Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,633 Scissors Difference

The war in the Douling Empire was doomed from the beginning. In the face of the total war of industrialized war, there is no possibility for a few to win in front of the majority.

Although Ma Huayun is the largest capitalist of this era, he represents the majority in front of the conservative feudal land aristocracy and the direction of progress for most people who are willing to make progress and obtain a better life.

Therefore, the employees who work for him are willing to become his warriors, and the students who are educated in his school are willing to develop weapons for him against titled Douluo.

Although a series of strategies were used during the battle to withstand the counterattack of the conservative forces, under the torrent of steel, even if the delay becomes a protracted war, and even if forces from other countries are involved, the outcome of the war is already certain Yes.

The imperial city of the Douling Empire was breached, even though there were many institutions in the city, protected by experts, and there were loyal knights who were willing to detonate ammunition depots and kill the attacking army in order to protect the safety of the royal family.

But this cannot withstand the end of the old era after all. Industrialization has begun and capital has sprouted. Relying on violence to suppress a rising class is unrealistic in itself, but when this class has a strong leadership organization After getting up, the current power grab seemed natural.

After the city was captured, it did not fall into troublesome security battles. The situation where people spontaneously organized themselves into guerrillas and fought with the enemy on the streets in the countryside and outskirts of the city was simply impossible in this era.

Not only because nationalism was not born, but also because these people have no goal to fight for. In their world view, no matter how the noble lord above them is changed, their lives will not get better.

There may be a large number of soul masters and nobles who are loyal to the royal family and will rebel against the army. They will launch rebellions again and again in an attempt to restore power, but these people are still a minority. After losing the shackles of their thoughts, one of these people will die. .

After the capital was occupied, all 13 major cities under attack were occupied by his army. A new country was immediately named, but it was still called Douling, but it was changed to Douling Republic.

Although nationalism was not born, people who have lived on this continent for more than 10,000 years still have cultural heritage. Forcibly changing the naming method of the country is a denial of the old era, but it is also a reflection on the culture of the people in this country. negative.

This kind of behavior is unacceptable to Ma Huayun who still needs to unite the people of the country for industrial production.

The war will not end in a few days. The feudal era is also different from the industrial era. The population and productivity are not concentrated in cities, but distributed in vast villages. Cities are just trade distribution centers between these villages. .

After occupying these nodes, there is still an extremely long task left, which is to find ways to control the villages under the jurisdiction of these cities. Although there are already a lot of educated people in the industrial population, these people are not trained for management. In short, schools basically only teach science subjects, and there is no liberal arts content. If these people go to fight with the landlords and wealthy people in the countryside, it will be a waste of resources.

Ma Huayun also knew that his changes could not be achieved in one step, so he used the means of military deterrence and monetary redemption to get these landlords to declare their support for the new regime.

Doing this is also a last resort. When he chooses to occupy an empire, he has no way out. What the Huayun Group has done is definitely extremely dangerous in the eyes of the other three empires, so the group is in the other three empires. industries were immediately sanctioned.

This is not an orderly modern society. The so-called sanctions are not economic sanctions. Instead, a group of soul masters rushed over, broke open the factory door, arrested all the management in the factory, and put the workers under collective control and confiscated all financial resources. and production tools.

The armed forces of the Huayun Group are concentrated in the Douling Empire, which means that the defenses of other parts of their factories are weak. On the one hand, the three empires are afraid that the Huayun Group will repeat its old tricks and do this once on their side. On the other hand, they have also coveted the wealth of Huayun Group for a long time.

Although the emperors of the feudal era had a vague understanding of the nature of money, they still remained greedy for things like gold and silver. Huayun Group had gathered too many precious metals, and these were already among the three major Something the Empire has coveted for a long time.

Having lost its retreat, Huayun Group must ensure that it can quickly resume production within the Douling Empire and have enough industrial population to convert the factory to a wartime system to cope with a general war sweeping the entire empire.

If you want to fight such a war, the most important thing is to have a stable industrial population in the control area. The transportation capacity in the feudal era would not allow the Huayun Group to transfer the populations of the other three empires. Even in modern society, Moving from HLJ to Guangdong is enough for an ordinary family to consider for several years, and in an era with less developed transportation, such a decision is even more difficult to make.

Ma Huayun's strategy is not to spend money to buy people directly from these landowners. If he pays to buy people, these smart guys will definitely raise the price. Everyone can see the urgency of Huayun Group, they need people.

At this time, I must have taken the opportunity to take a serious bite.

Therefore, Ma Huayun's strategy is to sell agricultural machinery to these former land aristocrats. They are obsessed with the population in their territories. The most important reason is that labor can create wealth.

Sitting on land, the most precious means of production in this era, they seem to be very wealthy, but if the land is there and they are not cultivated, it will not grow food on its own.

In this way, it is necessary to tie the peasants to the land. By continuously annexing the land in the hands of the free people, strengthening the personal dependence between the two parties, this not only involves money, but also involves controlling the life and death of a group of people. The right of great power.

It's just that most landowners don't realize this and simply think that the land needs to be cultivated.

When agricultural machinery is acquired, the number of people required for the same land will be much smaller. Those who are not needed will be driven out of the land, because it costs money to feed these people, and in the countryside, these people The money earned from handicrafts is not even enough to support themselves due to competition from industrial goods.

Naturally, the population will be absorbed by industrial cities. This can be regarded as another model of sheep eating people. It is both industrial harvesting, handicrafts and agriculture, but the operations are different.

Gu Tong

Order in Douling City was quickly restored. Ma Huayun did not kill the royal family of this country. He knew that it was not the time to completely fall out. Keeping the emperor and establishing a constitutional monarchy would at least save some face for the emperor and let others The three empires will not regard the sudden appearance of the Dou Ling Republic as a thorn in the city's side or a thorn in the flesh.

Even so, the Douling Republic after the reform is already much better for Huayun Group. In the past, a large part of the profits created by Huayun Group were eaten up by the feudal nobles. In order to maintain the existence of the group, most of the profits had to be enriched by the feudal nobles.

These nobles and soul masters control the strongest armed forces and use the most direct force to coerce the soul tool industry to pay heavy taxes. In the name of it, they cannot let a few opportunistic businessmen plunder the people's wealth.

But now, in the area occupied by the rebels, Huayun Group is the strongest military force, and no one will forcefully deprive the factory of its interests.

Under the wartime system, any behavior that disrupts production order can be shot to death on the spot.

The speed at which industry accumulates wealth is unimaginable for Douluo people who have been around for ten thousand years in the farming era.

A large number of industrial products have flooded into the market. Even if foreign markets have not yet been explored, the market within the occupied area is enough for Huayun Group to recover a large amount of funds. The industrial products exported to the countryside will be exchanged for a large amount of food supplies, and the remaining The industrial production capacity can also produce a large number of war weapons.

All 13 cities were selected, and important industrial raw materials were available near the cities. When the war started, the railways that had already laid the roadbed began to be laid quickly.

In the preparations before the operation, the construction of the railway is the top priority. After all, the carrying capacity of the storage soul guide is limited. More importantly, it cannot transport life forms. This means that front-line supplies still need to rely on conventional transportation. Way.

Before the war started, the Chenpi rails and sleepers were already in the warehouse of the factory. Now we only need to take out these materials and lay them, and then we can complete the railway at an incredible speed on the roads that have already laid the roadbed. build

As for how to complete the transportation of rails and other materials in the desolate and inhabited areas along the railway, of course it still relies on the soul masters hired by money.

There is still a scissor gap between industry and agriculture. Soul masters and nobles living in the countryside need more industrial products if they want better living conditions, just like modern people need the latest models if they want better living conditions. Like mobile phones and better graphics cards, these things cannot be made by oneself, so one can only buy them, and those who have the technology to make these things are invisibly using scissors to harvest the wealth created by our labor in the process. , so that we have to work.

The same goes for soul masters. After discovering that the population in the territory and the wealth produced by the land can no longer meet their ever-increasing living needs, their first thought is to rob. After all, this has been a habit for tens of thousands of years. He makes money with his force, but the most powerful violent organization in the occupied area has been controlled by the Huayun Group. After being unable to obtain wealth by relying on the combat power that he thought was good in the past, when he learned that the construction site hired soul masters at high prices to carry out railway construction, Although I feel a little embarrassed, I still go to the construction site to participate in labor with a proud attitude.

Arrogant is the perfect word to describe the attitude of these soul masters on the construction site. For the workers on the construction site, the group uses points based on kilometers. In order to satisfy the facial pride of these arrogant soul masters, every one of them These are the leaders of the construction team.

But during the construction process, the real command is actually the professional engineers. Of course, there are soul masters who are good at making suggestions and believe that only by following their own way can the paving be done faster and make more money.

But these people, who are more lucky, just mess around and delay the construction period, resulting in not making as much as others. As for those who are unlucky, they just don't care about the quality during the construction process, and deal with it casually, making the rails look paved. As long as it's long.

Such people are directly ordered to rework, and they are also required to compensate for the materials wasted during their blind command.

Gradually, everyone became wiser and understood that these professional engineers were the real leaders in the construction process. Carrying the name of a leader was just a matter of face given by others.

If you want to make more money, you have to listen to these engineers. The more arrogant ones will explain their actions like this: "Excellent monarchs often know how to accept the advice of their subordinates." It can be said that they are very golden.

With the construction of the railway, Huayun Group's control over its occupied areas has been strengthened to an extent unimaginable in the feudal era. If any abnormal situation occurs in any area, troops can be dispatched within a day.

This means that it is no longer possible for a single lord to rebel. Within the coverage of the railway network, the power of the state machine can crush everything.

Originally, those powerful outsiders who were still loyal to the royal family continued to harass the Dou Ling Republic after the war reached a stalemate. They once achieved quite good results and annihilated many mechanized troops.

But as the railways spread out, these people found that it became increasingly difficult for their attacks to cause damage.

Although it is still a matter of shooting and changing places, the army often still holds its position during his attacks. A large amount of support had already arrived from the city, forcing them to evacuate without achieving much success.

After all, there are only a few soul masters who are truly loyal to the royal family. Most soul masters even have a very weak concept of country. Take Tang San, for example, before he came into contact with the royal family's court struggle in the later period, they had always been brothers to the princes of the Star Luo Empire. They had no relationship with their own country at all. The concept of blood feud.

At that stage, there was basically no hesitation for him to switch jobs to the Star Luo Empire. This characteristic of taking advantage of advantages determines that most soul masters start to think rationally when the battle is thankless.

How to face the Douling Republic now and the former Douling royal family who have been under house arrest? In addition, there is another problem: the loss of cooperative relationship with Huayun Group. The industrial products that have been taken for granted in the past have actually been lost. The source of supply, the luxurious life of a large number of soul masters was no longer guaranteed, and their own vital interests were involved, and these people began to think new.

[To be continued]

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