Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,767 Strange Quarks

Huo Yuhao has always thought that his powerful thinking ability came from the Ascended Ones providing him with it, although it is not clear exactly what the Ascending Ones did? But there is no doubt that they have studied hard. A tough ordeal.

When he thought about it, it was natural that his clones should have experienced more than their true bodies and had stronger thinking abilities.

But at this moment, when he was about to fight for his life, he realized that he was already very strong. A big hole was blown out of the chest of the giant god soldier, revealing the driving skills, but it didn't matter, he had already integrated the power of the second-level god. body. And those selfish thoughts about the second-level god were easily suppressed by him.

The new body can control matter at the microscopic level in more detail. If it is strong enough, it can even directly transform all microscopic particles into each other.

All the elements are almost the same at the micro level, and can be freely transformed under the influence of a special position.

Therefore, after the new specific replacement, the originally damaged giant weapon was completely shattered and turned into the tiniest basic particles, and the power of faith in it was also blasted out, allowing Huo Yuhao to use it.

A sandstorm suddenly emerged under the sea water, and these sandstorms seemed to be able to change into any shape. Like a swarm of bees, they swept towards the direction of the evil god.

He had already seriously injured Chen Heng just now. If he could hit the God of Evil again now, the situation that was extremely unfavorable to mankind might be reversed. Huo Yuhao was not sure whether he could win this difficult war on his own. , but he could only do his best.

The Titan Soldier, which decomposed into dust all over the sky, became a terrifying weapon that assimilated everything. A large amount of sea water was assimilated into the same dust by him, and everything in his path would be swallowed up by them and become a part of himself.

The evil god releases an attack. Although it can destroy large tracts of sand and dust, it is meaningless. The destroyed individuals will soon be reshaped, and all the particles remain in a very subtle state. In this state, they can be transformed into any element at will and arranged and combined at will.

If it is just in the state of sand and dust, it can only swallow some objects that have no self-awareness and are not that solid, but they can be transformed into different elements and combined. For these basic examples, this is equivalent to a formation, but for For a creature of human size, it is equivalent to these basic examples automatically being combined together to form a weapon.

In the dusty area, weapons can be condensed at any position. The evil god only felt the fierce danger coming from behind. When he came back to his senses, he had already seen a door behind him that was larger than him. A heavy cannon was formed out of thin air, and the muzzle was still flashing with a dazzling white light.

The light flashed past and swallowed him completely. Fortunately, the attack was not fatal. He successfully escaped from the violent explosion, but he was also in a very embarrassed state. The phantoms of the twelve ancestral witches that initially attached to him, They were all blown apart by this blow.

There is still a lot of sand and dust surrounding him, which will condense into weapons at any time and attack him.

For strong unlockers with strong thinking ability, the strength of the body depends on the strength of the operability. If they can fully demonstrate their control, they have a qualified body.

God's body can be controlled at the micro level. As long as the attack hits the opponent, it can completely disintegrate the opponent from the micro level. Even if the opponent has the same thinking ability as himself,

The body does not have the power to control the microscopic world, and there is a high probability of being killed instantly.

This was the reason why Huo Yuhao had such a difficult time dealing with it at the beginning. The Titan Soldiers combined with nanomachines could indeed complete very detailed operations, but the microscopic realm below the atomic level could not be touched. Whenever he was attacked like this, he had to use his faith. Use the power of faith to resist, and use the power of faith to deny that you have been harmed at the micro level.

But this consumes a huge amount of the power of faith. The gods also have the power of faith, which can offset Huo Yuhao's power of faith, so the battle at that time was always quite passive.

But now that he has used the body of the second-level god, he can also reach the micro level. Although the micro level is far from the supreme god, the evil god with only the third level cannot exert the full power of the supreme god's body. The second-level god The extent to which his body can control the microscopic world is enough to resist obliteration at the atomic level.

Seeing that Huo Yuhao had already demonstrated control beyond the third level, suppressing only the God of Evil, and even Yang Lie and Zhang San, William finally took action.

"You finally showed off your flaws, huh, level 4? Do you really think that this world can be born in such a short time? You don't think that the Lord God only chooses people from one world! Existences like me are all here How could a fourth-level person be born in such a small world, just one among all the worlds?"

William controlled a body stronger than that of the Supreme God, showing a crushing level of control. The dust in the sky controlled by Huo Yuhao was shrouded in a more detailed layer of light mist, and then the dust around him was quickly covered by light. The mist swallows it and assimilates it into a part of the light mist.

"You do have some skills. These losers under me can't exert the highest power of the Supreme God's body. They don't have the ability to control things to a certain extent.

But I am different. Even if you fuse the body of a second-level god, your ability to control the microscopic level is limited. At most, you can control the atomic level. It is already very difficult to touch the atomic nucleus, so the atomic storm you create still needs To convert various elements into elements, complex steps are required to allow the atoms of different elements to collide with each other and rely on weak interactions to transform the atoms into each other to build the existence you want.

But I am different. I can control a more microscopic level, which is five orders of magnitude deeper than the level you control. It is enough to directly control the nucleus.

Under my control, all atoms are the same, and all elements are indistinguishable. There is no need to go through complicated conversions, and any element I want can be born by directly manipulating the atoms.

I call this material chaotic material. In science fiction terms, it is strange quark. In chaos, all elements of nature will be assimilated by me, even the body you are using now. "

William is not considered a villain because he talks too much. After his thinking ability is as strong as theirs, it only takes an instant to say such a long paragraph.

And Huo Yuhao found that even if he knew the nature of the opponent's power, there was nothing he could do about it. This gap could not be made up by relying on control. No matter how he operated, he was always operating at the atomic level. The opponent directly controlled his own atomic nucleus, so he could easily Reverse all your actions.

"William's attention has been diverted!" Yang Lie and Zhang San looked at each other and knew that this was the best chance. They each took out a bit of their divine power and sent it to the moon base through the exchange system.

Because the total amount of divine power they transported was too small, with a total mass of only a few atoms, the spatial fluctuations caused by the transmission were minimal. William was not paying attention here and did not notice it at all.

On the moon base, Cheng Ying received two masses of atomic mass of divine power. He was relieved and immediately started to copy the divine power. At the same time, both Zhang San and Yang Lie used part of their divine power in the battle, and deliberately let them In the process of fighting, wear and tear will cause one's own divine power to decrease. The supreme god's divine power will only ensure that its total amount remains unchanged, and it does not matter how the total amount is distributed.

In fact, this is an insurance mechanism. It has been verified before when using the divine power of the third-level god. When using the divine power of the third-level god, this insurance is released, and this leads to the third-level god's divine power. Constantly swallowing regular matter and transforming it into itself, this mode is very similar to strange quarks or chaotic matter, but the divine power is more complex than the strange quarks Cheng Ying and William can create, and the levels involved Even more microscopic.

This is a well-understood question. If you want to create a nanomachine that can freely arrange any atoms, then the microscopic scale of each part of this nanomachine must be lower than the atomic scale. The divine power of the Supreme God can be freely The creation of strange quarks means that the supreme god's divine power is microscopically lower than that of strange quarks.

Of course, divine power's ability to copy itself is not considered free control, because such copying can only create specific structures that make up itself, and it cannot be considered free control.

Returning to the production line at the lunar base, in the Forbidden Demon Realm, the divine power of the two supreme gods has begun to grow rapidly. While the total amount remains unchanged, the proportion of divine power on the lunar base has begun to increase.

And the divine power of the two supreme gods also began to produce the divine power of the main god level.

The divine power they produce comes with its own insurance. Each portion produced is equivalent to the entire divine power of a main god, and the amount of self-replication and restoration of this part of divine power after it is lost will never exceed the total amount of the divine power of a main god.

When among the gods, Yang Lie had to suppress the speed at which he produced the main god's power, and he also needed to hide the number of main gods he possessed. The amount of divine power made his production speed extremely slow.

But it was different on the lunar base. There was no need to cover up the mass production of the main god's divine power. In order to speed up production, Chengying directly chose to invest a large amount of strange quarks as raw materials for production. Through the divine power of the third-level god and the fourth-level thinking Ability, coupled with a complete industrial system, can produce strange quarks, but it is much more difficult than directly using the power of the supreme god to produce strange quarks.

The number of strange quarks stored on the current lunar base is only a few kilograms, but this is enough to quickly produce a large amount of the Lord God's divine power. This is a mutually reinforcing process. After the Lord God's divine power is produced, the output of strange quarks is almost a geometric multiple. With the increase, Cheng Ying and the other fourth-order ones produced a large amount of strange quarks almost at a sparse rate, greatly increasing the production speed of the main god's divine power.

After truly coming into contact with the Lord God's divine power, they discovered that the production speed they had previously estimated was still slow. After the first portion of the Lord God's divine power was produced, a second portion was produced in the second hour, and every subsequent portion was produced. The period of time is shortening, and because of this, more and more fourth-order and even third-order people are being quickly armed, and the horn of decisive battle is about to sound.

At the same time, Huo Yuhao had already used up the atomic storm that he had finally accumulated with the power of faith. Just now, he relied on the atomic storm to crazily crush the third-level supreme god. How was he now overwhelmed by the huge chaotic matter? Crushed.

The control ability itself is much lower than William's. Even if he has broken through to the fourth level, he is still far behind the veteran fourth-level advanced experts. In addition, the opponent has the support of cultivation. In the sea of ​​chaos, In the process, he arranged the formation, and all the phantoms of the twelve ancestral witches that he had previously released to the gods were taken back by him, and merged with his body, turning into a statue of Pangu. In a strong state, in theory, if it is a genuine version, it requires the blood of the twelve ancestral witches. In theory, it can be synthesized into the true form of Pangu, but William only has a monkey version in his hands. Even so, it is a crushing level of power.

Huo Yuhao had almost no power to fight back. Seeing that the giant who transformed into Pangu was about to crush him with a punch, he could only use the nanomachines of the flagship of the Four Elephants Fleet. These nanomachines were all redeemed from the exchange system. Compared with Compared with other materials, which are already very microscopic machines, it is much less difficult to transform them into atomic storms.

Temporarily transformed by him, they gathered in front of him and turned into a shield, constantly pumping out seawater, converting mass into energy, extracting the energy in it, and turning it into an energy shield to resist the attack of the pseudo-Pangu True God.

The strength of this shield has completely exceeded the limit that other strong men on the battlefield can break through. Even if Xi and Jin Che shoot at him, they may not be able to break through the defense.

But the opponent he faced was the pseudo-Pangu real body whose entire body was composed of chaotic matter. The shield only resisted for a moment before exploding. Fortunately, the explosion blew Huo Yuhao away, allowing him to escape. Pass a tribulation.

Yang Lie and Zhang San looked at each other and knew that it was time for them to take action. They decisively attacked Huo Yuhao with all their strength. The two of them joined forces with a tacit understanding and struck Huo Yuhao to death. capture the opponent's soul.

Zhang San even laughed: "I never thought you would be where you are today! It was you, a hypocritical guy, who said you wanted to build a country where hard work and wisdom can create wealth. What's the result? Why don't we, the real workers, give it to us?" The rich and powerful are being treated like dogs! You deserve this fate today.”

When William saw Zhang San devouring Huo Yuhao, his expression was extremely strange. In theory, killing Huo Yuhao would have ended the world of chess.

"Is it possible that I made a mistake in judgment and found the wrong person? Impossible!"

[To be continued]

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