Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 15 Legendary Servant

"What did you do to me?" When the legend of the Emperor Spirit Clan woke up, it was already two hours later. Cheng Ying stretched out two tentacles from behind and hung them directly on his back. Anyway, this race His body shape is also relatively petite. This old man looks dry and dry, and his body weighs less than 60 pounds.

Although he is a strong person who practices physical skills and has a strong body, his strength can only be compared horizontally among the Earth Spirit Tribe. Compared with other races, he is still small. His powerful strength relies more on his own extraordinary power. force, not the body.

"Are you awake? Haven't you already felt what I did? There are many weaknesses in your body. With practice, these weaknesses will gradually decrease, but so far, there are still a lot of them. I am A small amount of my energy is injected into these weaknesses to protect your weaknesses from sneak attacks by others."

The legend of the Earth Spirit Tribe looked ugly: "It won't be attacked by others, but it will be directly detonated by you, right?"

"It's okay if you say that." Cheng Ying did not deny it and continued to record the books in the library and burn them.

"Either you point to the River Styx and swear allegiance to me now. I have always been good to my men, or we can maintain this dirty coercion. Then to me you are a thug who can be discarded at any time. Or cannon fodder.

Anyway, you will only refuse to resist me because of the threat to your life, and you are not considered my property at all. In this case, when you encounter any danger, it is natural for you to explore the way and die. Even if you die, I will not What a loss. "

What Cheng Ying said was an old slave owner. After hearing this, the legend of the Earth Spirit Tribe looked even uglier. The oath he swore while pointing at the Styx cannot be broken, otherwise he will be severely punished, even if he is a holy person. , is not immune to such punishment. In the original work, there is a high-level saint who violated his Styx oath and paid a heavy price.

Under such circumstances, a mere legend would never dare to break an oath once he swore it. This is also where the legend of the Earth Spirit Tribe is entangled.

What Cheng Ying said actually makes sense to a certain extent, and comparisons can be found in reality. For example, in a certain black slave liberation movement, when they were slaves, slave owners would use slaves carefully because they belonged to them. Tools must be kept in good condition to extend their service life as much as possible.

But after the slaves were liberated, many of them lived a worse life. They were no longer slaves, but they had nothing. They worked harder than when they were slaves, and they also suffered from various occupational diseases at work. It will be thrown away directly, just spend money to find a new one. It can be said that such people have nothing but freedom.

The current legend of the Earth Spirit Tribe is facing such a problem. He needs to choose between freedom and his own life safety. A strong man who relies on the threat of his life to control, and a strong man who swears allegiance to the River Styx. , the value to a person is completely different.

The former can be sacrificed as cannon fodder at any time, while the latter is a precious treasure for everyone and a tool that can be absolutely trusted. Not only will it not be used as cannon fodder, it will even have the opportunity to become stronger, and precious knowledge will also be shared. The price for giving it to him is the complete loss of freedom.

Cheng Ying doesn't mind if the other party considers it slowly, because he can accept both options, and what he tells is the truth. There are too many dangers in this ancient ruins, and he himself needs some cannon fodder to explore the way. , if this legend doesn’t want to take the oath, then find an opportunity to send him away,

Anyway, he is a master of all races, the more he kills, the better.

After struggling for a while, the legend of the Earth Spirit Tribe chose to compromise. He struggled for so long not because he was considering whether to swear to the River Styx, but because he was studying the magic power left in his body and whether there was a way to crack it. .

If there is a loophole to exploit, he naturally does not want to lose his freedom. However, after some inspection, he found that he had no room to break it. If he tried to break the restraints rashly, it might cause the person who imposed such restraints on himself to be unable to break the restraints. Its unraveled.

"I can swear allegiance to you by the River Styx, but you can't ask me to die for inexplicable reasons, and you can't stop me from continuing to practice and become stronger." In fact, he wanted to add another rule that he couldn't trample on his dignity at will, but After thinking about it, I still didn't say it. Even if I did, I'm afraid the other party wouldn't accept it.

Cheng Ying actually doesn't care about this. He has no bad taste in trampling on others. The strong men of all races are just tools to him. It's boring to use them to slap them in the face.

"Okay, I promise you, you start swearing. I will supervise your oath, or you can make a draft and give it to me for review. Only after it passes the review can you swear." Cheng Ying will not let the other party find anything on the oath. If there is a loophole, even if he can't see the problem himself, he still has the main body and many clones, and he can always find clues to the problem a little bit.

"I, Scott, swear..." A long and complicated oath was made under the witness of Styx. Chengying suddenly felt that there was something in his spirit. A single thought could trigger the oath and make Scott Falling into the River Styx.

"It's okay. You're quite honest and didn't cause any trouble in the oath." Cheng Ying continued to read calmly, but did not lift the restriction on Scott.

"If you want me to remove the energy in your body, that's fine. But I've agreed in advance that after I remove it from you, I won't rearrange it. Finding so many weaknesses in your body and not knowing how to protect it with energy is quite draining. One thing about energy, I am not a strong person who majors in magic power. Magic power is only at the second level. It will be a very troublesome process to provide you with such a protection system. If you don’t want it, then don’t ask me for it. It’s the second time.”

Scott was very confused when he heard this. The thing in his body could indeed kill him in an instant, but it also protected his weaknesses. If there was another enemy like Cheng Ying who could see through his weaknesses, he would be When carrying out a targeted attack, the weakness will no longer be suddenly triggered, causing him to lose inexplicably.

Considering that he had sworn the Styx Oath, Cheng Ying could kill him at any time. Having an additional set of such restrictions in his body was actually a sign of having too many lice to stop itching.

"Why did you destroy the books here?" Scott changed the topic.

"Because I don't want others to see it. It's as simple as that. I have memorized this knowledge in my mind. I can study it slowly when I go back later and destroy the books here. Only I know this knowledge. Of course, if you want If you know, I can hand them over to you, but you are not allowed to spread the word. This is an order." Another book in Cheng Ying's hand was burned to ashes.

Scott cannot disobey all orders, so as long as he gives the order, it is safe to hand over the knowledge to him. No matter how much he learns, there is no way to reveal this knowledge. Even after defeat, he is forced to Read the memory, and after reading this section, it will be erased immediately, so that the enemy can't read anything.

Scott was a little confused. He was actually curious about the knowledge in the library. Especially the type about your own power. But he is worried that the knowledge in these libraries is not valuable enough. Now that he has discovered the oath and accepted the order, he cannot reveal all the knowledge here, which means risks to him. If he reveals it actively or unconsciously, he will get mental reminders to stop his behavior, so there is no need to worry about accidentally leaking the truth and being punished. The real trouble is actually having his memory read.

He didn't dare to say that he was victorious in every battle. If he was accidentally caught, the knowledge in his mind would become a reminder for him.

But after considering his position, he felt that even if he was caught, he might not be rescued. In that case, even if no one read his memory, he would probably be dead.

"If you want to learn something, it's best to wait until you leave the ruins. It looks safe here, but it's actually more dangerous than you think. Read this book." Cheng Ying projected a book directly in front of Scott.

"The fog we encountered is an intelligent mechanical cloud, which contains countless extremely tiny mechanical components. It is one of the top technologies of your Earth Spirit tribe in ancient times. Machines and machines are combined with each other to build a large number of tiny structures, which constitutes A mechanism for randomly teleporting us.

According to the records in this book, these mechanical clouds are not used to resist invaders. On the contrary, their original function is to suppress something in this ruins. The ability to teleport is to protect the ruins. No one was harmed, but over the course of this year, the more sophisticated the machine, the more likely it is to malfunction. The random transmission is obviously caused by the failure of their transmission function.

According to the records in this book, if these mechanical clouds start to teleport people in the ruins, it often means that the things they suppress are starting to get out of control. This is a very dangerous signal for us. Maybe one of the teleportations will happen. Encountered that guy head-on. "The book projected by Chengying records in detail this kind of mechanical cloud. It is actually a swarm of nano-insects that can combine with each other to perform many complex tasks, and can also replicate itself. It lives and breathes like a living thing, so that it can work. Thousands of years.

But now they are obviously broken, at least part of their functions are broken. The book is unclear about what they suppressed. At least it is not clear from this book what is sealed here.

"Do you know what is sealed?" Scott still couldn't let go of the airs of a legendary powerhouse, so he changed to some wise licking dog, and now he started calling his master.

"You can probably guess a little bit. The books in the library are part of the many books. There is also a forbidden library here. All the records in it are about low latitudes and hidden existences. That is, those things like evil gods.

I dare not read those records directly. After all, those evil things may be cursed even if they just glance at them. However, through artificial intelligence translation, many of them are experimental records, which means that there may have been experiments on evil gods in this ruins.

So you should probably be able to guess what might be suppressing here? "

Scott's scalp was numb when he heard about low latitudes and hidden existences. Of course he knew that these were famous things on the ancient continent, and they were things that most people were unwilling to come into contact with.

Most of the hidden existences, just looking directly at them, are enough to cause the hearts of mortals to collapse. Even if you borrow their power indirectly, you have to pay a huge price. These existences are usually extremely powerful, and their strength is comparable to that of the Holy One. If There is a hidden existence here that has been pulled out of low latitudes by special means. Even if it is a projection or a high-level dependent, it will be a disaster for a mere legend like him.

"Do you know how to leave? I think it's best for us to evacuate as soon as possible."

Hearing this, Lan Nuo shook his head again: "It's really a shame to leave now, and there's no need to leave in a hurry. The situation is not as bad as we imagined.

What is here is just a projection at most. If it is the true form of a hidden existence, it is absolutely impossible to suppress it based on the specifications of this underground ruins. And I found from the experimental records that they have indeed found some ways to use the power of the hidden existence, even if Among the many extraordinary systems in the prehistoric continent, the power they found was not weak.

If it can be obtained, even if it is a small achievement, it is not a problem to break through the demigod or even reach the spiritual level. "Cheng Ying finished reading the last book, lit a flame in his hand, and burned him.

"What you said is quite simple. Let alone looking for the inheritance in the ruins now, we can't even leave. There is no exit from this library. We can only get here through teleportation. We can't even leave." We know it will take years and months to get out. If this is hundreds of meters underground, we don’t know how long it will take to dig out.”

Scott was sitting on the abandoned bookshelf, and his whole temperament began to change. After all, he had sold himself and was just a wage earner now. No matter how hard he worked to create more value, he would only be giving the boss an advantage. If you don't lie down at this time, when will you lie down?

"Just because you can't get out doesn't mean that I can't get out either. The people who built this ruins won't be thinking about a library. They can only enter through teleportation. Except for the forbidden library, this is just an ordinary library. The collection of books is also open to the public. At least for that era, if this is the case, the safety of the people reading here will definitely be considered. If an accident occurs, there will always be an emergency exit.'s normal that you didn't notice it. Emergency access maps are actually posted everywhere in the library, just like the fire safety maps in many buildings. However, I burned them before. I hope that after we leave, , the next person who comes here can find a safe passage by their own exploration. "

Scott: "..."

Grab the bamboo shoots!

[To be continued]

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