Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1 Arrival in the wilderness

Cheng Ying withdrew from the connection with the innate spiritual treasure, and his memory began to be erased by the rules of the world again.

This is the case in the ancient continent. Human beings who travel here will have all their memories erased, and even their IQs will be suppressed, turning them into stupid primitive people. They can even be considered to have relatively low IQs among primitive people.

Cheng Ying and Liu Tianxin are the luckier types. They are traveling through time for the second time, so they can at least retain the memories of their time on Earth before the first time traveling through. This is already considered a big advantage.

The memories about Tulip and the world of chess disappeared little by little. Chengying tried hard to remember a certain little lolita with green twin tails in his mind, and recorded every bit of the experience between her.

But even this bit of memory is being erased bit by bit by the universe. Her figure is gradually blurring, and even her name is gradually unable to be recalled. But after all, there are some things that even the universe cannot erase.

Cheng Ying searched his forehead. He remembered that there was a person waiting for him in the future of the prehistoric world, waiting for him in the human history after the rise of mankind. That person was extremely important to him, but he could not remember anything else. , any information about that person.

"No matter what, as long as I lead the human race to rise, as long as I completely end the prehistoric era, I will find that person sooner or later."

Cheng Ying carries a computer that stores a large amount of scientific and technological data, including the most advanced technology from the primitive era to the time of Tulip. These are all stored in the biological computer, that is, stored in his body. Although due to the changes of the times, , much of its content has been erased, but most of the technological knowledge is still available.

Cheng Ying personally led these primitive people to plant crops, build irrigation facilities, improve hunting equipment, and work hard to change their primitive living habits in their tribes. However, there was always a group of people who could not accept such changes and remained as primitive as ever. Like humans, they drink blood like hair, sleep when they are full, and are full of fear of the powerful power Cheng Ying shows.

He knew very well that these people were actually time-travelers, but after time-traveling, their memories were sealed and their IQ suppressed, so they became like dementia. They were hopeless, at least Chengying's current ability could not save them. .

Therefore, the only ones that can be cultivated and learn scientific and cultural knowledge are newborns. Newborns do not have the suppression of IQ. Although they do not have the current knowledge and memory, they can at least learn like an ordinary child.

Chengying takes great care of every newborn in the tribe. With his super high speed of thinking and strong physical fitness, he is like Koro-sensei in the assassination classroom, giving everyone the most appropriate teaching.

On this day, a wise primitive couple gave birth to a child. What made Chengying a bit dumbfounded was that they insisted on naming the child Dugu Bo. He no longer remembered that he had an innate spiritual treasure, and even more He didn't remember his arrangements at Tulip, but when he heard this name that made him laugh or cry, he felt inexplicably kind.

Although this child was not born with memories, he was very smart. Although his personality was a bit withdrawn, he learned everything quickly. When he was seven years old, he became one of the children Cheng Ying singled out as his disciple to focus on training.

Over the years, the primitive tribes gradually developed and expanded, and a large number of surrounding tribes were incorporated into them. Chengying relied on his own knowledge to organize their cultivation and smelting, and gradually promoted the civilization to the Bronze Age.

This is already considered a great achievement, after all, most of the tribesmen are not smart enough to hold them back.

During this period, the tribes that ruled the world often came to plunder their large tribe. Although Cheng Ying did not have extraordinary power in his body, and even the gene lock was gone, even with his modified powerful body, he was still strong enough. Defeat all warriors below level four.

It's just that Chengying has never resisted these races. They come here to capture humans and basically use them as food, which is actually very satisfying. Chengying has continuously developed and understood his body over the years, and found that His body is a biological factory. As long as there are enough organic matter, he can clone a human body.

When thousands of races came to plunder, Chengying handed over these bodies to them, letting these bodies with only instincts and no consciousness die in place of humans. In this way, we gained seven years of development time.

Humanity has developed and grown bit by bit, building its own city, and the population has exceeded 100,000. As the rulers of this place, intelligent humans number approximately 8,000, and they are responsible for most of the social management and handicraft industries. Production Responsibility.

The remaining human beings who lack intelligence can only undertake simple and repetitive labor. In addition, they need to get married and have children to give birth to intelligent children.

Cheng Ying's policy is to have as many children as possible, and he can feed as many children as possible. But without enough intelligent humans, the industrial system cannot be built. Today, more than 50,000 of the hundreds of thousands of people are Children are full of curiosity about the world. They learn in school that human beings are oppressed by all races and can only be used as food and tools. They all feel aggrieved.

Cheng Ying does not expect them to sacrifice for the sake of mankind. All he needs is for someone to realize that it is wrong for mankind to be enslaved and used as tools and food, and should be changed. That is enough.

Among these children, there will definitely be weak ones in the future, and some may even be servile and sell out their clan for glory. But even so, these people will understand that human beings are oppressed and will feel aggrieved, even if they are raped. They will also feel dissatisfied because humans are inferior, and that's enough.

It is impossible to expect everyone to become a saint. What Chengying can do is to create a social environment where heroes will be born.

However, there are unforeseen circumstances, and the period of stable development of the glacier city that Chengying first established is about to come to an end.

Because this time, the person who comes to select humans is no longer the same extremely primitive lower-level races, not the short-looking kobolds and lizard people who may not be able to defeat humans in a single fight, but a transcendent.

A second-level kobold magician, this is the strongest transcendent among the kobold tribe near Glacier City.

Facing a group of clones with numb expressions and zombie-like expressions brought by Cheng Ying, the kobold magician stepped forward and stretched out his nose to smell them, his brows furrowed involuntarily.

"Stupid human, how dare you deceive me! These are soulless puppets. I wonder why the last time I practiced magic, the humans I used couldn't extract their souls at all."

As he said that, the short kobold mage actually grabbed Cheng Ying's collar: "Listen! I need humans with souls. Because you deceived me, I want double the number of people. I want a thousand people. Get it together now! Otherwise we will destroy this city."

Cheng Ying frowned. The idea of ​​betraying his compatriots must not be opened. Even if all the people in the city died here, this opening must not be opened, otherwise the next generation will lose their morale. Even if they have wisdom, they will be just like those primitive people, just a group of cowards.


The kobold mage didn't see what happened at all. He only felt a sudden strong impact on his chest. His whole body flew out, blood spurted out, and an incredible expression appeared on his face.

Then Lan Nuo stepped on his chest: "In order to obtain a stable living environment, we can sell food, we can sell labor, we can sell wealth, but we will never betray our compatriots.

If you don't want to die, go back to me immediately and tell all the surrounding tribes that if you want our lives, come to the battlefield to take it yourself. I will see if the tribes will bleed. "

"You! How dare you!" Although the kobold mage was extremely frightened, he still shouted angrily: "You are a mere human being, how dare you resist the great tribes! You will all die, and your tribe will perish because of your arrogance. , you have no idea how weak you are, haha, a group of guys who are worse than bugs, a group of people who are only worthy of being animals, how dare you..."

Poof, the kobold mage's brain was crushed. Cheng Ying shook his head: "I changed my mind. It is too dangerous to start an all-out war with the surrounding tribes, so I can only ask you and your tribe to die. "

In an instant, hundreds of warriors wearing armor and holding spears rushed out from around the handover square, surrounding the kobolds. In their screams of terror and despair, they smashed all the kobolds into a sieve.

"Burn the corpses and clean up the traces. The rest will follow me and send troops to destroy the kobold tribe." Cheng Ying has very clear information about the surrounding tribes. These kobolds are the descendants of a third-order dragon, but the dragon is sleeping. They may not wake up in a few years. As long as all the kobold tribes are wiped out now, no one in this desolate land in the wilderness will know that the humans here have exterminated a tribe of ten thousand tribes. Even if it takes more than ten years Finally, when the third-order dragon wakes up, he will not think that it was the weak humans who wiped out his family.

This is the first time these humans have wielded a butcher knife against Wanzu. Even though Cheng Ying has trained them countless times in the military camp, as for secretly capturing individuals of Wanzu and letting them practice assassination, each one has to be stabbed once. When they really faced the thousands of races, these human beings who had been oppressed for many years and had lost their blood from the very bones still felt fear. Even though they had an absolute advantage in terms of equipment and numbers, some people still dropped their weapons and ran away. .

Chengying executed the deserters on the spot. The discipline of the army must not be broken. Human beings in this world are extremely weak. If they lose their organizational power, there will be no possibility of rising.

"Liu Tianxin, take some intelligent humans and children to Second Glacier City! This city will be destroyed sooner or later. There are bloody warriors and people with potential. I will lead them in the final battle. Leading them to break through. "Cheng Ying never expected to lead mankind to rise in one go, and he was already mentally prepared for the city to be breached and the tribesmen to be massacred, but before that, he had to cultivate a group of bloody warriors. It is necessary to cultivate a group of children with dreams, so that when the next city is built, the fire of civilization will burn brighter and stronger.

Today's human beings are not even a spark. What Chengying has to do is to shape the first fire with his own hands and implant the dazzling civilization into the inheritance of mankind, and this requires destruction again and again. with new life.

"I understand, there are already 20,000 people in Second Glacier City, most of them are children and intelligent adults. I will take the children to move there, and start to collect surrounding human tribes, and start to expand the city Yes... to be on the safe side, I will establish the prototype of the Third Glacier City as soon as possible to ensure that our line of human heritage will not be cut off."

There is no separation between life and death. The Glacier City may be destroyed, but Chengying will not die. Within thousands of miles, there is not even a strong man who can catch Chengying's punch. If he really wants to protect mankind, he only needs to show With his own strength, even if he is a human being, he can still protect the development of millions of people, but this is meaningless to him. The rise of a nation must not rely on one or two heroes. Otherwise, when the heroes die, civilization will Will fall into decline again.

Cheng Ying personally protects mankind. The speed of civilization development will be very fast. It can even develop into the electric age or even the information age in one or two hundred years. But this is useless. Without the courage to break everything and start from scratch, the civilization of the information age will... In the cruel wilderness, he is as fragile as an ant.

After sending away the fire of human civilization, Cheng Ying led the remaining warriors to kill the kobold tribe. Cheng Ying could be said to know the information about this tribe like the back of his hand. Their every move was under Cheng Ying's control. Under the surveillance of unmanned detection bugs, every clan member is registered, so that no one can escape.

As long as all the insiders are dead, that is the perfect lurking. There may be retroactive spells that can find the murderer, but most of these spells must be used soon after the incident. If it takes one or two years, , if we continue to investigate, it will be difficult to find any clues.

Although many human warriors have undergone rigorous training, they still can't help but tremble at this time. Even if those kobolds are short and weak and may not be the opponents of adult humans in a duel without weapons, they have been killed by these races generation after generation. A deep shadow of fear has been planted in their hearts. How can it be easily broken?

But thinking that they would be killed as deserters, they still clenched their weapons.

"It's okay, don't be nervous. I have killed a kobold before. They are actually very weak. Just stab them in the chest and the blood will spurt out and they will die." Although the speaker was also trembling, his words made people laugh. The teammates beside him gradually calmed down.

As the attack horn sounded, the human armies lying in wait on all sides rushed out and launched an encirclement and suppression campaign against the kobold tribe with ten times the number.

[To be continued]

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