Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 13: The Catalog of Forbidden Books

Cheng Ying originally did not intend to get in-depth with this knowledge about low latitudes, but as he continued to record this knowledge, some of the less twisted content was filtered out by him as part of the knowledge he understood.

Some of the knowledge made Cheng Ying have to choose to have a certain degree of in-depth understanding, because he saw a piece of information about the Silver Earth.

The Silver Earth can be regarded as one of the top forbidden areas in the entire prehistoric continent. It was a forbidden area created by the Earth Spirit Tribe when they tried to create a holy throne. Anyone who enters this area will be distorted and experience many indescribable things. matter.

And in this land, there are hidden two of the most precious treasures in the prehistoric world. One is Mount Buzhou. Even if we don’t mention this prehistoric world, people who have a normal understanding of ancient Chinese mythology will also understand how precious these things are, and this The piece of Buzhou Mountain is an extremely powerful innate spiritual treasure. It is one of the top ten innate spiritual treasures and is the strongest. In terms of power, it is almost comparable to the Four Swords of Zhu Xian.

And this one is just the weaker of the two pieces of protection in the silver earth. The stronger one is the black and yellow exquisite pagoda of heaven and earth. This thing is not particularly strong in the myths and legends of the real world, but In this version of the prehistoric world, it is one of the most powerful treasures.

This thing has been separated from the scope of innate spiritual treasures. It is an instrument of merit and virtue, and it requires some great virtue to be condensed.

For example, the Four Symbols and Five Elements Bagua, as for the Xuanhuang Exquisite Pagoda of Heaven and Earth, it is a treasure created by the powerful man named World who divided the Xuanhuang of Heaven and Earth. Under the final level, it is equivalent to invincibility and is truly invincible. If you hold it on your head first, It is invincible and can be immortal without consuming any power.

Basically, as long as you can get it, you can declare the game over. Currently, the two strongest emperors on the prehistoric continent are unable to defeat the Xuanhuang Exquisite Pagoda of Heaven and Earth. Even attacks that can destroy the multiverse cannot harm the pagoda. Master every penny.

Cheng Ying didn't expect that he would have the chance to obtain this thing, but he still had to find a way to explore the Silver Land. Even if he couldn't obtain it, he definitely couldn't let people from all races obtain it, otherwise the game would be over.

Among these records about evil gods, there is indeed content about the Silver Earth. Chengying did not dare to read it directly. Instead, he chose to let artificial intelligence translate it for him, sort out the content, and block a large number of names before proceeding. read.

This will still face certain risks. After all, even artificial intelligence, a purely mechanical thing without intelligence, may be contaminated, but the risks will undoubtedly be reduced a lot.

After being blocked and deleted, the content appeared much shorter, and Cheng Ying had a general understanding of the Silver Earth. It is not just caused by the experiments of the Earth Spirit Tribe. There is no doubt that there are also existences from lower latitudes involved. The strength of the silver earth is far beyond that of ordinary holy places. Even high-level holy places will get lost if they enter it, and even It is distorted. There is no doubt that this cannot be explained by a simple man-made holy throne with extraordinary power.

Naturally, there are beings from low latitudes involved. Although the beings in low latitudes have various distortions, their mere existence pollutes the minds of the people around them like evil gods, but their power is indeed It can be compared with the holy status, and many of them are even stronger than the ordinary high ones, and can be compared with the high-level holy status or even the innate holy status.

If the pollution of this land is related to them, they can naturally create such a super forbidden land.

Cheng Ying roughly browsed the rest of the content and learned that this silver land is even related to the previous great lord. As for what the great lord is, Cheng Ying himself is not very clear, but it seems that the Earth Spirit Clan has recorded a lot A hidden presence that can communicate safely.

This kind of record cannot be fully trusted, because there are secret existences that can be communicated with in ancient times. It is not necessarily safe to communicate now, but this list alone is quite precious.

The adventures of many strong men on the prehistoric continent were caused by accidentally communicating with hidden existences and gaining powerful abilities. After discussing with his own body and other clones, Chengying thought that trying it as an individual would be the best way to interact with hidden existences. Existential communication is one path you can try.

The Chengying clone himself is also prepared to face sacrifice, so when necessary, he will try to communicate with the hidden existences on the list. The rituals required to summon the hidden existences are usually quite weird. The list not only includes The safe and hidden existence, which also includes the way to summon them, is naturally extremely precious.

Cheng Ying recorded the list and the summoning method, and then destroyed the list in a fire. This was not like in other fantasy novels, where after he received a shocking inheritance, he destroyed the inheritance to prevent others from trying to fight with him. Scramble.

If the person who got this list and the Silver Earth information was also a human being, Cheng Ying would naturally not mind, but there was no one in the ruins, including himself, who was just a spiritual human being. Naturally, he could not let others There is the slightest chance of obtaining a precious inheritance.

After reading, Cheng Ying began to try to figure out how to leave. This place was obviously a secret room. Although all the books inside were burned by Cheng Ying, turning it into a useless and empty room, it had to be said that this room was The protection is indeed tight enough. Through the induction of mental power, the exit gate is half a meter thick, and there is no way to open it from the inside, nor from the outside. It seems that special props or passwords must be used to open it. .

"Damn, are you trapped in a secret room?" Cheng Ying tried it. If he unleashed his power, he could blow open the gate with all his strength, but he was not sure whether relying on Mary to launch an attack would destroy the wall. The body also collapsed, causing the underground base to completely collapse.

"It shouldn't be so weak!" Cheng Ying hesitated for a moment, but still chose to break the door violently. After getting rid of Noah, he didn't need to worry about his strength being exposed. He changed his face and even transformed into another. One race, with a pair of cat ears on the head, directly transformed into a cat boy in the ancient orcs. Since the race is different, there is no need to worry about being discovered.

At the same time, huge power gathered in his body, just the power of muscles. There was an explosion of power that did not belong to carbon-based organisms, and the bone structure of the arm began to change, turning into a cylinder layered one after another, looking like the pressure arm of a hydraulic press.

Huge power burst out from his arm, and even his palm turned into a structure like an engineering hammer. He punched the door of the secret room with a speed that exceeded the speed of sound, and the entire wall followed. It shook.

Cheng Ying showed a strong ability to control the shortcomings. Although the power of this punch was huge, most of the power was applied to the door. While the wall shook violently, the door had twisted and deformed and completely flew out. It hit the end of the corridor in front and even knocked down a piece of the wall of the corridor.

Smoke and dust filled the air. Cheng Ying walked out of the broken wall and dusted himself off. It had to be said that the defense in the ruins was indeed very strong. An ordinary legendary powerhouse would have to go all out to break open this door.

Cheng Ying's current mental strength is not very strong, at least it is far from keeping up with the strength of his body. He reluctantly searched around and found to his surprise. I am actually in a large library. Can you imagine how much knowledge is contained in it?

It makes sense when you think about it. He was just in a room where banned books are stored. In this case, it makes sense that he is surrounded by a library. Although as time goes by, the collection of books here has become fragile and may break even if he is just flipping through it. Pages fell off, but at least it was readable.

Cheng Ying also had to be thankful that the Earth Spirit Clan still chose the original carrier of books as a medium to record knowledge. If it had been replaced by electronic equipment and stored for so many years, I am afraid it would have been completely broken, and the contents inside could not be read completely. Can't take it out.

Cheng Ying can still contact his own body and other clones through his soul connection and long-distance communication. In this way, he doesn't care about the content of the book he reads. One brain transmits the information back, and lets its own body and avatar record the contents of these books.

After he finished reading, he casually turned the book in his hand into ashes. Naturally, this knowledge cannot be left to Wanzu, especially since it is the knowledge of the ancient Earth Spirit Clan, which may involve the knowledge of Wanzu himself today. No super high tech.

After the Earth Spirit Tribe encountered the catastrophe of the Silver Earth, its technology has plummeted compared to the past. The technological level of the earliest Earth Spirit Tribe is comparable to that of the Sky Serpent Tribe, the strongest technological race among all races. This big library Many of the technologies stored in it are likely to be unique copies. Even the race with the highest technology among all races may not necessarily master all the technologies here, so naturally it cannot be left to latecomers.

Chengying read quickly and transmitted information outwards. There were nine huge book stacks in total. Chengying scanned the books one by one at almost the speed of scanning. It took almost a day for the sun and the moon to scan, and then almost all of them were scanned. All the information was transmitted back to the main body of Glacier City.

Based on the few contents he remembered, Cheng Ying roughly judged that the library he encountered was just the tip of the iceberg of the Earth Spirit Tribe’s true technological heritage. Apart from the forbidden library, this library could only be regarded as an ordinary library of that era. The library was not a particularly confidential place. Lan Nuo came to the last library and burned it while looking at it. The ashes of burned books were all around him.

Cheng Ying was burning a book when a thunder-like roar suddenly came from behind him: "You little thief! You are so shameless. Even if you peek into the secret collection of books of my Earth Spirit Tribe, you dare to deliberately destroy the collection of books! Since In this case, don't blame me for being cruel.

I will take this living bookcase back to you, extract your soul, and ask you to recite all the contents of the books here. "

Cheng Ying looked back and saw that a strong man from the Earth Spirit Clan had been teleported behind him inexplicably. He had already experienced the random teleportation of ruins, but he did not expect that at the critical moment of his reading, someone would be teleported to him.

Fortunately, he had already changed his appearance after he separated from Noah. Even the race has changed. Even if he is discovered at this time, there is nothing to be afraid of.

"Just burn it. What can you do to me?" Chengying would not be polite to Wanzu, especially those who were hostile to him. The majestic energy gathered in his body, ready to fight at any time.

"In front of me, you actually dare to take action. You are only a second-level person, but you are quite courageous." A strong coercion burst out from the old man of the Earth Spirit Tribe. The ashes of the books on the ground were blown away by the strong airflow, and Cheng Ying couldn't help but I took a closer look at the old man from the Earth Spirit Tribe in front of me. There was no information about this guy, but he turned out to be a legendary strongman. I don’t know if he was a hidden strongman of the Blue River Alliance or a member of other forces.

But this is not important. Even if there are strong men hidden in the Blue River Alliance, Cheng Ying can still attack them. After all, the Blue River Alliance is also a potential enemy. Weakening it will be good for the Glacier City and the survival of mankind.


The Legend of the Earth Spirit Tribe stamped his foot on the ground and rushed out at a speed that almost exceeded the speed of sound. The empty bookshelf was torn into pieces in the shock wave.

"Physical training?" Cheng Ying was a little surprised. The Earth Spirit Tribe is not a race with excellent physical fitness. From their body shape, it can be seen that adults without any extraordinary power are even inferior to humans. uuReading; Among this race It is really rare for someone to choose to practice martial arts and break through the legend.

However, the one he was least afraid of was the strong body type. Without any intention of evading, he stretched out his palm and struck the opponent's fist.

The collision triggered a strong airflow that tore apart the surrounding bookshelves. Chengying remained motionless and did not use extraordinary power. He only used the powerful strength of his own body to block this terrifying blow.

"Legend?" The old man from the Earth Spirit Tribe looked frightened and rolled back violently. However, it was already too late. Cheng Ying punched out fiercely. Although the old man could avoid this punch according to his normal avoidance method. But his fist was unscientifically extended, and his arm was strangely deformed as if he had eaten a rubber fruit. He stretched out and struck the Earthling Legend, punching him out of the library's stacks. It smashed into pieces, countless bookshelves, and even made a big hole in the wall.

Cheng Ying didn't stop at all, and pursued the victory, his feet turned into an ostrich-like structure, and the speed that exploded in an instant was even faster than the legend of the Earth Spirit Tribe just now.

Legend, who was knocked away, realized that Cheng Ying might have practiced a strange technique that could change his body into another race or a shape with no race model at all. The fighting energy in his body surged out, forming a shape on his body surface. With a layer of shield, he does not have an advantage in terms of physical strength and speed, but he can use fighting spirit. If Cheng Ying is the kind of strong man who relies on special means to possess a legendary body, then he is still not afraid.

[To be continued]

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