Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1554 Secret Usage

When Du Buushi saw the two people, he had no intention of telling him, so he stopped asking. It was not a very important secret in the first place. Even if it was spread out, it would be embarrassing at most. The top priority now is actually to select the fairy grass.

Although even if he was given another piece of fairy grass, he would not be able to condense a third soul core with combat power comparable to that of a god, but it would allow him to be among the best in Ultimate Douluo.

There are still a lot of Ultimate Douluo in the second part, including the half-dead Mu En, Long Xiaoyao and Ye Xishui. Among them, the only one with weaker combat power than him is Ye Xishui, but that is also because of this person. The Titled Douluo had to a certain extent neglected the training of his twin martial souls and never practiced the second martial soul at all.

As an alternative, she learned the technology of the soul guide, and now possesses the strongest soul guide on the continent, the Death Soul Guide, which is equivalent to a tenth-level soul guide. With this, the most powerful soul guide on the continent, With the powerful soul guide, Ye Xishui's combat effectiveness was much higher than him.

If you just advance to Ultimate Douluo, you will still be unable to defeat these big guys, but your defeat will be better than before. This will not satisfy Du Buushi. As the leader of the largest sect in the world, his The goal will never stop at becoming an Ultimate Douluo.

And a suitable fairy grass can help him to greatly improve the level of Extreme Douluo in a short period of time and be comparable to those of old Extreme Douluo, even when the second awakening of the original martial soul is activated. You can also suppress them.

"I have to choose! You can't refuse to give me the one I chose, right?" Poisonous Immortal is afraid that Chengying will trick people. Different things have different values ​​in the eyes of different people.

For Cheng Ying, these fairy grasses are things that can be mass-produced and cultivated. They can be obtained by spending some time. But for Du Bushu, these things are something that can be encountered but cannot be obtained. One plant is not much more difficult than obtaining a 100,000-year-old soul ring.

"You can choose with confidence. We will give you whichever one you like. If you really can't choose, you can choose two. But whether you can adjust it to the one that suits you depends on your own vision. Some things here are poisonous. Yes, if you eat it rashly, even your physical fitness may be severely damaged." Yake kindly reminded you.

After all, what the two of them are going to do is not very moral. A little compensation in this world will not kill them, but they can go to another world to deceive others.

Du Bu Shou could pick two after hearing it. Without any politeness, he directly chose Star Anise Ice Grass and Fiery Apricot Green Vegetable.

Cheng Ying was a little surprised. The two chosen by Du Buushi were of course the best, but he was not Tang San. How did he know that these two could offset the poison?

"How do you know these two kinds of immortal grass? Can taking them together cancel each other's toxicity?" Yake asked first. The poisonous immortality became a little stronger than expected. It was no big deal. A limit Douluo, for The situation on the entire continent does not play a decisive role.

"Huh? It turns out that taking these two kinds of fresh herbs together can offset the toxicity? I actually just picked the two plants with the strongest energy. I originally planned to rely on my own body to carry it. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a hit! It's a good feeling. "

"Shouldn't the one with the strongest energy be the Lovesickness Heartbroken Red?" Cheng Ying was confused. Even they could not mass-produce the Lovesickness Heartbroken Red. Putting it among these fairy grasses was considered very sincere.

"Uh..." Du Buushi looked slightly embarrassed: "I don't know why. I feel that this fairy grass hates me very much. If I take it, something bad will probably happen."

Cheng Ying thought for a moment and clapped his hands: "I remembered it. It was tested before that your ability in that area has become extraordinarily outrageous because of the martial arts. You have had more than 20 affairs with your wife behind your back. It's no wonder. Lovesickness is heartbreaking, and I don’t like you.”

Poison will not kill you: "..."

Now he suddenly had an urge to kill and silence them. If it weren't for killing the two people in front of him, the price would be too high. He was afraid that it wouldn't be the case, so he couldn't help but do it. Just study medicine! Learn something serious, can't you? Tiantian learns how to test whether someone is having an affair or not. Is he sick?

After sending away the angry Du BuShu who almost hit someone, Yake and Cheng Ying also started making preparations to set off to a higher world where martial spirits can manifest themselves.

For people in that world, everyone is a substitute messenger. In terms of effects alone, martial spirits and avatars do have quite a few similarities. Both allow people to possess various incredible abilities. The most obvious difference is that martial arts are more hierarchical. Even if they have the same martial spirit but have different levels of cultivation, there will be a huge gap.

However, this is not a problem for researchers. All Cheng Ying needs is information about the martial soul's body, and the poisonous soul's body is probably the closest to a perfect human body.

Of course, the power of the body can be made more powerful, for example, by not being a human anymore, but it is obviously easier to develop the existing potential of the human body than by biochemical modification and without side effects.

This is of limited help in improving personal combat effectiveness, but it is of great benefit in promoting this ability.

Upgrading the vehicle again and equipping it with the Sand of Creatures, the two of them set off again with the silver dragon. You just quietly entered the village without shooting. Under the shield of strong mental power, avoiding the gaze of the gods, you quietly came to the desert. deep. Go to a higher level.

According to the previous record of the twin martial souls who went ahead, the two people reached the level where the martial soul can manifest. It is still a level not far from Douluo, and the plot is basically the same as that of a normal Douluo. At most, it is a daily conversation, with a few differences.

After all, in this world, martial spirits are visible and can be interfered with under certain circumstances. How much will it affect the course of history to a certain extent?

The time when the two arrived happened to be when Huo Yuhao won the Continental Senior Soul Master Soul Fighting Competition and returned to Shrek Academy for deep meditation.

After determining the time point, the expressions on Chengying and Yake's faces were a little subtle.

They were still thinking about how to find the poisonous immortal in the mysterious Noumenon Sect. Now they don’t need to think about this problem, because the poisonous immortal is easy to find. Soon, he will come to attack Shrek Academy, and his goal is to snatch it. Huo Yuhao possesses the original martial soul.

You don't have to look for him, he will come to your door by himself. I have to say that I am very lucky to just catch up with such a time point.

[To be continued]

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