Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1609 How to be a ruler

Although Ji Zhen is not a soul master, there is no soul master around him. But he established his prestige by relying on the most primitive methods of mankind that are still used today.

Win over some people, attack some people, use force and coercion and the temptation of interests, so that these people can unite with you and become fellow travelers moving forward for the common interests.

Although their interests are not so noble, the effect of rule is still very good. Although there is a certain resistance in the heart, the young and strong people this time are the ones who are more likely to believe that they can live a better life outside.

Especially the first batch of people to leave will receive the most preferential treatment to attract more people to leave Ketian City and join the factory.

By the lake, the screams were heart-shaking. Li Er really sawed off the man's legs. The blood dyed the lake red. The heart-rending screams gradually weakened. The abdomen was penetrated and both legs were sawed off. , this person has no way to survive.

Li Er's own hands couldn't help but tremble. It wasn't because he was tired. Human flesh and blood are not as tough as trees, but the bloody scene was hard for him to accept.

Ji Zhen watched the scene without changing his expression, and asked everyone to watch together. He did not threaten what would happen to those who betrayed him, but the bloody scene in front of him was more convincing than any threat.

"Everyone, take a rest and collect some portable fruits as a water source. After an hour, we will continue to set off." The expression on Jizhen's face remained unchanged, as if he was usually leading people to collect herbs.

No one went close to the bloody corpse. Everyone forced themselves to forget that that person was a member of the team, because they were afraid and afraid that they would fall into the same fate.

Ji Zhen watched everyone carry out his request meticulously. When facing him, he was trembling with fear. The look in his pupils was very familiar to him. It was the look he would show when he saw a superior person at that time.

This feeling is very strange. Although there are only 17 people, he can't help but indulge in it. Maybe this is the feeling of power. When those who hold power do not need to bear responsibility, this power will be extremely wonderful.

After mastering this power, Ji Zhen didn't want to let go. He sat quietly on the root of the tree, thinking about what he should do next to continue to dominate the relationship between these dozen people. Is it possible? The size of these people who are ruled by themselves becomes larger? It seems there is...

It seems that as long as I give benefits, I can do it. These people will follow me to explore together, just because they can gain more by exploring with me. When they return to the city, they will be allocated more materials.

Similarly, these people will obey my orders now because I have given them benefits. It is the greatest benefit not to kill them but to take them out of the desert alive.

Li Er and the others saw potential benefits. They wanted power, but their status was low. They could only get power if they were around Ji Zhen. These people were reliable for the time being, because they could bring them power for the time being. To benefit, and it is the greatest benefit to survive.

But they may not be reliable in the future. After leaving the desert, they have no reason to obey them absolutely.

"By winning over these three people, I divided the collection team that was originally a whole. After I lost the ability to bring the most benefits to everyone, what should I do if I want to maintain my rule?

The first is to create new benefits, which I can do. I have Lin Yantao's warrant, and only I can deal with the contacts.

But this is not enough, the benefits are not big enough. I have killed people and they are afraid of me, so I must not lose the rights in my hands, otherwise, my fate will be worse than the person I killed.

So how can we maintain a stable rule when the benefits are not enough? It seems that they are still divided and drawn together. Everyone is in their prime and possesses sharp weapons. As long as these three people do not unite, it will be difficult to kill them.

So I want to win over one of them and promise him benefits. This is different from before. Before, the interest was survival, which was distributed equally to everyone, but next, it cannot be divided equally. Some people get more and some get less, and conflicts will naturally arise. If there is a conflict, we will not be united, and if we are not united, we will not be able to resist, so we can still only obey my orders.

I need more benefits for distribution, but where do I get my own benefits? The warrant was given to me by Lin Yantao, but the benefits in my hands must not come from others' charity, can they be created by my labor? But why should I share the benefits created by my labor with others? What does this kind of power mean to me?

Something is wrong, something must be wrong! It shouldn't be like this. What do those nobles rely on to rule? My own force? No, not every noble is a soul master, because in the process of noble inheritance, not every generation can become a soul master. So they must have used other methods. How did they do it? "

After breaking away from the larger social group, Jizhen's thinking was no longer limited by the social environment. He began to think about why nobles were nobles and why they had the power to command mortals in their territories.

This problem didn't seem difficult. After a short period of thinking, Ji Zhen began to have his own ideas. Under the premise that violence was not enough to complete the rule, if he wanted to put a few people over the majority, he still had to rely on profit.

"So where do the benefits come from? Are they benefits from the work of the nobles? This is absolutely impossible. They don't know how to work at all. Are they stolen from other nobles? This is a benefit. But I can't do that yet.

But there must be another way, what is it? To put it another way, I am not a noble person, so it is difficult for me to assume the status of a noble person. From my own perspective, what about my interests?

My interests come from my labor, but not all of the interests from my labor belong to me. I need to pay a part, which is called tax.

And where did this part of the benefits go? Why should I pay this thing called tax? "Ji Zhen had a headache, but he felt that the truth was right in front of him, and there was only the last layer left to pierce the window paper.

"I have to pay taxes because of the request of the nobles, but why can the nobles make demands on me? It's... with their force, yes! It's with their force!

How was their force built? How did I win over these three thugs? Their force is built on interests, and their interests...their interests...

Their interests were robbed! "

For a moment, Ji Zhen felt a sudden realization: "I seem to understand what I should do. I don't need to have the same goal as most people!

It's wrong to do that. If I can't bring benefits, I can't be superior to most people. I'm just a tool.

What I should do is still to win over and divide, but what I have to do is more subtle, exploiting the interests of some people and allocating them to other people to maintain my rule, and then creating conflicts among the exploited people so that they cannot Unite, so that the small number of people I win over can suppress the majority with the advantage of being more organized and united.

Yes, that’s it! The power of the soul master only makes this kind of oppression cheaper. If extraordinary power is really dominant, then the strongest person on the continent should be allowed to serve as emperor, but this is obviously unrealistic. In reality The emperor occupies a large amount of resources, but there is no doubt that compared with the real person responsible for fighting, he has no advantage in terms of force.

So, how should I do it specifically? After we complete the response, each of us will be assigned a job. This is what the noble people told me. Our job will be the easiest and the treatment will be the most generous.

Everyone has created a lot of wealth, but how do I take away this wealth? If I say that I take away the wealth created by your labor, it is to use them to win over other people. Then let them oppress you, and you will definitely face huge resistance.

So I need lies? I cannot tell them that I took their wealth in order to oppress them and make them think that it is natural for them to give their money to me.

Just like I need to pay taxes, the reasons why I need to pay taxes seem to be different. Why do the largest number of farmers have to pay taxes?

After their hard work in farming, shouldn’t the food they get belong to themselves? Hmm... No, they are cultivating on the land of the nobles. They have borrowed the land to cultivate. If they borrow the land, they should pay it back, so they have to pay taxes.

But I now know that this is a lie. They pay the fruits of their labor because the nobles need to distribute this part of the benefits to attract another group of people to oppress them.

So where did the noble people lie? Does the land belong to the nobles? But where did the nobleman’s land come from? Was it enfeoffed by the emperor? But where did the emperor's land come from? There is always a source! Why does the land belong to the emperor? It is because the emperor exploited the most interests and attracted the strongest force, so we must admit that the land belongs to the emperor. Therefore, the biggest lie is that the land belongs to the superior!

Such lies are just to detour, so that people can’t understand why they don’t pay taxes, and thus lack the will to resist. "Ji Zhen pinched his eyebrows. He needed a lie of his own, a lie like private land!

He thinks it’s not difficult, it shouldn’t be! Otherwise, how could so many people believe such a simple lie as "Wang Tu" in the world? It only takes a small detour and most people will be confused!

"How did my city lord deceive us? My city lord...he asked us to hand over all the herbs we collected in exchange for living supplies. Did he make a profit from the simple process of trading living supplies and herbs?" Jizhen He was stuck. As the person who most wanted to leave and get the first pot of gold, he inquired the most about the outside world. So after a simple calculation, he found that his city lord was operating at a loss, which was a huge contradiction with his previous conclusion. .

"No... this is not a suitable example, the city lord... the city lord is not a qualified ruler. Otherwise, he would not be as depressed as he is now. I have to think of a new reason, if, if there is some profit in processing drugs , how should exploitation be carried out?

This requires me to master a certain channel, such as the trade of a certain commodity, commodity... commodity... What kind of commodity trade channel can I master? I am as unfamiliar with the outside world as they are, and it is difficult to open trade channels.

So what kind of lies should be used to get benefits from them? I only need the first pot of gold. As long as I accumulate a step of benefits, it will be easier to operate in the future.

Hmm... Something's wrong, I made a mistake. The people I can rule are not just these twenty people. If I keep thinking about how to oppress these twenty people, then my initial limit of rule will only be these twenty people. , my rule will also be extremely unstable.

Therefore, as the first group of people to come out with me, they will eventually need to become vested interests with me. The source of my interests is indeed exploited from some people, but it should not come entirely from them.

So who can be exploited by me and exploited by the twenty people under my control? I seem to...get it! "

"The nobles want me to bring more people out of Ketian City, but they definitely don't want to pay as much wealth as us for these people. Even the wealth we gain is only because of the flag role we can play. It can bring them more benefits. Once we lose our role, the rewards we get will also decrease.

So what do I do? Violence is undesirable. We are too weak. If we do nothing, we will become as expendable as the people we deceive.

So... we have to... join the nobleman's interest group and take the initiative to lure more people to leave Ketian City, but... this does not solve the fundamental problem.

When people in the city have almost left, we will still lose value and be abandoned. The benefits gained during this period are not enough to enable us to gain the ability to break away from the nobles and establish our own interest groups.

Therefore, we need to show our value, continue to strengthen ourselves during this period, and help the nobles manage these people. We can distribute some benefits, but this is not enough, and it cannot allow more people to join my establishment group.

It seemed like the only option at that time was to go back to the old business... After all, after doing this, those of us should be quite familiar with the process of human trafficking.

The principles are very simple, but relying on these principles, you want to hold power. It’s really difficult! "

In the God Realm, William couldn't help but wipe the cold sweat from his forehead: "Should I wipe it? What kind of villain did I choose? After a little guidance, he developed in the direction of triangular trade! Fortunately, the limitations of the times did not allow him to come up with any more radical ideas, otherwise he would be out of luck!”

[To be continued]

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