Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 3 Entering the World of Ten Thousand Races

During this short period of peace, Cheng Ying once again chose to clone himself in order to improve his work efficiency. Although his memory was once again erased by this world, his essence had indeed been improved and he was trying to clone himself. And when making a clone, he considered that he might have conflicts with the clone, and that he might feel self-loathing because the clone showed a bad side.

But when it came time to actually clone himself, he found that there were not so many problems. He easily adapted to this feeling, and even felt a little familiar with it. In the first stage, he didn't separate too many selves, and only made 15 of them. There are a total of 16 clones, including the main body. The clones are similar to the main body in terms of thinking ability, but they are quite different in terms of combat ability. Read a book

When he traveled to this world, he carried some enhancements that were not biochemical and could not be copied through cell division. However, what surprised him was that his clone, even if it used the same power, could not defeat the main body. , even if both parties use the same thinking speed and hand speed to play video games, the clone will be inferior to the main body.

This gap can be bridged by the avatar's continuous learning and thinking. Cheng Ying didn't pay too much attention to this, he just recorded the situation and encouraged his clone to strive to surpass himself. After all, the essence of both parties is the same, and there is no reason for anyone to be worse than the other.

After adding more than a dozen clones, the development speed of Glacier City has obviously become much faster. Looking for intelligent individuals from primitive people to manage the city and climb the technology tree is still too slow.

The formation of human intelligence depends to a large extent on the teachings received in childhood. In terms of talent, the gap between people is not that big. What can be inherited through genes is just our nerve cells.

That is to say, the materials used to build our nervous system are like the bricks used to build a building. There are indeed differences between the bricks, but the differences are actually limited. Without serious defects, how high a building can be built, and more Most of it depends on the education received, that is, the foundation laid for the building when the thinking model is constructed in childhood.

Although primitive people also possess wisdom, the education they received as children was so indescribable that their wisdom was not developed at all. After adulthood, their brains no longer develop at a high speed. Although they can still improve slowly through thinking, in a short time It is almost impossible to make them as smart as modern humans within a short period of time.

Cheng Ying's clone personally joined, which greatly increased the city's development speed. It would be difficult for primitive people with low intelligence to undertake the development of handicrafts above the bronze civilization.

But with enough Chengying's step-by-step guidance and overall management of the city, civilization will advance further and move towards the age of steel.

Ability to mass-produce carbon steel weapons, and simple enchantments to weapons already possible.

Although humans have no way to use extraordinary power, since extraordinary power exists, there are ways to use it. Capture monsters that can use extraordinary power, find their organs that use extraordinary power, and then separate these organs and analyze their organs. Based on the principle, imitation, or directly using these organs to make weapons or industrial equipment, are all feasible ideas.

Cheng Ying did not stick to the technological development ideas of the human world in the past. He remembered that he had done something similar once, and it led to a technological explosion in a short period of time.

Although I don't remember when I did it, I am still very familiar with this kind of operation of using extraordinary power to accelerate industrial development.

In the Glacier City, places connected to mines and important facilities in the city have begun to be laid with rail cars, not railway tracks. The current steel production in the city is not enough to support such large-scale use. Most of them are actually wood-clad iron tracks. The tracks of the earliest rail cars were actually made of wood. It is enough to save effort.

Because when the city was first built, there was already a complete plan. Whether it is the public transportation system within the city or the rail transit connecting the city with external mines, industrial zones and other areas, they are all well constructed.

Whenever Cheng Ying looks at the city's prosperity and continuous development, he will feel worried. After all, he has foreseen that everything will be destroyed. Human beings today are not yet capable of protecting the wealth in their hands.

In the early stages of the development of science and technology, the wealth that can be created is far beyond what can be protected by force.

Chengying requires hundreds of steps and is controlled by many skilled workers to produce the most primitive firearms. However, for all races, they may be born with powerful strength, and the power of throwing stones as adults will not be greater than these. Primitive flintlock guns are weak. They don't need to build any civilization at all. They only need to be in the form of a tribe to have a combat power that is not weaker than that of Glacier City. And Glacier City has produced a lot of wealth, but they may not be able to do so for hundreds of years. It can be accumulated.

It is conceivable that even if it is not humans but other races that have obtained these wealth through the power of science and technology, they will also face plunder by those who are born with powerful abilities. This is very reasonable, but very unfair.

As time went by, the various races that came to plunder humans gradually discovered the prosperity of Glacier City, so the target of their plunder was no longer people, but the commodities in Glacier City.

Objectively speaking, humans are not delicious animals. They do not have abundant and convenient muscles like many herbivores. When other foods are available, it is natural for all races to change their plundering goals.

This is a good thing for the Glacier City, but it is also a bad thing. The food, cloth, steel tools, ceramics, and silk taken away by the various races are actually nothing, at least for the productivity of the Glacier City. , compared to constantly taking away clones, the consumption is much less.

But the bad thing is that the affluence of the Glacier City is gradually exposed. It is surrounded by thousands of primitive tribes. They may not be sensitive to this. They are just asking for more goods every time. Through deception and underselling, they want to deceive these people. It is not difficult for all the tribes of primitive tribes.

But they are not isolated from the world. Although the Glacier City is on the edge of the barren snowfield, under the snow-capped mountains and in the plains, there are kingdoms, alliances, and even empires of all races. Their productivity varies. The high ones can even build spaceships, and the low ones at least have the productivity of the feudal era, and their knowledge is much higher than that of the primitive tribes. After discovering that these primitive tribes are so wealthy, it will not take long for them to come to explore, and then This wealthy human city is discovered, and what follows is devastating plunder.

Therefore, Cheng Ying is trying his best to strengthen the city's force and strengthen the monitoring of the primitive department. He and the army he trained have not secretly exterminated the nearby tribes once and for all. Once they have the possibility of contacting the outside civilized world, Cheng Ying would not hesitate to lead people to exterminate the clan. While delaying the exposure of the city, he was also training his troops.

Although the wild world suppresses humans and prevents humans from possessing extraordinary bloodlines, it does not mean that humans cannot acquire extraordinary powers. It is still possible to become extraordinary through accidental genetic mutation, or by eating certain natural and earthly treasures. Yes, this kind of extraordinary human being is called a stranger.

It's just that human extraordinary beings cannot be inherited through blood. There is no way for aliens to give birth to offspring, unless they are cloned, but then they are completely another species, and they are no longer the same race as the suffering humans on the mainland.

In fact, some people have done this in ancient times. The Goblin tribe that now relies on technology, that is, creatures such as Goblin dwarfs, are actually new races obtained by humans through certain genetic modifications, but they have obtained extraordinary powers. After gaining strength, he finally joined the Ten Thousand Races, with no choice and no ability to protect mankind.

In the process of encircling and suppressing thousands of tribes and gathering human tribes, many strangers appeared in the Glacier City. Not counting those warriors who were given strong physical fitness by Cheng Ying, the number of strangers totaled one hundred and fifty. Four, this is not a small number for a city with only over 100,000 people. For many races, the probability of giving birth to a transcendent is less than one thousandth.

It’s not that the probability of humans becoming aliens is so high, but the probability of survival of wild humans is too low. Only aliens have a higher probability of survival, so when searching for primitive tribes, the only aliens that can be found are The ratio looks high.

There are three second-levels here, and the rest are all first-level. They can slowly improve their strength through fighting and training, but this is not a system. In the absence of guidance, the realm will improve slowly. .

Cheng Ying's idea of ​​improving his realm is to constantly learn, constantly transform his body, and arm himself with weapons to gain stronger personal combat effectiveness. However, this is not something that can be accomplished in a day, and may take hundreds or thousands of years.

In order for these strangers to improve their strength, Cheng Ying needs extraordinary knowledge and extraordinary skills in the world of all races. These things are very precious in the world of all races. They must have a certain status among all races. can be obtained.

Although Cheng Ying is ready for the destruction of Glacier City, this does not mean that he will give up his efforts to protect the city. Even if it is destined to fail, he must still try his best.

For this reason, Cheng Ying specially created a clone, creating a self that has the consciousness of sacrifice. The main body carrying a lot of knowledge must survive no matter what, but it does not inherit all the knowledge and memory, but only inherits the powerful combat power of the clone. , can be sacrificed for the rise of civilization!

"How is it? Is your body still adapted to it now? One-third of our weapon reserves have been installed on your body." Cheng Ying asked, getting ready to go to the civilization of all races.

"No problem. In terms of combat power, I am already strong enough to protect myself. In addition, our bodies are very different from humans. When entering a city of ten thousand races, you don't need to worry about being discovered. At least the strong ones below the fourth level in this world None of them can pose a threat to me.

I gave it a try, preparing to disguise myself as an Earthling to sneak into the world of all races. Their body structure is similar to that of humans, but slightly shorter. It is not difficult to disguise. In addition, this is a race that likes to use technology, so it is convenient. Use some of our cool tech. "

As he spoke, the clone Chengying's body began to deform, and the excess cells in his body were compressed into the space device. His body began to become shorter, and soon he transformed into the appearance of the Earth Spirit Tribe. Putting on their iconic goggles, he looked like A living earth spirit clan.

"Be careful! Do everything possible to ensure the safety of your own life. The rise of mankind requires tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years of hard work. Don't be impulsive outside. The situation of mankind in the world of ten thousand races must be very miserable, but Don't be swayed by your own anger. We are not yet capable of rescuing them. Relying on force to rescue dozens or hundreds of people now has no meaning at all for the overall situation of mankind. "

Cheng Ying cleared up his personality, worried that his clone would see the miserable treatment of human beings in the world of all races, and could not help the anger in his heart and directly take action to cause trouble.

"What I know is that everything is for the rise of mankind!"

The situation faced by human beings in the prehistoric world is somewhat similar to the human beings in the game Life Zero. They are naturally much weaker and even worse than other races. All races must treat humans cruelly. If they treat humans well, the entire race will Their fortunes will all fall. It is simply the law of heaven that is targeting humans. The races that tried to protect humans out of pity in history have all been exterminated, so that now no race dares to treat humans without cruelty.

The Earth Spirit Tribe Chengying left the Glacier City and headed down the mountain. After leaving the city, he began to transform. The bag stored in the space device was released and transformed into a part of his body. Huge wings grew on his back. , while rising into the sky, the jet thrusters made of flesh and blood ignited, releasing a powerful thrust, but used this high speed to fly towards the nearest alliance of all races, the Blue River Alliance.

This is an alliance with the Earthlings as the main race, kobolds, orcs, and other races mixed together. The name of the alliance comes from the blue river flowing down from the iceberg. The widest part of the river is hundreds of kilometers long. Looking at the river It's like looking at the blue sea, so it's called the Blue River. The entire alliance's territory is located on both sides of the Blue River, taking the shape of a long gorge, and the Glacier City is located on the desolate ice field at the source of the Blue River.

Cheng Ying landed near an unknown village. He was not in a hurry to get closer. Instead, he released an unmanned reconnaissance insect made of his own flesh and blood and entered the village to investigate. He didn't even have a deep understanding of the language of this federation. Understand that before actually diving in, there is no doubt that you need to gather enough intelligence first.

[To be continued]

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