Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,544 The pair returns again

Chengying originally wanted to leave all the Soul Gold to the Sun-Moon Empire. After all, he couldn't take it away, so it was okay to leave it all as compensation.

But he was besieged by others after helping others, which affected his mood to some extent, so he only left half, and the other half was given to Huo Yuhao in this world. The Soul Carving Knife was borrowed from him. All of this is considered as interest paid back to him.

As for whether doing so will break the balance of this continent? Obviously not, there are gods watching this land. No matter how much the balance is destroyed? They will be mechanically descended and forcibly balanced.

Just like the reversal that was arranged at the end of the second part. There is no surprise at all. Everything is just the arrangement of the Supreme God.

It is not an easy thing for the Sun-Moon Empire to change its fate against the will of heaven. The difficulty is even greater than when Chengying took Tulip to the starry sky. After all, the gods' eyes were on many planets at that time. They would not always stare at Douluo.

Now there is a supreme god who has been keeping his eyes on Douluo. If there is any plot that makes him unhappy, he will intervene in nine out of ten cases. Chengying felt that he and Yak had been targeted. If it weren't for his powerful mental power, even the divine consciousness could be blocked, then they would really be in danger. "The things have been collected almost. Let's exchange our carving knives and return! Only the things in our layer of space can be taken by us to shuttle through the space level. We have to go back to make our own living gold." Chengying vaguely felt that Tang San in this layer of world was gradually turning his attention to him. A guy who would suddenly disappear from his perception is indeed worthy of attention. The best thing to do is to really disappear from this world. Xingluo Empire, Xingluo City, is still the luxury hotel of Shrek Academy. Huo Yuhao returned to the hotel refreshed. Today they won the game again, and won very easily. They were so frustrated before, and now they finally recovered. This time, one of the three main players of Shrek Academy finally recovered, Ling Luochen, Wuhun, ice element. Although she is a character who has not appeared many times, her straightforward personality and this make her quite popular.

She and Huo Yuhao are a very suitable partner. The conventional but very practical skills allow her to exert a combat power far beyond the Soul King level after obtaining the enhancement of the Ultimate Ice. She defeated seven opponents alone, and even the referee almost froze on the field. It was so cool.

Huo Yuhao, who was originally going to reminisce the joy of the battle (and the smoothness of the beautiful woman's back), just returned to his room and found that there were two uninvited guests here.

The familiar figure made him subconsciously nervous. Although the two guys looked like harmless children, he knew very well that these two people were more dangerous than Titled Douluo. He had seen the huge spherical earth mountain outside Xingluo City.

Even Shrek sent rescuers. The one sealed inside was Xuan Lao. This was a secret that he knew only as a core disciple of Shrek. In connection with what happened that day, the 98th-level Super Douluo Xuan Lao was sealed in a boulder after fighting an unknown enemy and could not escape for a while.

The plot was instantly connected. This... the unidentified enemy was probably these two guys! If Xuan Lao was protecting himself in secret, he would definitely attack the two of them, and the result was obvious. The powerful Super Douluo was taught a lesson by the two little brats and then sealed up. This plot was simply magical!

What Huo Yuhao was most afraid of now was that these two were here to seek revenge. Xuan Lao had always been protective of his shortcomings. His attitude towards people outside Shrek was probably not much better. After being beaten, he was sealed up, most likely because he offended others.

Huo Yuhao was a little weak. He was a little worried that he was also sealed up by others. It took a huge earthen mountain to seal Xuan Lao because he was so powerful that ordinary seals could not seal him.

But Huo Yuhao's kung fu was so poor that a pickle jar was enough to seal him. If he was sealed in the dung pit for 500 years and became the first dung pit emperor of mankind, he would have no place to cry in this life.

"Why are you so nervous? We are just here to return things." Chengying didn't expect that Huo Yuhao had so many things in his mind in an instant, even thinking about his own achievement of the dung emperor. He took out the living carving knife from his third eye.

"We have played with your knife. Now it can be returned to the original owner. I am also going to take back my collateral. If you think it's not good enough, I can leave these things for you as a souvenir."

Chengying took out a handful of green sand and dropped them on the table. The sheath of each sand grain stretched out, wrapping them so that they would not corrode the table.

Alex, who was hiding in Huo Yuhao's mind, saw this scene and almost jumped out. At least, it must be two catties of Life Gold. Just look at the quantifier, catties, and you will know why Electrolux was so excited.

The Life Gold sold by gram cannot reflect its preciousness, but someone actually gave it away by catties. The Life Engraving Knife is less than 200g in total, and it was borrowed and returned after two days. Two catties of Life Gold, this deal really makes my mind blank.

Forget about Electrolux. Huo Yuhao's mind went blank at this moment, and he took out the living carving knife and completed the exchange in a daze. After everyone left, he remembered to check whether the sand was real or fake.

The inspection steps are also very simple. He has a third eye, which can easily store this special substance. He can judge it by simply sucking it into his eyes. To be cautious, he only pinched a grain of sand.

And the results are shocking. This turned out to be real living gold, and he stuffed it into his eyes a lot. The third eye started to shed tears because too much sand had entered it. Only then did Huo Yuhao dare to be sure that these were all real living things' gold, and more than that, they could be flexibly controlled by his own consciousness.

Flying freely in the air, arranged into various shapes. Under Huo Yuhao's precise control, these green sands were arranged into an S-shape for one moment and a B-shape for another.

Huo Yuhao: "..."

This is definitely not under my control!

Obviously, someone left some little Easter eggs before leaving. If he wanted to get rid of them, he could only arrange SB's dilemma. Huo Yuhao had to improve his ability to control distractions.

[To be continued]

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