Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1548 Reverse Recruitment

The irritability of the Noumenon Sect was beyond Cheng Ying's expectation. He originally thought that Shrek Academy had offended the Noumenon Sect, and was planning to have a pleasant meal. However, he soon discovered that the melon didn't taste right.

The master of the Noumenon Sect was poisoned to death. Facing Mr. Xuan who flew up from Shrek Academy, he said: "Hand over Huo Yuhao!"

Yak: "?!"

The two of them didn't expect that the Guayuan would be eaten by themselves, and then they thought about it. Yake has always used Huo Yuhao's body, and this body actually has the original martial soul, which is his eyes.

The more important the body martial soul is to the body, the more powerful it is. The eyes are undoubtedly one of the most powerful. Especially the eyes are spiritual martial souls, which means that together with the brain behind the eyes, they are also part of the main martial soul. Its importance is even higher.

Even in the original plot, the original martial soul came here because of this incident. That time it was because Huo Yuhao possessed the ultimate martial soul, twin martial souls, and the main body martial soul. He could be said to be the young man with the highest potential in the entire continent. This was why the master of the main body sect was poisoned and mobilized troops to rob people.

But this time the situation was different. Yake showed more than just potential. His own strength is also ridiculously strong. Although the twin martial souls have not yet been awakened, they can control a mechanical silver dragon by some unknown means, and have been awarded a level 97 title. He is neck and neck with level 98 Mr. Xuan, so this is no longer a matter of genius. But he has become a strong man.

Poison cannot kill, rather than coming to rob people, it is better to say that it is here to win allies. Although the Holy Spirit Sect has been trying to get the Noumenon to take action against Huo Yuhao, the Noumenon Sect is not stupid. Although they came here to investigate, the targets were all pointed at Shrek Academy.

Chengying looked at Yake with questioning eyes.

"Things are a bit difficult to handle now. The Noumenon Sect is in the divine world and has no backing. In the human world, no matter how strong the power is. No matter how strong there are, it is not enough for the gods to come down to reduce the dimension and attack.

In my current identity, I am still the son-in-law of that person in the God Realm. Although he has not come into contact with his daughter yet, it will be a matter of time. It may not be appropriate to betray Shrek before falling out. At best, he should maintain a neutral relationship with Shrek Academy. If he joins the Noumenon Sect, the guy from the God Realm is very likely to come over. Deus ex machina. We still haven't found where our opponent is, most of them are hidden in the God Realm. Now was not the time to mess with a supreme god. "

Cheng Ying had the same idea. The opponent in the chess world this time could not be Tang San. Otherwise, the status would not be equal, even though Huo Yuhao was the protagonist. But compared to Tang San, the initial conditions were really too different, which went against his relatively fair start in the world.

The opponent is likely to be one of the gods, but it is definitely not possible to be the Supreme God, and the probability of even being the main god is low. In this way, if the opponent comes directly from the God Realm, the probability of taking action is not high.

Even though the things that Yake has done now have made him highly suspected of being a time traveler, the guy hiding in the God Realm probably doesn't dare to take action. On the one hand, it is really possible that the car will overturn. On the other hand, it had no way to explain to the God Realm Council its random attacks on the human world. If he was not the main god, he would probably be executed directly by Tang San on the spot.

Put yourself in someone else's shoes, if you were a rookie god in the God Realm, how would you kill Yak? Thinking of it, the only option was to keep raising fire and let Tang San take action himself.

Therefore, it is possible to develop technology, but breaking away from Shrek or Tang Sect is the bottom line that must not be touched, otherwise it is possible. Need to confront the gods.

After considering this, Yak has made a decision. You cannot join the Noumenon Sect, but you can recruit them. For the time being, Yake does not have enough cards to fight against the God Realm. But he believed that his accumulation speed would definitely be much faster than that of the guys in the God Realm, even if there was a time traveler mixed in among those guys.

The master of the Noumenon Sect is one of the people who can be a trump card. If the Noumenon Martial Spirit in this world is really the body of a god as recorded in their classics, then it may be possible to decipher the code of human evolution in reverse, allowing people to The body can hold the power of God.

After making the decision, the two of you teleported directly through space and came to the middle of the confrontation.

"Your Excellency, are you here for me?" Yake changed his face to Huo Yuhao's face. There was a white soul ring behind his back, but he was standing in mid-air. He obviously had the ability to fly in the air. There is only one soul ring, but it has such powerful power. It is really confusing for people in this world. Even Tang San, who was watching this scene in the God Realm, didn't understand what was going on, but many bizarre things had already made him wary of his candidate son-in-law.

Geniuses and monsters are not scary. The scary thing is that geniuses and monsters are out of control. Yake estimated that it wouldn't be long before restrictions from the divine realm would be issued, and they would be in the form of blessings.

For example, a god's position. On the surface, it is the inheritance of a god. In fact, it is a time bomb buried in the body that may detonate at any time. Yake is also ready to accept restrictions. The time bomb or something must be dismantled. That's good, he really can't beat the Supreme God. There is even a huge gap in strength with the other party, but breaking the other party's control is another matter. This is a technical issue.

Du Bu Shou looked at Ya Ke and said in a deep voice: "You have the original martial soul, so you are a member of the same family as the original sect. I am here to take you home." I can only say that he is worthy of being a boss. Don't force your face, it's just so fresh and refined.

"All the martial spirits of the original body belong to the original body sect. This is not the law of heaven and earth. It is just the rule of your sect. Since I have joined the academy and the Tang Sect, I will not join other sects." The lines were prepared in advance in order to dispel Tian Rang's suspicion.

"Are you sure you won't think about it again? You just joined a small, unknown sect, so how can you develop your martial soul's true potential?

Don't you know that the original martial soul has the possibility of a second awakening? Your martial soul is the eyes, and even the brain together with the eyes. If it can be awakened for the second time, it will definitely be extremely powerful. "

The one who was said to be green and poisonous suddenly turned into gold. Just like charging money, the intensity of combat power also skyrockets. Originally it was only half an Ultimate Douluo. The strength of his aura at this time was no less than that of a real Ultimate Douluo.

"Is this the second awakening you are talking about?" A strange expression appeared on Yake's face.

[To be continued]

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