Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1600 Huo Yuhao VS Orange

In the first round of investigation and testing, Huo Yuhao felt that Orange was difficult to deal with. He had no idea what his opponent was like. Without a map view, he directly touched the vicinity of his base.

Orange also felt that her opponent was in trouble. Huo Yuhao's missile reconnaissance was outside the base and there was no way to intercept it. Unless she made a time difference and staggered the missile launch time, any military action would be exposed to the opponent's eyes.

Huo Yuhao, on his side, began to take out some hidden equipment in order to deal with Orange. He once thought that if the technology here can be applied in reality, can the technology in reality also be used here?

Although his technology in reality is far inferior to that here. But his understanding of real-world technology is far deeper than that of technology in the world. If he brings real-life technology over, it will be more functional than the technology already available in the game, allowing him to skip system interference and create Find equipment that better suits your needs.

At this time, huge scaffolding was set up in the base. In theory, this thing would not appear in a sci-fi style base. The scaffolding, which looked full of migrant worker style, seemed out of place with the robots climbing up and down here. . But it was the scaffolding that gave him the room to jump up and down and carry out mechanical transformations.

The exclusive unit he created this time is no longer based on the templates given in the game, but entirely based on his own ideas.

What he wants to create is a command center that can advance into the line of fire. It doesn't have to be as powerful as a mecha, but it must have strong communication capabilities. It must be able to control thousands of fighters and tens of thousands of missiles. The extent to which the arm can use the fingers.

This is a huge test for Huo Yuhao's design ability. Without the template given by the system, all designs must be solved by him alone. The degree of simulation of this game means that even if the design is slightly unreasonable, he will It might just collapse to the ground and turn into a pile of scrap metal, so that except for Huo Yuhao, no one else has the common sense to break out of the shackles of the system and develop their own equipment.

Huo Yuhao's requirement for his command center is to be able to maneuver at high speeds. In order to meet the requirements for high-speed maneuvers, the equipment cannot have too much physical armor. He needs to rely on a shield generator to resist firepower for his command center.

Huo Yuhao's solution to this problem was to build a shield generator inside the flagship, and four auxiliary airships outside, which would follow his vehicle like floating cannons and provide shield protection when necessary.

If you need to turn quickly to avoid it, these airships may not be able to keep up, so leave one behind and cut off, while the others activate their solid fuel tanks and accelerate for a short distance.

The four auxiliary airships mean that Huo Yuhao's command center can be immune to four fatal strikes. This is the setting he uses to replace the thick armor of his own command center.

Being able to withstand four fatal strikes is equivalent to a relatively advanced armor. In that case, it is absolutely impossible to move at high speed.

In contrast, by sacrificing the single performance of the command center and increasing the shield in the form of auxiliary units, the shortcomings of insufficient speed and flexibility can be avoided.

Apart from this, the command center itself has no other weapons. The entire center is in the shape of a fusiform, a very sharp streamlined design, and looks like a missile with two pointed heads.

This is designed because the atmosphere on the moon is extremely thin. In this environment, there is almost no need to consider airflow resistance. This sharp design is more about considering that the sloped armor is less likely to be penetrated. Of course, this This kind of design can also be used to make a desperate move when charging and directly smash through the enemy's home.

Compared with the command center, there are no weapons installed. A large number of drones are the main force of the attack. Each drone has a highly intelligent artificial intelligence inside. Of course, it is a mass-produced replica. Even if This is enough for them to complete responsible tactical actions with simple quality.

In this short time, the battlefield can be surveyed and mapped, and missiles can be guided autonomously according to orders. It can cooperate with the command center to mobilize firepower, concentrate a large amount of firepower in a short period of time, and clear enemy bases.

This is an extremely simple truth. There is no position that cannot be destroyed by firepower strong enough. For example, some intelligent anti-missile systems intercepted a few steel pipe rockets that hit the city, and then they started to brag. It is really unnecessary. There are these Donglai Steel Plants on the steel pipes. They are not regular weapons at all, and the firepower density is also sparse. The problem is that they cannot be intercepted.

In a real strategic decisive battle, missiles in the sky are likely to fall like rain. Of course, it is also possible that expensive weapons equipped with anti-missile systems will begin to engage in crazy technical involution.

Huo Yuhao, who is sitting in a base vehicle, has chosen the former. The overwhelming firepower can solve most problems. What he needs to do is to coordinate and guide each missile, corresponding to the time, so that they fall at the same time, instead of Like real rain, it comes first and then later.

Therefore, Huo Yuhao's modified drones are more like information nodes than drones for bombing or aerial combat, helping Huo Yuhao control smart devices and deliver more information in a short time. Firepower.

On the Orange side, facing Huo Yuhao, they chose a different tactic from the previous missile reconnaissance. She realized that the situation was not good. Such high-speed flying missiles, drones and ordinary ground firepower could not be intercepted at all. Only those defense systems near the base that had higher intelligence and could accurately calculate ballistics could intercept them. .

In short, if you want to intercept missiles, you must build defense towers. Orange is actually better at attacking personally. But his strategic thinking is the same as Huo Yuhao's. Once he attacks, he must completely eliminate the opponent. A large wave of legions will push him directly to the enemy's hometown.

In the early stages of the game, she was obviously strategically passive. Her explosive speed was definitely not as fast as Huo Yuhao who could automatically adjust the base production line before the base facilities were developed.

Considering that she would be at a disadvantage in the first round of confrontation, she chose a defensive strategy. Although defense always means being passive in war, it cannot be said that Orange's choice is wrong at the moment. Opponent, this is the only viable option.

The type of defense she chose was also the most expensive missile defense system. During the initial testing process, she boldly assumed that Huo Yuhao's attack would be based on missiles.

Facts have proved that her judgment was not wrong. As a player who does not understand mechanical modification, Orange's operation is quite king. In other words, the production efficiency of the base vehicle is very high, and the effect is that her economy is better than Huo Yuhao's. It is much stronger, even if you build a defense tower, you can build your base like a fortress.

Huo Yuhao has always wanted to rely on missile coverage to detect Orange's position layout, but all the missiles with cameras were shot down before they even got close to the enemy's position. This means that the defense of the enemy base is very strong, even if it is More than a dozen warheads flew in the direction of the Orange Base at the same time, but none of them successfully arrived.

"Tsk! The opponent this time is very smart! It seems that from my initial reconnaissance behavior, I have determined the main weapons I will use this time. The firepower and laser interception system deployed by the ground defense system can probably kill thousands of people. All the siege fighters were shot down. It seems that whether we can storm down will only be known after we fight."

Huo Yuhao completed the construction of his own command center. Although he pursued speed and flexibility, the size was not small at all. The length was not all 40m, and the widest part was close to 10m. Looking down from above, it showed a huge diamond shape.

Huo Yuhao cannot put the main body of the game into this car. He can still only rely on the cockpit to operate. This is a patch made later in the game, but the impact is not great. Even in the cockpit, the operation feels good. It’s no different than truly immersive driving.

As he entered the cockpit, the blue one emitted fluorescence, like the apostle's flagship taking off. At the same time, more than three hundred node drones took off, and they formed a chessboard-like surface in the sky.

It looks like the neat formation rehearsed by the human fleet when welcoming the three-body water droplet, but this arrangement is not to set off a string of two thousand firecrackers, but to facilitate the calculation of their respective spatial coordinates. This formation is fine. Greatly reduced. The computational difficulty of the intelligent system greatly improves the accuracy of missile guidance.

But this same formation also means that the enemy's defense system is easier to lock on and is more vulnerable to enemy fire. When fighting, it's a matter of encountering each other on a narrow road and the brave one wins, just like ancient knights dueling each other and charging at each other. The collision of the spears in the hands determines the outcome almost in an instant.

What Huo Yuhao wants is to determine the outcome with one strike. If his attack breaks through the enemy's fire blockade, the enemy will have no chance to lock in his neat formation. After a round of bombing, all units can evacuate safely.

If your own firepower fails to break through the enemy's blockade, then no matter how many troops you have left. There is no difference between rushing over and seeking death. No matter how scattered the response is, there is no way to escape the fate of being shot down.

The fighter planes flew at almost the same speed as the missiles. Moments after the flight formation took off, a large number of missile silos were opened in Huo Yuhao's base. The first round of low-speed missile launches was guided by all drone nodes. , maintaining a flight speed slightly behind the fighter formation. When the missile was about to catch up with the fighter, the second round of missiles was launched. It was a faster ballistic missile. While the missile launched in the first round passed over the fighter formation, it almost caught up. Entering the fighter formation, and then the third round, the missiles fly faster, like waves stacked on top of one another, and eventually they will converge together and become a huge tsunami.

When they were about to reach the enemy's position, four rounds of missiles had already occurred at the base, and the last round of missiles had already surpassed the fighter formation. At this time, the fighter formation finally released its own missiles, reduced its weight and accelerated.

The enemy camp, which had been shrouded in the fog of war, finally revealed its true face. The formation of fighter planes could directly conduct precise guidance at close range.

Orange's base was turned into a fortress in a short period of time. Players in the live broadcast room couldn't help but feel numb when they saw this scene. If they were to attack, even if they were given twice the growth of Orange At that time, they also felt that they could not produce a force that could break through such a difficult defense.

Laser anti-missile systems can easily lock on flying targets in the air, destroy their guidance capabilities, turn them into Brown warheads rolling around in the air, or directly guide their own firepower to shoot down enemy missiles in the air.

As long as it is marked by a laser, the machine gun bunker on the ground will turn its firepower. Bullets almost in a line. Will act like a lightsaber in the air. Destroy enemy units mercilessly.

Anti-aircraft missiles are launched from the air for free in an attempt to intercept enemy attacks.

Although Orange attaches great importance to Huo Yuhao's skills and regards her opponents as quite powerful, she is still somewhat confident in the defense she has deployed on the battlefield. In every previous game, as long as she made up her mind to defend, she would arrange such a No one can break through a tight position.

However, just when her scouts reported that there was an enemy situation in the sky, her eyes widened, because there was no need to use the reconnaissance robot to report. He had already seen the approaching missiles in the sky with his naked eyes alone. The missile exploded in the air, releasing a powerful pulse interference, interrupting her electromagnetic control power, and taking advantage of this gap to grab a brief moment of information power.

Otherwise, just wait until you finish writing and send it to me. I won't be able to listen to it at all. In this brief moment, all the warheads completed the final adjustments. The error of the landing point when landing would not exceed 50m, and the time difference of landing would not exceed three seconds.

Orange has never seen any lunatic who can unleash so much firepower at once. The most important thing is that these firepowers did not arrive one after another, but fell down like a wall at the same moment.

It's still a commonplace question. 100 missiles falling one after another are two orders of magnitude more difficult to defend than 100 missiles falling simultaneously.

Even if the defenses deployed by Orange are as strong as the wall, the intensity of firepower in front of them cannot be blocked. The laser locks on the air warheads, and the anti-aircraft missiles and ground machine guns sweep these warheads into the air and explode. A large number of The missile was shot down, but this was a drop in the bucket in solving the situation at hand.

In such a short time, Orange had no time to react and could only watch the sea of ​​missiles falling.

[To be continued]

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