Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,728 Absolute control of time standing still

, see you soon Douluo

"There are three types of space devices. I think the first one, which transmits directly, has the most practical value at present. The second one, which sets coordinates at the end of the transmission, should have the most potential.

As for the third type, which sets coordinates at both the starting point and the end point, I think there is basically no need to conduct offensive testing. This type has almost no actual combat value, and even if it is used, it is used for logistics and transportation. "Chengying's clone expressed his understanding of the three transmission methods.

The military tester nodded: "Let's start with the first type! The test subject is a second-level god. We can directly create a life form of this level and control the mind through the chip."

As he spoke, in a room entirely made of high-strength macromolecular materials, an individual with a silvery body came out and saluted Cheng Ying and the officer respectively.

"This test does not involve mental will, so we use inanimate test subjects.

The gods are energy-based living entities. It is difficult for us to create such existences. The one in front of you can be regarded as the most successful type we have imitated. It relies on powerful energy to constrain the body formed by liquid metal and the structure of the gods. Already quite similar.

The next target used for testing will be implanted with a program that forcibly breaks free from restraints. Even if we are unable to input instructions from the outside world, he will struggle with all his strength to verify the effect of the control ability of the space device. "

Cheng Ying nodded when he heard this and adjusted the equipment in his hand. It looked like a vacuum cleaner, with a big bag on his back and a tube in his hand.

As he completed the debugging, the test target also walked in front of him, his eyes turned blue, and he started to operate at full power.

These test robots can simulate the gods and can also be used as individual combatants, but Chengying does not have high hopes for them.

The speed of these guys is pretty good now, and the stronger ones can even surpass the Lord God, and even be close to the Supreme God, but this is under the premise that the gods have not learned the cultivation techniques. If the gods have completely learned William, he will be brought out from the Lord God's space. With the cultivation techniques, the combat effectiveness will increase exponentially, and these robots will not be of much use.

Now it is used for testing, and the final result is that it can only be used against the existing gods. The greatest significance is that it can launch a surprise attack and eliminate the living power of the gods in a short period of time. In this way, even if the cultivation techniques are completely disclosed, the number of remaining gods will be greatly reduced after they become stronger. The destructive power it could exert was greatly reduced from the beginning.

Cheng Ying aimed the tube-like thing in his hand at the target of the test. The process of launching did not require any accumulation of force. A blue light was emitted and hit the target.

Immediately, the target's body became blue and translucent, a bit like the holographic projection of artificial intelligence in science fiction movies, except that the shadow did not move, or was struggling, but could only shake weakly.

"Energy consumption is rising sharply." Cheng Ying recorded the data: "The data upload process has not been interrupted. Do you want to terminate the test?"

He asked this question naturally because the experimental subjects were quite precious, and the teleportation point he designed was on Mars in the distance. It would take nearly 20 minutes for light to propagate there. If the target was teleported there, there would be basically no way. Let him fly back by himself.

"It's okay, don't worry. If the transmission is interrupted during the transmission phase, the target will return to the original place. Just stop it before the 20-minute time limit is reached.

Even if it is really teleported, it doesn't matter. We can re-create the lost experimental body. After all, it is a purely mechanical creation without consciousness. "

The military personnel responded that the experiment would continue. Although the military personnel were also Cheng Ying's clones, the memories of both parties were not exactly the same now. It was absolutely necessary to seek advice.

In about 15 seconds, the data upload was completed and the transmission process officially entered. Although the energy consumption in the entire process was large, the second-level god did not show any signs of breaking free. As the transmission phase began, all struggles stopped.

Because in this process, the person being transmitted is equivalent to time being suspended. In a more understandable way, the object being transmitted is essentially information moving at the speed of light, and we all know that the closer the speed is to the speed of light, the slower time will be. , if the speed is equal to the speed of light, then for the moving individual, time is stationary.

Naturally, all struggles in this process are ineffective. The entire transmission process lasts twenty minutes, and the control effect during these twenty minutes is absolute.

At the fifteenth minute, Cheng Ying stopped controlling, and the experimental subject resumed movement and regained a body that could be touched.

During the process just now, other tests were also going on, including kinetic energy strikes, high temperature, low temperature, electromagnetic force, gamma rays, and various attacks falling on the translucent body to test whether it would Hurt.

Judging from the current results, people in the teleportation state will not suffer any harm. This kind of control is similar to absolute defense. Unless the source of the control, which is the teleportation device on Chengying, is destroyed, otherwise, this process will not work. subject to any interruptions.

At present, it seems that the test results are ideal. This kind of space teleportation can easily control the second-level god. Although there is a fifteen-second data transmission time, within these fifteen seconds, it is not enough to break free from the teleportation.

"From this point of view, the actual combat value is still good. We can control the enemy and wait until the powerful attack is ready before releasing the control. In this way, the enemy has no defense when facing the attack, and we also have enough time to target the enemy. , launch a charged attack.

This is an extremely effective way to target gods that move quickly and have very small individuals. The most important thing is that the medium of transmission is emitted in the form of light, which means that there is almost no way to avoid it. "

The military Chengying gave this technology a very high evaluation, and then ordered the test subject to leave and summoned a new test target. This time the target was still humanoid, with a milky white color all over.

“This is the goal of simulating enemies at the Lord God level and above. It also uses energy to restrain metal, but it does not use liquid metal, but expensive nano-robots, so it can display stronger power.

Under normal conditions, its power exceeds that of the main gods, but there is still a certain gap between it and the supreme gods who have learned some cultivation techniques. In the actual battlefield, the gap will be larger because of his combat skills. Completely calculated through artificial intelligence.

It's okay to deal with main-god-level enemies with poor computing power, but it will seem a bit rigid when faced with a supreme god with stronger computing power and the adaptability of intelligent creatures. It's easy to find weaknesses and target them for destruction.

Moreover, this kind of robot is expensive to build. Although it is capable of mass production, our resources will be consumed in large quantities and the cost performance is very low. It is not as good as manufacturing other equipment.

So this kind of thing is not used on the battlefield, but used in testing. You can try to control him now, and I will continue to increase the intensity of his struggling power.

Now I have basically understood that the control effect of this equipment mainly depends on the data upload stage in the first fifteen seconds. During this stage, struggling may destroy the data upload process.

And as long as he can't break free for fifteen seconds, he won't be able to stop until he completes the transmission. "

Cheng Ying nodded: "Yes, that's it. Let's struggle with the Lord God's lowest strength first! See if you can control it. This kind of control cannot be superimposed. Otherwise, get a few more weapons. The effect will be better than now many."

As the blue light hit, the target once again turned into a translucent figure. This time the struggle was much more intense. You could see the translucent figure, and its obvious movements seemed to be trying to tear something apart.

However, the intensity of his struggle seemed not enough. At first, he could still see a relatively obvious effect, but as the data upload continued, the intensity of the struggle became weaker and weaker. It was not until the transmission process officially started that it stopped completely. Struggle, completely frozen.

"You can give it a try and increase your strength to the average level of the Lord God."

Chengying had nothing to hesitate and further unlocked the restrictions of the man-made god in front of him.

This time the struggle was more obvious, and there was even a hint of a break-away, but in the end the struggle became weaker and weaker. After the data was uploaded and the time reached the transmission stage, it was frozen in place again.

With these two experiences, both parties can roughly judge that this piece of equipment has roughly reached its limit and the strength will be increased again.

This time is the peak of the main god level, which is almost the strongest main god level. This time it is obvious that one can break free at any time. Even at the end of the data upload stage, the intensity of the struggle has not been reduced much.

However, because there is not enough time to break free, even the strongest level of main power cannot completely break free from control during this time.

But after switching to simulate the intensity of the Supreme God, the robot broke free almost instantly. The restraint given to him by this intensity of data upload was not enough to prevent him from destroying the space blockade.

There was almost no suspense and he broke away from the control. Cheng Ying also expected this, but he did not give up using this weapon as a weapon against the gods. Being able to control the main god and quickly annihilate the opponent is also huge. reward.

"Next, we will test the second transmission method, which is to set the target at the end of the transmission, so that the data upload process during the transmission will be greatly shortened.

Entering the absolute control stage in a short period of time, but this also has a drawback, that is, the length of the absolute control stage depends on the distance between the teleportation end point and us.

We can control how long it takes just to walk. Although we can send the destination as far away as possible, the speed of light is too fast. If we send these destinations away, the farthest point can be reached with the speed of light in one second.

We need to think of a way to transport it to a farther place in a short time, but this does not affect our current test. Absolute control of time has nothing to do with the goal of the test. Even if it is the supreme theology, the cultivation technique is weak. In absolute control of time, because one's own time has come to a standstill, nothing can be done. "

When testing at the same time, the goal of this test is directly to simulate the supreme god, because the previous main god can be controlled. Even if new equipment is replaced, it can still be controlled, so there is no need to waste energy and test again. .

But this time, the supreme god-level test target struggled desperately after being hit. He was about to break free, but was frozen in place. In less than two seconds, he disappeared directly on the spot.

The absolute control time is only two seconds, and the test target appears at the teleportation coordinate point in distant space after two seconds. At this time, it is receiving orders and flying back at high speed.

Although it only takes two seconds to travel by light, it will take a long time to fly back.

You must know that the distance between the moon and the earth's surface is only one second of light travel.

Cheng Ying is quite satisfied with the effect of this control. Even if he cannot defeat the Supreme God, he can still teleport the opponent away to a place far away from the battlefield. The data upload time of less than one second will not give the Supreme God any chance to escape. Chance.

Now in order to improve the practicality, the coordinate disc in space must fly farther into deep space, and the disc itself cannot be teleported due to its special material. If it reaches a distant place by teleportation, The reading disk will be damaged and lose its function as a coordinate.

"If we can use conventional means to send the coordinate disc to a farther place, this thing may be of great use.

The data upload time is less than one second, and there is almost no room for escape, and the following time is the range of absolute control. At this stage, no matter how strong the opponent is, it is meaningless after all, time has stopped.

The further we send the coordinate disk, the longer we can control it. In fact, finding a way to send it to Mars orbit is enough to satisfy most situations. Once we get there, we have nearly twenty minutes to control it. "

Military Lan Nuo looked at this thing with extremely bright eyes. If it can control an enemy no matter how strong it is for twenty minutes, then this is definitely a very powerful piece of equipment in the military. Even if all the gods learn the cultivation technique in the future Law, which relies on the power of time and space to control, still has a powerful effect on them.

"Hurry up and evaluate the actual combat effectiveness of this thing. We are now preparing to launch the propeller rocket to push these things into deep space orbit. We will launch as many coordinate disks as possible and launch them in different directions. If necessary Sometimes, you can give up the control and directly let the enemy be teleported to the distant deep space. I just don’t know that solar energy can’t kill the Supreme God. If it can, you can set up a teleportation point near the sun.”


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