Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1514: Controlling the Tailed Beast Jade

Ditian was confused about the confused Tailed Beast Jade, what the hell? What's going on? How to fix it? However, he soon felt the familiar atmosphere behind him. It is an auspicious beast, a mythical beast that controls the fate of the entire forest. If she dies, the entire planet and forest will fall into disaster.

The improvement of soul beasts' cultivation level will become slower, and it will become more difficult to survive the tribulation. Especially for these top soul beasts, each of them is already close to surviving the tribulation. Without the protection of luck, , the mortality rate of crossing the tribulation will be extremely terrible.

Behind him is the future of the Star Dou Forest. It was impossible for Di Tian to avoid it.

The tailed beast jade is close at hand. If he didn't fight back, he would have to rely on his own body's defense to survive. It is obviously unwise to rely on the body to defend against an attack comparable to a nuclear bomb. Therefore, he directly chose to use his ultimate move, Dragon Claw.

The Dragon God bestowed upon him the powerful ability of being the most loyal guard. He possesses a strength that is not weak among the gods. He is the nemesis of all soul beasts and a soul master who can defeat almost all beasts' martial souls.

The moment he used this move, his dragon claws turned into a colorful glaze color. On the surface, it didn't seem too powerful. But he grabbed the Tailed Beast Dama with his bare hands.

The tailed beast jade was held in his hand, but it did not explode. Kyuubi's pupils turned into Sharingan, and he couldn't help but show a hint of surprise.

Ditian did not intend to follow Moji on the other side. He threw the Tailed Beast Dama like a baseball. It hit Kyuubi's body hard, and the violent explosion made Kyuubi extremely violent, and he was severely knocked over by the shock wave.

But that was just a tailed beast jade he fired casually, and it only made him embarrassed at most. After getting up, he stared at the behemoth even more fiercely.

The jet-black dragon with golden pupils had a body no smaller than his, and the seven-colored power shrouded in his hands was full of danger. Obviously, the opponent is not easy to deal with.

This is also true, although the Nine-Tails is a super-standard existence for tailed beasts. But Ditian is the same for soul beasts.

In terms of destructive power, before Naruto released the Ten-Tails, he was not significantly higher than Douluo. The outcome between Nine-Tails and Ditian can only be known after they fight.

"Let me go! I was scared to death. I thought I was going to get cold just after traveling through time." Liu Tianxin patted his chest. With a goal as big as Ditian, it was impossible for Jiuwei to focus on him. Moreover, Ditian would protect the auspicious beast, and by the way, he also protected him.

The fierce battle was about to break out. Neither side used long-range attacks, but launched the most primitive hand-to-hand combat. Their huge size was their most violent weapon, and their terrifying power was their most powerful attack.

A fist-to-flesh collision. Even the shock wave released can destroy large areas of the city. Compared with the unconscious Kyuubi, Ditian has a longer life and richer fighting experience, and he also has an advantage in terms of physical strength.

So the battle had just begun, and the dragon was pressing down on Kyuubi. The giant dragon took one bite, and then grabbed Kyuubi's neck and grabbed Kyuubi's upper limbs fiercely. Relying on his larger, heavier body shape. A hard throw, an action similar to an over-the-shoulder throw, smashed the Nine Tails to the ground. Large swaths of buildings were reduced to rubble by the impact. Kyuubi was also hit and screamed.

If he released the tailed beast jade from his mouth, he would bomb Ditian. If he were allowed to release the tailed beast jade in the center of the city, half of the city would be blown up. However, Di Tian did not coddle him at all. The dragon claw pinched his neck, and the other dragon claw slapped his mouth hard, forcing the Tailed Beast Jade back.

Kyuubi's belly was like a balloon. With the explosion of the tailed beast jade, it suddenly bulged in a circle, revealing the originally slender fiery red fox. He is as strong as a pig.

Although it was very unkind, Liu Tianxin couldn't help but laughed out loud while watching the live broadcast. The Kyuubi, who has no sanity and no Jinchūriki to cooperate, is obviously no match for Teten in terms of frontal hard steel.

Being pinned to the ground and rubbing like crazy, the tailed beast jade that he was best at could not be released, but this did not mean that he would lose this battle.

Di Tian is very strong, has extremely huge soul power, and has a soul core that complements yin and yang. The recovery speed of his soul power is extremely terrifying, which can be said to be endless, but his soul power is limited after all, but Nine Tails is different. Chakra is unlimited. To be precise, the proportion of chakra he possesses in the entire shinobi world will not decrease.

This part of chakra, called the Nine-Tails Chakra, is still his chakra after being used. Even if he is beaten to ashes, it will be gathered together again and reborn after a few years. As long as there is no specific method and the power does not exceed a certain limit, he is immortal.

Even though he is being pressed to the ground and being rubbed, the speed at which Ditian's soul power will recover once he recovers. If he can't keep up with the consumption speed, it's his turn.

The fight between the giant beasts is still going on. Ditian's attributes are all a bit higher than Nine-Tails. He can press him to the ground and rub him, but he can't crush him, seal, kill or restrain him. The battle is still going on. Ongoing. And Konoha Village is already in a mess.

Di Tian didn't care about this human city. For him, the more humans died, the better. She didn't know that this was no longer the world he was in.

boom! Kyuubi was slammed to the ground again, and an entire city block was flattened by the tailed beast's huge body. This scene is very much like Ultraman fighting a little monster. Even if he wins, the neighborhood will probably be in a mess.


Another explosion sounded, and this time the Tailed Beast Jade was released, hitting Ditian's chest, but because it had no power, it could only burn the scales on his chest to black.

The Dragon Divine Claw slapped it down hard, leaving five deep marks on Kyuubi's chest.

Seeing that Ditian was about to severely injure the Nine-Tails again, its claws failed, and his whole body became illusive. Not only was Kyuubi inaccessible, but everything else was also inaccessible.

His connection with the world is being severed. He began to return to his original world.

Cheng Ying also noticed this scene. In fact, he had already guessed that this situation might happen and ran away with Yinlong first. Then he must not wait for Di Tian to come back, otherwise they would have these few pictures in hand. Cards, where is this boss's opponent?

"I'll go! Are you leaving now?" Liu Tianxin was a little panicked, because Jiuwei turned his attention to him. This powerful tailed beast had just noticed that Di Tian seemed to be protecting something.

At this time, when Liu Tianxin looked over, he broke into a cold sweat and fell down. It would take three days for his summons to be used again. If he was targeted by Nine Tails at this time, wouldn't he be dead?

[To be continued]

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