianmeng Bingsi did indeed do this because Huo Yuhao's body was too weak and he was just an ordinary one-ring soul master.

It is almost impossible to survive in the icy and snowy environment on your own, so you can only wrap the opponent with his super cold-resistant slough.

But things are different now. Let alone two people, their extreme physical fitness is not afraid of such severe cold at all. The heat of their own bodies can resist most of the cold.

They don't need to leave the vehicle to fight in person. The cold-proof coating on the surface of the vehicle is the technology obtained by reversely cracking the Yingying Yishen. The thermal insulation effect may not be as strong as the original version, but it is not much different.

In this extremely cold world, there is a huge chariot and an even more exaggerated mechanical war dragon. If you are in uninhabited territory, move forward here.

Deep ruts were left in the snow. This in itself should be very dangerous, and it may be discovered and tracked by predators among soul beasts.

But that is for weak soul masters. People like them carry a thug with a combat power close to level 98. You don't need to worry about these at all. Anyone who dares to stir up trouble is seeking death.

This is also true. When a 90,000-year-old polar bear was beaten into a pig's head and fled in despair, those spirit beasts followed behind the ruts. They all fled in all directions.

Because the one who beat the Ninety Thousand Nian Soul Beast into a pig's head was not the giant dragon flying in the sky at all. But it was a car that didn't look strong at all and didn't have much soul power fluctuation.

When all the soul beasts thought that the chariot was the weak point of the group, the chariot actually transformed and turned into a 15m tall giant.

A pure metal giant is much more terrifying than a flesh and blood giant. The power of a punch is completely incomparable to that of a flesh and blood body, not to mention that fists are only the most common strength of this metal giant.

After relying on a pair of iron fists, he hammered the 90,000-year-old soul beast until its nose was bruised and its face was swollen. I saw the metal giant's wrists opened, like Steel Astro Boy. Just shoot at the iceberg in the distance. All the following soul beasts watched helplessly as the iceberg disintegrated and fell into pieces in the violent explosion, as if it had been buried with countless explosives. The metal giant didn't seem to be tired at all from the attack just now. It attacked, launched continuously, and bombed the iceberg that had been blown into powder. Ice slag filled the sky and turned into ice mist. Falling from the sky, falling like a heavy snow.

"Tsk! I was scared away now. By the way, are we still looking for the Ice Emperor like in the original work?" Liu Tianxin looked at Lan Nuo's projection and fell into deep thought.

"Theoretically, it is possible. We have not launched satellites. It is still very troublesome to find the target directly through scanning in space. In this environment, the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft is likely to be destroyed by the harsh environment in the air. In the end, The simple way is for me to release my own aura and attract her."

Cheng Ying was really confident this time. Even if the Ice Emperor's true form came, he would not be weak at all. Therefore, he released his original soul power. The alluring aura of the million-year-old soul beast's origin was No soul beast can resist it.

Even Di Tian was seduced and held in his arms for more than 10,000 years, let alone the Ice Emperor who had tasted it. After arriving near the opponent's territory, he released his huge aura, covering almost the entire area. ice fields.

It immediately attracted the attention of the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion, the ruler of this ice field.

She had felt this breath before, and was extremely surprised. The ice silkworm that had escaped had actually come back, and it came back at the right time. It happened to be 100 years before her next tribulation. If there were no unexpected circumstances, it would be 100 years. , she will definitely not be able to survive the next tribulation.

This is like not listening carefully in class. There is still two hours until the exam. No matter how hard you review, it is meaningless. If you want to pass the exam at this time, you can only rely on cheating. The appearance of Tianmeng meant that she was almost equivalent to bringing her mobile phone into the examination room. As long as she didn't know how to use it to take pictures and search questions, she could pass it.

In this case, even if you realize that it may be a trap, how can you let it go? The Ice Emperor did not hesitate and chose to appear on the spot.

The originally clear sky was suddenly covered with clouds, and a huge vortex appeared in the sky between the flashes of thunder.

The terrifying pressure of the 390,000-year-old soul beast came, and all creatures within a hundred miles lowered their heads and prostrated, expressing their surrender to the oppressive master.

There was only Cheng Ying's projection, standing on the roof of the car, looking at the emerald green scorpion appearing in the vortex without dodging or hiding. It seemed that he saw Cheng Ying's human form. The scorpion soul beast also transformed into its own human form and turned into a A lolita with long green hair and twin tails fell from the sky.

And Cheng Ying also fell into a daze when he saw this purpose.

[To be continued]

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