Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,666 Tiangang Earth Evil

Although the Douling Republic has ushered in a technological explosion, come on, the Sun and Moon Empire has restricted its own technology, but for the country itself, it is still in a state of tension.

The threat of the gods is still close at hand. If it is not resolved as soon as possible, even if there is a technological explosion, there is still a risk of annihilation of the country at any time. Not only the destruction of the country, but also the survival of mankind itself will be threatened. Perhaps the human race will still be destroyed. It is possible to continue to survive, but for the people of this country that has seen the future and hope, that kind of existence in captivity has no meaning at all.

Therefore, even though the technological explosion has brought a lot of economic benefits, these benefits have also been invested in infrastructure construction and the production of strategic weapons. The reason for investing in infrastructure construction is simple. It is of strategic significance to build railways that run through the country. For a powerful country, these transportation systems are like the tough meridians in the body of a cultivator. The smoother it is, the more complex it is, which means the more powerful the talent is.

A convenient transportation system can connect the entire country as one. Convenient transportation of materials not only improves people's livelihood, but also greatly reduces the cost of large-scale industrial production.

On the other hand, a large amount of investment was spent on armament construction. In the battle with the second-level gods, Dou Ling's army realized that its combat effectiveness was seriously insufficient. The only thing that could harm the gods was the focused light tank. , which is seriously insufficient.

They need stronger strategic weapons to fight against the gods. Fortunately, the captured gods are not very strong-willed. Although God has great spiritual power. But their willpower has been corroded by years of enjoyment. After a certain amount of interrogation, Dou Ling Republic also obtained a considerable part of the knowledge of cultivation techniques.

Although ordinary humans with very little extraordinary energy in their bodies gradually cultivated the cultivation techniques, and the power they could obtain was very limited, they unexpectedly discovered that the cultivation techniques were very consistent with the ideas of new spells, and even some new spells were actually consistent with the cultivation techniques. The methods coincided with each other, and at this time, the new cultivation method was implemented. There was no resistance at all. It is even regarded as an upgraded version of the new spell. It has been successfully accepted and used by everyone, and is also being further analyzed and studied. However, everyone knows that it is difficult to achieve results in this regard in a short period of time.

What is needed to fight against more powerful gods is powerful strategic weapons. The improvement of individual strength alone is not enough to fight against individuals countless times more powerful than oneself.

In terms of strategic weapons, the Republic of Dou Ling has also adopted a research strategy in two directions. One direction is long-range precision-guided missiles, paired with nuclear weapons, and raw material extraction technology, which are important issues they need to overcome. The manufacture of missiles requires overcoming more technical difficulties.

Another direction is space-based weapons. Because of the existence of storage equipment, it is much easier to develop rocket technology on this planet than on earth. There is no need to consider the problem of too much fuel. There are also things to consider when launching rockets from Earth. The fuel itself also has mass. If you want to accelerate the fuel to the first cosmic speed, you will consume more fuel, forming a vicious cycle.

Here you only need to put the temporarily unused fuel into the storage equipment, and then release it when you need to continue to accelerate. Although this process often requires manual operation, there is no doubt that it greatly reduces the cost. The difficulty of transporting matter in space.

The difficulty of building a space city is more than a hundred times easier than on earth.

It is precisely for this reason that space-based weapons are regarded as important strategic weapons, and considerable resources have been invested in their development.

The space-based defense system and missile defense system have also been named Tiangang and Disha. It is easy to understand that the space-based weapon is named Tiangang system. As for the missile system, it is named Disha system because of temporary technical limitations.

Currently, there are only four low-Earth orbit satellites in the sky, and radio technology is not developed enough. Timing technology, atomic and other things have not yet been developed. If we want to rely on satellite guidance, starlight guidance, inertial guidance, and radar navigation, These are difficult to achieve for precise guidance of intercontinental missiles.

But in the face of imminent threats, people can always unleash their potential and imagination. Design a plan that is incredible but feasible.

This plan is the Disha Plan. The Dou Ling Republic will spend a lot of manpower and material resources to build an underground three-defense facility every fifty kilometers on the country, forming a grid-like underground defense system covering the entire country.

On the one hand, this part of the three defense facilities can be used to evacuate people during the war. Avoid air strikes. On the other hand, it is also an important military stronghold and can serve as a stronghold.

But the most important role of the densely packed three-room facilities is actually to guide intercontinental missiles, at least to ensure that these missiles can travel unimpeded and accurately guide within their own country's territory.

Guidance for hundreds of kilometers is impossible, but guidance within fifty kilometers is relatively easy. As long as there are enough underground facilities distributed on the ground to guide the missile, it can be guided between the many underground facilities. Carry out a relay, guide the missile, and fly towards the target you need to attack.

This is the origin of the Disha defense system. As for why these missile-guiding facilities are built underground instead of on the ground where the signal is better...

This problem is of course based on practical considerations. At first, the people who designed this plan also wanted to build the guidance facilities on the surface, but soon they realized a very serious problem. Those responsible for the relay would build the facilities on the surface. It is safe, but the person responsible for guiding the last group is out of luck. Future missiles will need to be equipped with nuclear warheads. There is a high probability that the person guiding the last group will be within the explosion range.

If the facility is built on the ground, then the person responsible for the last journey will be dead. Although sacrifice must be made in order to fight against the gods, it will certainly not be in vain due to design issues.

Therefore, considering the number of reuses and the safety of the guides, these facilities were naturally built underground. In the area a hundred meters deep underground, even if a nuclear bomb explodes overhead, as long as it is not particularly exaggerated like Big Ivan The type can still basically ensure your own safety.

In comparison, space-based weapons and ground-penetrating bombs pose a greater threat to these underground facilities than nuclear bombs.

As for the gods if they invade these underground facilities... there will undoubtedly be a tragic explosion.

It is still relatively difficult to make a nuclear bomb that can be transported by missiles. If you just make a nuclear bomb that can be detonated on the spot, the difficulty is much lower. Even as long as you pile up enough explosives, it will be more powerful than a brick.

It is difficult to resist the underground facilities invaded by gods. Before being captured, the super-large nuclear bombs buried here will kill the invaders with them.

It is precisely because of this design that the Disha Project is only able to admit refugees from the city in extreme emergencies. In more cases, urban residents need to go to special underground facilities to avoid aerial attacks.

Compared with the Tiangang Project, the Disha Project has relatively fewer technical problems to overcome. The biggest technical bottleneck is uranium enrichment. In this regard, significant progress has been made after Shen Jingcheng and other scientific researchers adjusted the specialized soul guide. , a method similar to a semipermeable membrane can be used for relatively efficient separation.

The production of weapons-grade nuclear materials has begun to gradually increase. Compared with the technical threshold, this plan actually consumes more manpower and material resources. The distance of fifty kilometers sounds very far. But to spread it across the country, at least 3,000 such underground facilities need to be built.

This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that many underground cities must be built in remote mountainous areas. Overcoming the difficult local conditions and inconvenient transportation requires an astronomical amount of manpower and material resources.

Therefore, even though technological breakthroughs have made significant progress, the country still implements a strict rationing system. In essence, this allocation system ruthlessly exploits everyone's labor. And it is one of the most severe forms of exploitation, but from another perspective, it is actually the concerted efforts of everyone in the country to contribute their own strength to the survival of civilization.

Compared with the Disha Project, the Tiangang Project faces more technical challenges and more dangers. After humans enter space, most of the soul guidance devices cannot be used, including soul power, which is also difficult to use.

Although this means that it is difficult for the gods to exert strong combat effectiveness in space, it also means that most of the technology that the Dou Ling Republic has used to climb up with the help of the crutch of soul power has lost its effect in space.

If you want to activate these facilities, you can only rely on the reserved emergency soul power, and you must use a little bit less. Therefore, every astronaut who goes to space must have strong ability to adapt to changes.

In space with limited resources, do your best to survive by using the resources at hand, and build magnificent space facilities one after another.

Considering that every rocket launch requires a huge cost. The Tiangang project requires the rapid construction of many orbital space stations. Each astronaut going to space will receive extremely limited support. He is likely to face the dilemma of being trapped and dead in space due to insufficient initial resources.

Therefore, the selection of astronauts is very strict, not only in terms of technology, ability, knowledge, physical fitness, etc., but also in strict examination of personal will and thought.

Although satellites in space hang high in the sky, they are undoubtedly extremely fragile compared to defense facilities on the ground. In the war with the gods, fragile facilities will definitely become the targets of key attacks, and when battle damage occurs , it is almost impossible for them to obtain logistical supplies.

Therefore, every astronaut is selected with the intention of sacrificing himself in space.

At least it won't be like those astronauts in Interstellar. Those who want to go home to be with their daughters want to go home, those who want to find a husband want to find a husband, and those who want to survive send fake news to deceive people and blow up the spacecraft. Although it is humane Yes, it is freedom and democracy, and it succeeded in the end by chance. But leaving the future of mankind to such a few idiots is really irresponsible to mankind itself.

As a mature civilization, it is absolutely impossible to place hope on miracles. The so-called miracles are a future that can be realized if everyone works together!

Therefore, it is impossible for those who have certain talents but cannot pass the examination of willpower or personal thoughts to become astronauts.

Saving humanity by one's own efforts is indeed full of romanticism, but when faced with a real existential crisis, what people can rely on is by no means a certain hero, but humanity as a whole, which is the responsibility of every small person. Dedication and sacrifice.

The first batch of 50 rockets was launched. There were only three astronauts on each rocket. This is also the limit of what current technology can achieve. Although the rocket can carry a large amount of materials, the number of people it can carry cannot be loaded into the storage tank. The technology of the material soul guide, which freezes the human body at ultra-low temperatures and then thaws and resurrects it, is far from being as easy to achieve as imagined.

At least in terms of animal experiments, all that can be obtained after thawing is a piece of rotten meat. There is still no way to carry out cryonics by putting the human body into a storage soul guide.

Therefore, the construction of the entire space station can only rely on three astronauts. Each of them is also equipped with the most advanced engineering mecha and carries a large number of sealed soul power storage facilities to ensure sufficient energy supply during the construction process.

The structural facilities of the space station have been processed on the ground. What they need to be responsible for when they come to space is assembly. As for the ecological circulation system, in addition to air circulation, it does not carry, but directly carries food.

With a storage soul guide, unless you want to build a space city with tens of thousands of people living there, it is more convenient to bring food from the ground.

Among the three largest space stations, rockets will be launched one after another to replenish manpower. Among the people who will be replenished will be food-type soul masters. These people are naturally preparing for a protracted war. Once the war begins in full force, if you want to It will be very difficult to send rockets to deliver supplies to space.

At that time, other space stations can only last for a few years at most, but if there are food-type soul masters in space, relying on the small spaceships that transport food to each other in different space wars, with the existence of food-type soul masters, they can continue to maintain it for several years. It's possible in ten years.

In addition to the supplies to maintain the life of the astronauts, the remaining items carried are ammunition. Compared to firing soul cannons at the ground, it is more practical and feasible to fire live weapons at the ground, relying on the huge gravity. It can cause huge damage.

If the energy contained in the ammunition that can be launched by space-based weapons on the earth does not exceed the total chemical energy released by the fuel required to launch satellites, then Douluo has the existence of a storage soul guide , in this part of the conversion of chemical energy and mechanical energy, there is no need to consider energy conservation.

[To be continued]

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