Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1527 A world without people

It didn’t take long to draw the route forward. All previous roadmaps were backed up. Describe it without any mistakes.

When the last line on the map was completed, the lake in the center, underneath the lake, suddenly flashed with light, and the car suddenly disappeared in place, and lost contact with the outside world.

"Is it teleportation? This is a bit troublesome. If it is teleported to other places, it is easier to handle, but if it is teleported to some different space, we will definitely not be able to get in touch with him." Yake frowned Lock tight.

"Actually, it's not impossible." Cheng Ying shook his head: "I personally entered the ruins and completed the steps of drawing the route, so that I can go inside to check the situation in person. As long as I leave the mark of the Flying Thunder God on the outside, I can still pass through This mark is transmitted."

"But the risk of doing this is very high." Yak frowned: "Flying Thunder God does not have an absolutely high spatial ability. When encountering settings such as space blockade, you may not be able to sense the coordinates you left behind.

In comparison, after I opened my reincarnation eye, my spatial ability was even stronger than yours. It's more likely that you can escape smoothly. "

"What's different is that you are a participant in this chess game, and I am just a projection. Even if I die, my memory will be sealed again. It will not have any bad impact on my current situation.

But if you die, Tulip will have no way to balance the invaders, and this chess world will end. In the final analysis, this risk should still be taken by me. "Cheng Ying said calmly.

Yake was silent for a moment and nodded: "Okay! Be careful. Although your semi-mechanical body is already very strong, it's better to bring more equipment."

Yake is not a romantic drama hero, and he will not make the scene look like a separation between life and death. Reason tells him that this is the best choice, so he has no choice but to hesitate.

You must know that judging from his life experience, decisiveness is almost an indispensable quality for him. In the beginning, he was an infected human being. Later, he fought for the infected and experienced countless real life and death. His psychological quality has long been beyond the comparison of ordinary people.

Cheng Ying, who had recovered his memory, was an old monster. After carrying a bunch of equipment, he walked directly towards the entrance of the maze.

With his previous experience and observing the situation inside the maze, he no longer even needed the reminder of the map in the sky to find the correct route.

If your memory is strong enough and your logical thinking ability is pretty good, you can easily figure it out. The right route to the finish line.

Cheng Ying walked leisurely, avoiding all the traps and traps, and took the shortest path to the lake in the center.

When his fingers touched the smooth, mirror-like water, the touch from his fingertips gave him an unreal feeling. But every cell in his body told him that it was real water. Even if it was taken into the body for analysis, no other conclusion could be drawn.

"It's strange. The water here gives me an unreal feeling. Maybe it's just an illusion, but let's record it. There are no problems in the detection. It involves unknown technology and knowledge, and intuition should not be ignored."

Cheng Ying didn't intend to be like the protagonist in a horror movie, seeing anything unreasonable and treating it all as his own illusion. Instead, he directly picked up the communicator and told Yake his intuition.

"Isn't it unreal? Okay, I've written it down. I'll be careful next time. When I encounter trouble, my first priority is to ensure my own life. In every sense, your presence is crucial to my success in this chess game." Victory is of great significance.”

Cheng Ying nodded, held his breath, and walked towards the bottom of the lake.

The modified semi-mechanical body can survive even if it goes underwater for several days without breathing. Cheng Ying picked up a pen and quickly sketched his path on the map.

Just like the car just now. After he finished outlining his trajectory, a flash of light engulfed him, and then disappeared.

When he reappeared, Lan Nuo had already arrived in a desert, as if he had been teleported directly outside the scope of the maze. Next to him was a car that had lost its signal and could not move. This at least proved that the teleportation was not random.

"It's strange that this is also a desert. The temperature and humidity and the height of the sun in the sky seem to have not changed. I can't contact the weather balloon at the top of the atmosphere. Either I am in another desert at the same latitude, or this is no longer the Douluo planet. Planet, but based on the geographical data collected previously on Douluo Planet, the latter should be more likely.”

Cheng Ying stepped on the yellow sand under his feet. It looked no different from ordinary sand. I grabbed a handful and conducted a simple test through the skin on the body surface, and confirmed that the composition of the sand was the same as that of ordinary sand.

"Although it looks exactly the same, it seems like the water in the pool is full of unreality." Cheng Ying did not stay where he was for too long. I saw him taking out a new weather balloon, inflating it and letting it fly. Soon the surrounding scene appeared in the monitor's field of view.

This is still a desert, and not far away, there is still the canyon. Because I was flying too high, I couldn't see clearly whether there was a maze in the canyon, but this scene was already very strange.

Lan Nuo couldn't sense the mark of the Flying Thunder God, which proved that he was definitely not on the original continent. The aerial view from the balloon told him that the terrain here was almost the same as the terrain of the continent he was on before.

"Is it time that has changed? I don't know can go to other places and see if there are humans in this world? If Douluo is here too, he should be able to get the current time." Cheng Ying's mobility is very strong.

After making the decision, he released the vehicle from the space equipment and drove quickly toward a populated area.

In the distance, you can see an oasis in the desert, where smoke is rising, and it seems that people are indeed living.

But when Cheng Ying got closer, he saw an extremely strange sight. Although there was smoke from the kitchens, there was no one in the city. The large pot placed on the fire was boiling and the spoon next to it floated automatically. There was someone holding something deep into the pot and stirring it, then taking out a ladle and tilting it slowly, the liquid inside flowed out, but he didn't know where it went. Just disappear.

Everything in front of you is in order. The only thing that seems to be different from the real world is that all the people are missing. Not only can they not be seen, but they can't be touched, which makes people wonder whether their mental state is normal?

[To be continued]

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