Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,657 Encirclement and Suppression in the God Realm

The God of Thunder who was practicing didn't know that all life on the ground was already in ruins. So he didn't even know that he had been exposed. During the short period of time when he lost all external perception, he had completed the restart and upgrade of the spiritual energy system in his body.

His strength has improved by leaps and bounds again, but that's all. The short training time is not enough for him to gain the power to compete with the gods, and now he has no time to lay any effective traps.

When he first got into the ground, he did set some traps, but those things were all set when he only had the second-level divine power. What's the use of a mere secondary god facing the main god or even the little tricks left by the god king?

The low-level god who was forced to open the way triggered the traps he laid. It seems that the biggest effect of these traps now is to make him realize that someone is coming outside.

He quickly ended his training and reopened his perception. He released his spiritual power towards the surface to explore, and he was shocked to see a scene of devastation. The originally prosperous human cities on the surface had now turned into a hell of death, with rotting human bodies everywhere. It all seemed like a scenario that could only occur in the end of the world.

"What happened? Why did I just stay in seclusion for a few days and the outside turned out like this? Does all this have anything to do with me? Is it possible that the skills I am practicing now are so unnatural? It is because I have extracted the power of all living beings, This is how my strength has improved by leaps and bounds?

This..." A feeling of guilt briefly emerged in his heart, but he quickly shook his head to dispel it: "I didn't mean it. Is there anything written in the construction law that this kind of situation will happen? Moreover, everyone is already dead. It’s just the consequences of my mistake. I can’t be asked to pay for it with my life! You all can go with peace of mind, I will use the power you have given me to live on your behalf! "

After soothing himself, Thor also began to prepare to deal with the trouble at hand. The trap he set was triggered, which means that this big scene has been discovered by the God Realm. Think about it, if you are the God King, If so, he would definitely suspect that there is something wrong with the Thor who came here for vacation.

He didn't hide his whereabouts too much when he was on vacation before, and he would definitely leave some clues that would be discovered. It was impossible to completely avoid being visited by the gods, but he didn't expect it to come so soon. After a brief hesitation, he decided to accept the challenge.

Even if he can't defeat him, it can prove that he has a fighting power that surpasses that of ordinary gods. As long as he is willing to correct his evil ways and hand over his skills, he will definitely be protected by the gods and gain a matching status.

As long as he can resist a little bit in the siege of the gods, and prove that he has the ability to be immune to soul searching and destroy the technique, there is still a glimmer of hope.

Thinking of this, he sat cross-legged and began to practice, adjust his state, prepare or fight, there is no use running. Although the gods are powerful, they do not have the ability to travel alone, and they need to rely on others to cross between different planets. This can only be achieved if the divine world serves as a springboard.

If he dares to return to the God Realm and is caught immediately, he might as well treat this lifeless planet as his battlefield.

As he practiced, a large amount of underground magma surged toward him. The huge heat was converted into energy that could be utilized under the temperature difference. It was absorbed by the extraordinary spiritual energy in his body and gathered together. This is the so-called storage. force.

For the aura itself, this process is equivalent to charging. The same aura can sometimes have a huge difference in intensity. The reason is that the aura itself also needs to be charged.

If the internal energy is insufficient, the effect of use will be much worse. This is not reflected in most battles, because the energy contained in these extraordinary powers is too huge. As long as a little bit remains, it will be enough to have a huge effect. .

In comparison, the battles between the gods consumed a huge amount of energy, which already made the energy stored in ordinary spiritual energy somewhat insufficient. Most of the time, spiritual energy would maintain a relatively low energy reserve.

Because in this situation, external forces can be absorbed during the battle. Weaken enemy attacks.

And Thor is now charging these low reserves of extraordinary power to the full level.

Geothermal energy is huge. Using the heat difference in different depths of the earth to extract energy, a large amount of extraordinary power can be charged in a short period of time.

Looking at the encirclement and suppression army by the gods, after triggering several traps, many low-level gods relaxed. Only two third-level gods had suffered minor injuries before. Although Thor was relatively powerful among the many low-level gods, the traps he set still had very limited effects when faced with so many people.

In their opinion, the trap is not very strong, so the Thor's body is probably not very strong either. These people were originally driven here by high-level gods to avoid thunder. If their opponents are relatively weak and not in any danger, it is certainly a good thing for them.

It's just that they obviously misjudged the speed at which Thor would become stronger. In the face of the spiritual energy technique that has the same instruction manual, the improvement of strength may be a matter of clicking and installing.

So when he came to an empty underground space and saw the God of Thunder sitting cross-legged, the second-level god who wanted to show off his face in front of the high-ranking god angrily scolded the God of Thunder.

"Bold, do you know? What kind of damage have you done? The whole world has been devastated because of you, tens of millions of people have died because of you, and hundreds of millions of lives have been affected by your evil power. Pain, death .

Today we are going to do justice for heaven and eliminate harm for the people. If you, a bold devil, are killed here, those of you who have ten items should surrender quickly, and you can have a good time in exchange! "

The God of Thunder glanced at the second-level god who spoke. He remembered that this person usually had a very good attitude towards him. Every time he got together with him, he always called him brother and sister. He even tried to please him in every possible way, hoping that he could teach him some skills. A method to cultivate for the strongest second-level gods.

At this time, facing himself, he spoke arrogantly, so mercilessly, and showed no trace of the kindness of the past. It also made him completely understand the true face of the gods, they are just a group of villains who can flatter upwards and bully downwards. For such people, as long as they can show sufficient strength and sufficient value, they can also obtain the status they deserve.

Thinking of this, he also stood up and restrained the power he had released.

"Are you ready to surrender? It seems you are quite wise! Hand over the evil abilities you used, and maybe I can beg the adults to save your life!"


"Are you done? You can get out after you're done." The God of Thunder casually moved his hand, and a white halo appeared in the air in front of him. A thick white light pillar was released from the halo, which seemed to draw a circle to curse you. style of painting.

The powerful god who had just spoken rudely was able to hit the wall directly. The entire underground space began to tremble and a large number of stones fell down.

The man who was blasted against the wall was directly embedded in the rock. Even if he was not killed instantly, his expression was sluggish. As a second-level god, he would not be so embarrassed even when facing the main god. Obviously this The opponent once had an unexpected fighting power.

Thor is not going to act anymore and directly show his power. Don’t you want my power? Then come and get it!

As he spoke, he stretched out his palm forward, like a king's treasure behind his back. Golden circles of light emerged one by one. Although there was no magical treasure inside, the huge energy gathered, and the energy contained in each circle was no less than the blow that had just blasted the second-level god away.

When the Lord of the Supreme God saw the powerful ability displayed by the God of Thunder, everyone showed a solemn expression, but deep down in his heart, he had greedy thoughts.

Even a second-level god can obtain such an improvement. If they were to use it, how powerful would it be?

However, although they all wanted the treasure that Thor obtained this time, they still did not take action personally. Since the treasure obtained by Thor can make him so powerful in a short period of time, this treasure must have surpassed most of the treasures in the God Realm. , it is difficult to confirm whether this thing has other special abilities.

If there is, it is obviously more appropriate to test it yourself first, as you are likely to be taken away, and let your younger brother run to test it. After trying to find out what abilities men have obtained, and then denying yourself the ability to obtain them, this is most suitable.

Thor also knows what the gods think. He knows very well that he has no chance of defeating the gods and has no chance of escaping. In this case, what he has to do now is to show his strength as much as possible and take advantage of this period of time to There is also the power of resistance, allowing them to realize the extent of their abilities.

Although he is not strong enough to die together with the God-King now, he can still do it if he really puts his life into pulling three or five main gods into the water together. In this way, the God-Kings also need to consider the consequences of his ability. Impact, the possibility of reconciliation is very high, don’t look at the gods. Now, all of them are doing justice and eliminating harm for the people.

This thing is the same as the excuses used in real wars, just take a few photos and create some rumors. It can be used as an excuse for war. As long as one party wants to start a war, excuses can be found no matter how hard you look.

After the fight reaches a certain level and the benefits are distributed, the two parties who were originally life-and-death enemies can immediately sit down at the negotiation table. A peaceful discussion on how to distribute post-war benefits.

Thor released a beam of light from behind, all of which should have been powerful skill attacks. But when he used it, it was like a normal attack. He could use it however he wanted and as many times as he wanted.

Not only is it activated instantly without the slightest delay, but it also seems to be without any consumption. Some voices who are better at observing have discovered the problem and quickly shouted to remind: "Don't compete with him in consumption, this guy can directly drive the essence of heaven and earth to turn into own attack.

His indiscriminate bombardment of us just now was of almost no use to himself. "After hearing such a description, these low-level gods also felt despair.

This terrifying bombardment, which was like an attack from the Lord God, turned out to be just a random ordinary attack.

You must know that at this time, hundreds of kilometers of underground space are about to be blown up. Even if the Lord God releases such powerful destruction, it is impossible and almost useless.

Facing Thor's powerful attack, they were simply desperate. Dozens of low-level gods joined forces, but they were chased by him alone.

There is simply no ability to resist, and some people try to fight back. Many attacks are very concealed and can hit the opponent unexpectedly.

But when these hidden attacks came in front of the God of Thunder, a silver shield suddenly appeared, blocking all these attacks with ease.

No matter how hidden the angle is or how tricky the attack is, it will be intercepted immediately, and many attacks will even be directly rebounded, making it almost as if it is invulnerable.

The Lord God and the Supreme God, who were observing the battle and summarizing the opponent's weaknesses, were also thinking. Tang San even looked unhappy. He could see that the Thundergod was not actively defending. The shield that suddenly appeared was not controlled by his consciousness, but appeared passively. from.

In other words, this thing can automatically defend, which is quite disadvantageous for Tang San who is good at using hidden weapons. The biggest advantage of hidden weapons is that they can catch them by surprise and attack them unprepared. In fact, their own attack power is not particularly powerful. With automatic defense, it is obviously very disadvantageous.

Thor himself does not have strong enough computing power and reaction ability to withstand the tricky and covert attacks of many second-level gods, but he seems to have used some kind of power to improve his computing power and automate his defense.

This is very easy for Reiki. It can be controlled so intelligently. Reiki obviously has a built-in computing system. The computing power of a single smallest aura unit may be very weak, but the microscopic level of these things may even be smaller than atoms, and they accumulate in huge numbers. The computing assistance capabilities it can provide are a terrifying astronomical figure.

As a cultivation technique in the aura manual, it is not difficult to remotely control the aura and perform such simple calculations. Not only is the defense automated, but even the attack is automated. In Thor's field of vision, after the aura calculation Give him a planned attack route.

These are basically the optimal solutions in battle. Even his enemies will be analyzed intelligently to analyze the opponent's various weaknesses and formulate targeted strategies. Analyze whose attack is more threatening, and predict the opponent's next move based on the action patterns captured in the short term.

In this way, he can completely handle the battle with ease, and even directly take charge of it to deal with opponents weaker than himself. The power displayed by Thor is even more gorgeous than when the Supreme God directly crushes him.

[To be continued]

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