Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1538 Super Soul Guidance Array

It is not that difficult to enter a city without walls. Only ID is required. You can enter from any intersection.

For people in this era, the level of anti-counterfeiting of identity documents is enough to basically prevent people with malicious intentions from getting in. But for two guys with technology far ahead of their time, ID documents couldn't be easier to counterfeit. Their IDs weren't even fake. Rather, they were directly copied from residents outside the city.

After copying, they directly changed into each other's appearance. This was very simple for Yake, who had already trained his body to the limit of the human body. He only needed to adjust the facial muscles, change the pigment in the skin and the distribution of hair on the face. You can become exactly like the other person.

As for Chengying, it's even simpler. He uses a semi-mechanized body. He can just remove the face and replace it with a new mold to make it exactly the same as the other person.

Entering the city was not difficult at all for the two of them. Compared to other Douluo cities. This city is obviously much more prosperous.

Although the development of soul guides still centers on soul masters, it has ultimately created many jobs that ordinary people can participate in. Therefore, there are many more pedestrians on the street than in other cities. The proportion of ordinary people among them has also become much larger.

In terms of city planning and management, it is also much better than Douluo's city. The buildings are taller and the streets are wider and neater. It was obvious that planning had already been done when it was being built.

Even if the technical levels are similar, planned and constructed cities must be compared. Cities that develop freely and grow freely are much stronger.

This is like the ancient city of Chang'an, and the same as Western cities in the Middle Ages. The technical level of ancient Chang'an may not be as good as that of the Middle Ages, but the square urban planning, neat streets, and even the perfect drainage system make this ancient city more livable than the dirty cities of the Middle Ages. Much.

Mingdu is such a city with complete planning, perfect and advanced design concepts. But these are just his appearances. If you really explore carefully, you will find that this city is not as simple as it seems on the surface. The city's surface looks like a steel jungle. And underneath him is a steel monster.

Walking on the street, you can see something like a sewer manhole cover every not far away, but that is not actually a manhole cover, but a detection channel for a huge underground soul guidance facility. Staff members come here every day to collect data. Monitor the operation of the huge underground soul guide.

As a city without walls, Mingdu's defensive firepower is undoubtedly much more fierce than those cities with huge walls nearly 100 meters high.

Underground in this city, there are too many weapon platforms that can be raised and lowered like the buildings in the Third New Tokyo City. A steel fortress may protrude from any street.

The palace, which is closer to the core of the city, is a steel monster that can transform into a war fortress with ferocious thorns at any time and can release thousands of super powerful attacks.

By observing some of its internal mechanical structures, Cheng Ying even suspected that the palace was actually built into an unfinished steel giant. It was only because the technology was not mature enough that the giant could not stand.

"By the way, after walking around, how was your scan? Have you been able to detect the underground structures here clearly?" Yake asked Cheng Ying. As the master of huge mental power, he can use it himself, and the mental detection effect is better. Much better.

"Almost, figured it out! What I give you now is a three-dimensional image of the city's underground. I have to say that this is indeed a wonder. The same building, its underground structure is more majestic and spectacular than I imagined.

Hmm... Although this metaphor is a bit inappropriate, it gives people the feeling that it is as solid as the Maginot Line of Defense. And its advantage over that line of defense is that it is integrated with the city and cannot be bypassed. Pass.

The soul power storage facility we want to find is around the palace, almost in the innermost circle of the city. There, both on the surface and underground, are heavily guarded. If we want to sneak in, we may have to spend some energy.

After all, this time he is not here to cause damage, but to borrow some powerful moves equipped by others, so there is no way to use them. "

Yak nodded, already seeing the image in his mind. And it zoomed in on those buildings sunk underground, those huge buildings one after another. It looks extremely weird, like a piece of capacitor. It makes people wonder, will they break in a gust of wind after being stretched out from the ground?

"The people of the Sun and Moon Empire don't have big problems in terms of design alone. At least their math is not too bad. The topology of the underground buildings is very reasonable. Each storage building has reserved quite a lot of maintenance channels. .

This greatly facilitates our transformation. As long as we sneak in, we can use these maintenance channels to add some energy circulation systems to their storage equipment to allow the soul power that would otherwise be lost to flow. Speaking of which, how are you going to sneak in? "

Cheng Ying shrugged: "Just walk in. Have you forgotten the stunt that made me famous? Although the name is somewhat suspected of plagiarism. But the effect of the mirror, the moon, the moon, is also useful for machinery.

We just need to walk over in a big way, and even if we open their gates, no machine will find us. In the business of surveillance, the floodgates are still running and have never been opened. "

As he spoke, he swaggered and raised an underground manhole cover. No one on the street looked at it. They may even avoid the manhole cover unconsciously. To avoid accidentally falling in.

The two of them seemed to have become invisible people. Entering from the underground passage, you are surrounded by flashing lights, and it looks like you have entered a large server room. It’s hard to imagine an entire city built on such a huge machine.

In the ending of the second part, the Sun and Moon Empire will be defeated, which can only be said to be plot killing and deus ex machina. Otherwise, even with Huo Yuhao and the weapon that can cut off the connection between the linked soul guides, only one star will be left. The Douluo Three Kingdoms in the city have no chance of winning the final victory.

The underground passages are like a maze. But both of them have maps. They easily found the passage leading to the underground soul guide array, and at the end of the passage they saw a huge soul power capacitor that was inserted straight into the earth, as if it was extending to the ground like a giant sword.

[To be continued]

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