Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,625 The reason for the uprising

Facing Dai Yueheng, even though the two soul saints were facing each other hand in hand in the form of dragon knights, they still felt the huge pressure like a mountain. Although their cultivation seemed to be higher than that of their opponents, after the previous battles, they already knew that the Soul Emperor in front of them could never be judged by common sense.

"Come on together! The remaining five of you, come on together! Without senior, you guys are just like fish."

Each of them is a proud son of heaven, but Dai Yueheng made them feel that they were despised. The pride of genius cannot tolerate the contempt of their opponents even on the field, so they took action.

Many undead creatures were summoned again. Under the leadership of the huge dragon rider and the powerful soul emperor, a natural disaster of the undead was launched on the arena. Most of the audience at the scene were so frightened by the aura of death that they did not dare to open their eyes. The eyes look like a stage.

Even if you watch the broadcast on the screen in the outside world, you can still feel the terrifying momentum of the thousands of troops that seem to be able to flatten everything.

Only Dai Yueheng has no fear at all. Without the threat of the Ultimate Fire, there is no one here who can break his defense, especially since he also used a move similar to the disintegration of the demon. Now that all attributes are doubled, it is easy to deal with these people.

I saw that his figure was in a state where it was impossible to see the human form clearly. The speed was too fast, not only the audience, but even the masters at the competition scene could not see his movements clearly.

Without his senior sister, he would naturally not be merciful to these evil soul masters. He was seen traveling like lightning. As long as he stopped, he would definitely release the powerful White Tiger Destruction Kill. Almost no evil spirit master The soul master can escape his execution.

The Abomination was cut in half from the middle, and the Headless Horseman was directly cut in half. The Ghost Soul Master lasted a few more rounds. After all, his body can reduce physical attacks by more than 90%, but as long as this weakening is not 100%, in There is no point in facing a crushing level of power.

"What a joke! How could we lose like this!" Bone Dragon Soul Master is also the top genius in the Holy Spirit Cult. If Ma Xiaotao hadn't joined, he might have been the future Holy Son. But now, facing Dai Yao Heng, he seemed to have no ability to resist at all.

Facing the white tiger that appeared in front of him instantly, and the huge white tiger that blocked the sky and destroyed the sun, he only felt that no matter what moves he used, he would not be able to escape death.

At this moment, a skinny palm suddenly stood in front of him, blocking the killing blow just now.

The one who took action was not the referee, but the elder of the Holy Spirit Cult, Scorpion Tiger Douluo. This was a super Douluo in the Holy Spirit Cult. Although Wuhun was not a pure evil soul master, he chose to join the Holy Spirit Cult. There is no difference between him and an evil soul master.

The white tiger's destruction shocked the super Douluo back a step, but in the end it did not hurt this strong man across so many levels: "Stop it, we admit defeat in this round."

Facing the Super Douluo, Dai Yueheng was not afraid, but blatantly violating the rules of the game would make the currently prepared game lose his authority, so he had no choice but to stop.

The Bone Dragon Soul Master was unwilling to change back to his true form, but he knew that if he continued to fight, there was only one possibility of death. The Holy Spirit Religion could accept the death of several soul emperors. Although they were also considered geniuses, they were not as good as this one. Top geniuses who can cultivate to Soul Saint at such a young age are still incomparable. Those people can die in battle, but he can't, nor can the Lich Soul Master who has the same cultivation level as him.

The most thrilling game in the group stage is over. Dai Yueheng no longer wins so cleanly this time, but his reputation is getting bigger and bigger. In the past, he defeated his opponents in a one-on-one match, mostly because the opponent didn't count. It is particularly strong. For the top forces such as Noumenon Sect, Shrek Academy, and Holy Spirit Sect, it is possible to achieve the same results by sending out their strongest soul saints.

But the current competition has completely proved Dai Yueheng's dominance in this competition, and told everyone that he is invincible in a single fight. He defeated three top soul saints and four powerful soul emperors by himself. Working together, even Soul Douluo dared not say that he could do it, but Dai Yueheng only thought that he was the Soul Emperor.

In this way, everyone couldn't help but guess that the Soul Emperor was already so powerful. How terrifying it would be if he were allowed to grow to the level of a titled Douluo.

Of course, Dai Yueheng would not tell these people about his growth. It is impossible for him to increase proportionally like other soul masters. The source of his strength is the soul bones he absorbs, which means that his strength is linear. How many soul bones he absorbs will determine how strong he becomes. Cultivation is not necessarily related.

But this misunderstanding is exactly what he needs. With this misunderstanding, others will misestimate his potential, and he will have more resources at this stage.

Compared with Dai Yueheng's great power in the competition, Ji Zhen, who had already left Xingluo City, had returned to Xingguan City with his people. The huge amount of wealth they brought did not let any of the Sandstorm Group. Outsiders learned.

This is due to the strict discipline within the Sandstorm Group that everyone has become accustomed to. Complying with discipline is actually a very rare quality.

Modern Chinese people can organize everyone to queue up to do certain things in public places. It seems to be a very common thing. But in reality, it requires a lot of training.

We have been learning how to abide by discipline since we were in school. We have been developing the habit of queuing since we were in elementary school. It took more than ten years for each small habit to become a leader in an industrialized society. , every employee can subconsciously cooperate with us at the most basic level.

This is the advantage of a nationwide organization. In ancient times, even people with extremely high talents would find it difficult to unite a group of uneducated people who did not know how to abide by discipline and cooperate with each other to accomplish something big.

Ji Zhen emphasized the importance of discipline when the Sandstorm Group was first established. Even when they had little capital, they held a meeting to formulate internal laws within the group through reasoning and required everyone to Strictly implemented by individuals.

Because the truth is very clear, everyone understands that every law is to safeguard collective interests. They give up some of their rights in exchange for the protection of other more important rights.

This gave them the intrinsic motivation to abide by discipline, and they were able to better complete the relatively simple task of keeping secrets. After returning to the factory, they did not immediately spend their wealth to squander it because the organization did not allow it, because they still had Everyone in the city understood that they needed to use the money for more important things, so miraculously, no one in the city realized that they were going out to make a lot of money.

At this time, the factory owner and his minions did not realize that the disaster was coming.

Gu Jie\u0026amp;lt;/span\u0026amp;gt;In the past, they didn't even worry much about workers' strikes, because they had already calculated it when paying workers' wages. After these people get the money, there is basically nothing left except food and drink. Even if they save money, there will be no surplus food. If they go on strike, these people will soon have to go back to the factory because of hunger.

But now, times have changed. The wages they paid to workers have not increased, but the efficiency of the factory has increased. This makes the factory owners very happy, but they have not noticed that the workers have actually more and more money in their hands.

There are so many that they are not only capable of organizing an outright strike, but even enough to organize an armed riot.

"How are the weapons prepared? I remember those simple gunpowder weapons, even we can use them!" Ji Zhen asked Li Er, who was in charge of weapon preparation.

"Only 200 gunpowder weapons were purchased. This thing is contraband. Soul masters believe that ordinary people can use this thing. Any farmer holding a gunpowder weapon can kill any farmer. Soul masters who have been trained for ten years or more Master, it is forbidden to make such things.”

This phenomenon has existed even on Earth. In the European Middle Ages, the production and use of crossbows was prohibited because even a farmer holding such a thing could easily kill a rigorously trained knight.

"That's enough. Two hundred guns are enough. Let's do this! Insufficient firepower may lead to more casualties. You can take another 50,000 gold coins to purchase some soul guidance devices. Didn't we hire twenty soul sects? Call them back and tell them to fight for us, and these soul tools will belong to them."

"Isn't this... too cheap for them? That's 50,000 gold soul coins!" Li Er felt a little distressed. He already had the money, and it was his own concept.

"Now is not the time to worry about money. What is the purpose of establishing the Sandstorm Group? What is the purpose of enacting laws? By abiding by our rules, we can ensure that everyone's interests are not infringed, and everyone's best interest is their own life. We have the right to spend more money so that more people can survive. This is our obligation.

And we will not lose money. These soul masters who have benefited from doing these illegal things with us will become our peripheral members in the future, and we can still ask for their help in the future.

In addition, I’m afraid you have never counted the factory’s income! You are in the military department and are not involved in social surveys, so you may not know how much benefit the factory where we used to work for six hours a day produced every month.

Fifty thousand gold soul coins can be recovered in less than a month. "

"What? Does the factory make money? But why are our wages so low?" Li Er was shocked.

"What does it have to do with you to make money in the factory? You are not the owner of the factory. You were just a consumable that was thrown into the factory. It is the same thing as the mountains of industrial raw materials over there. What can you expect from the factory owner? How much do we pay for these industrial raw materials?

That’s why we have to seize the factory with arms. Only when we become the masters of the means of production can we work for ourselves. We can organize a group to go out to do business and fight in the autumn wind. It’s okay to do it occasionally. If we want to become bigger, we must have our own basic disk. "

Li Er nodded as if he understood, and left to prepare weapons. He didn't quite understand. Aren't people like him already rich? What is the difference between money earned in a factory and money earned in business? Why is the money earned more useful when the means of production are available than when they are not available?

Li Er, who was involved in security work in Xingluo City, has deeply realized how easy it is to make money relying on the strength of a group. He can obviously make more money than this factory, but why does the leader value seizing the factory more than anything else? important.

Obviously he has not realized the importance of the means of production. Ancient businessmen may have been as rich as the enemy, but without the means of production, that is, land, they were just fat pigs in the eyes of senior officials. When they were short of money, they would be slaughtered to enrich themselves. Treasury.

Not just in ancient times, even in modern times, money is not everything. Otherwise, the oil guys in the Middle East are extremely rich, but why do they have so little say in the world?

After today's businessmen get rich to a certain level, their wealth is no longer their own. Whatever they want to invest in, they will not have complete autonomy in their own hands. Instead, they need the permission of national policies to invest. This is natural. Because most of them do not have particularly important means of production, all they have is money, and money is only a form of expression of the country's credibility.

In contrast, those very domineering companies that can run rampant are often because they are at the forefront of the times and have mastered some of the new production materials of the next era, such as the Internet, instant messaging software, and payment. The software has a huge user base.

The more important the means of production that are mastered, the more powerful the collective is, and being important here does not mean it is more profitable.

Clothes, food, and basic shelter are what people at the lowest level need, and what people at the bottom of the pyramid in society need.

In the upward middle class, this requires better housing, convenient transportation, and friends with whom to communicate.

As for the top level, what is needed is gorgeous clothes, luxurious residences, the right to enter and exit most areas at will, and authority that has been respected by the public.

It seems that mastering the top layer is the most beautiful and the most profitable, but if you analyze it carefully, you will find that when your survival encounters a crisis, these things on the top layer are often the first to be abandoned, while warm clothes , food that is enough to sustain life is the most important and the most important thing that cannot be discarded.

If someone can completely master the production of water and air, then he will be the most powerful person in the world, even if his products are so simple.

What business can control is only the top of the pyramid, the most gorgeous part, but what can really determine the direction of this society is the bottom, the most basic needs. This is why land is always important for production no matter what time. data reasons.

[To be continued]

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