Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 29 Freshman Admission

The identity Cheng Ying used this time was that of an exchange student. So after arriving in the Elf Empire, he also had to join an academy to study.

This was exactly what he wanted, a location with easy access to all kinds of knowledge. Although the Elf Empire is much more enlightened than other countries. But in this country, knowledge is still valuable. And some knowledge is extremely expensive and cannot be learned outside school.

You also need to show good enough grades and high enough qualifications in school to be able to learn.

Chengying is still very confident about his qualifications. Although I don’t know why, in this life I learned everything very quickly, and not only could I master it quickly, but I could even make bypasses.

This may be related to the situation in his previous life. Rui Wenwen told him about the situation in his previous life. He had gone through a long period of study at that time. And after experiencing countless planets, his own wisdom has reached a point where it is as good as a sea of ​​smoke. It seems that in that state, even if everything is forgotten, some things will not change.

Cheng Ying is not sure either. Is this the benefit he left for himself when he traveled through time last time, or is it a cheat he opened at this time? But it just so happens that my talents can be used as a stepping stone to gain more knowledge.

If you show your willingness to stay in the Elf Empire. Thinking about it, even the mentor of the Elf Empire would be willing to impart a lot of precious knowledge to him.

These are valuable knowledge that is impossible to obtain by coming to the Elf Empire as an ordinary person. In order to achieve this goal, he must show a certain amount of talent in the entrance test.

As the embassy made simple arrangements for a few people, the next day was a test of their magical talents, and they officially became a freshman at Nanfeng Academy. This academy is a small academy that is not ranked high in the Elf Empire. But it is even more advanced than the most advanced academies in the Blue River Alliance.

This is the huge gap between the empire and the ordinary alliance. The largest academies within the empire may even cover an area larger than an alliance. The teachers and students inside can easily destroy dozens or hundreds of alliances.

Although all races in the prehistoric times are equal in proportion. But the gap between them is as huge as a chasm. For some races without holy status, if the combined power of the whole race is

They are not even as powerful as humans, but they are one of the ten thousand races and are protected by the laws of heaven. Humans are targeted by the laws of heaven. Even if they give birth to talents from time to time, their strength has expanded to the point that most of the races are afraid. The extent is still not recognized.

The decoration of the embassy where Cheng Ying stayed seemed simple, but if you look closely, you can find that it is actually quite luxurious. The carvings on the bedside lamps alone are at the micron level. This is not something that can be done by simple handwork. A fairly high-level crafting system.

Perhaps the elves are not using the power of technology, but the power of magic, but there is no doubt that considerable effort is required to control the microcosm.

This seemingly unpretentious, but actually quite luxurious arrangement shows that the tertiary industry of the elves has developed to an incredible level. If it continues to develop like this, technology may completely stagnate. It may appear to be thriving, but in fact it is not. It's foggy.

Compared to Cheng Ying, the others just wanted to have a good sleep after a tiring journey and did not pay close attention to the decoration of the objects in the bedroom.

The next day, someone received students from the Blue River Alliance to go to school. They were somewhat taken seriously. Logically speaking, they were the most elite young people in the alliance. If they could stay in the Elf Empire, they would be able to attend school. It can be regarded as a kind of talent recruitment. A considerable number of Lan and Alliance people in the envoy want to stay and live and work in the Elf Empire.

This is like many students who study abroad and then stay abroad. He gave all his talents to other countries.

People and most people in the alliance are also because of the weakness and backwardness of their own alliance. Want to seek development in a more powerful empire. This is understandable. There are only a few people like Noah who are dedicated to the development of their own alliance.

Cheng Ying essentially admires such people, so it is difficult to kill such people. This was partly the reason why he chose to sign a contract before.

The group of people looked around like Grandma Liu after entering the Grand View Garden. Compared to the Blue River Alliance, this place is really too prosperous, with not only high-rise buildings, but also extraordinary beings traveling between them. I don’t know how many people have the ability to fly, and many shops in the city are open in mid-air. Only people who can fly can enter, and the least they receive is people who can fly.

The whole city looks magical and sci-fi, and it's not surprising that there are even various painting styles. After all, the prosperity of the elves comes from the development of the outside world. Regardless of whether there are living things outside, the architectural styles derived from various climatic environments are definitely very different. Reflected in the local culture of the elves, the culture is quite prosperous, and buildings of various styles stand in the city.

This is a country that is quite friendly to foreign races. Although the main race is the Elf race, due to the reasons of exploring the outside world, although it is arrogant towards other races, it is very receptive. It is not recommended that other races survive in our country. .

On the one hand, this is for the development of the country, and on the other hand, it is also the self-confidence of the elves. They believe in their excellence and will not be robbed of their job opportunities by other races under fair competition. and social resources.

The instructor who led everyone to Nanfeng Academy seemed very polite and approachable. But it gave people a vague feeling of being distant from others, and quite arrogant. Although the empire and the academy welcomed talents from all over the world, their expressions showed disdain for the magical talents of other races.

On the entire prehistoric continent, the magical talent of the elves can indeed be regarded as second to none. Except for a very small number of logic tribes that have not yet become extinct, there are almost no countries with magical talents comparable to those of elves. Of course, there are also dragons with stronger magical talents, but they can hardly be regarded as countries. Strong organizational power, strong individuals, although they live together, they will separate when they reach a certain age. People find their own territory and recruit their own dependent races.

The size of Nanfeng College greatly surprised this group of bumpkins from the countryside. Although they had learned about the situation through written descriptions before coming here, they still couldn't help but be amazed when they saw it with their own eyes.

The entire college covers an area of ​​10,000 square kilometers, which means that the length and width are 100 kilometers each to encircle such a large college. You can imagine how prosperous this college is. This is even compared to a county-level college. The area of ​​administrative units is even larger.

Within the academy. You even need to go to different school districts through the teleportation array. If you rely on your own legs, who knows how long it will take to get to where you want to go?

Flying is not allowed inside the school. This is similar to the capital of the country. You cannot fly at will. This rule can only be broken by the principal-level existence.

They soon came to a teleportation array and teleported to the freshman test area.

"Although you are all geniuses from all over the world, we still need to conduct certain tests on your magic talents. After all, the academy's courses are quite strict, and we must ensure that you can keep up with the progress of the courses. Otherwise It may have delayed your talents."

This is said very politely, but the underlying meaning is that garbage with insufficient talent is not qualified to study in our academy.

This is just a college in a small county in the 18th tier of the Elf Empire. You can imagine how arrogant those top universities are.

Cheng Ying was not in a hurry, listening to the test items introduced to him by his instructor.

"The questions in your test are not difficult. There are some magics that are unique to our college. Outsiders have never seen them. The magic itself is not very powerful, so it has not become popular. We use it as one of the tests for freshmen. .

What you have to do is to learn as quickly as possible, master this magic proficiently, and improve this magic. The better the person who can improve this magic within an hour, the higher the evaluation will be. Of course, if If you can't even master it proficiently, then unfortunately, you won't be able to pass the assessment. "

Learn a magic spell quickly. The talent requirements for mages are very high. All the students in the Blue River Alliance became nervous for a while, and Cheng Ying also frowned slightly. If he wanted to learn magic by himself, he would need to have this set of things engraved in his body, so that he could It is convenient to display, but if it is directly used in actual combat, it will appear quite unskilled. After all, the meridian system in his body pursues precision and proficient control of specific skills. The conventional spell-casting ability is weaker than that of a normal mage. Many.

In order not to waste the magic power in his body, Cheng Ying could only modify this spell to be as powerful as possible and not waste the position of the meridians in his body.

"Now get ready to start. This is the simplest light ball magic. The light ball can change into any shape. It shouldn't be a problem for you."

After the instructor finished speaking, he came to a chair in the testing room and sat down, waiting for everyone to try.

Others more or less began to try to chant magic spells and use skills to quickly master the magic. Only Cheng Ying was writing and drawing on paper, and at the same time his brain began to calculate rapidly. If someone touches his forehead at this time, , you will find that his forehead is very hot, which is caused by the rapid thinking.

Lan Nuo circulates the energy in his body and supplies it all to his brain, providing himself with super high thinking speed.

This made him very rich in problem-solving ideas, and he also had many wild ideas for the improvement of magic. First of all, this light ball magic was of no use to him. Its attack power was negligible, but the ability to transform at will was of some use. Can easily illuminate some dark corners.

This move was probably developed for this purpose. Cheng Ying first thought about what exactly this move could be used for. He could transform this move into an attack-type ability. After his transformation, he would definitely be able to possess the insufficient capabilities. Attack power, but he quickly gave up this idea. Although the attack ability is good, he does not lack attack power now, and this is not consistent with his own magic system design idea.

His application of magic is almost useless for attacks. At the same technical level, magic props or technological creations are obviously stronger in terms of attack power, and they are several levels stronger. If he attacks directly with magic, it is obviously The gain outweighs the loss, and a better application of this trick would be for surveying and mapping.

If used as an auxiliary ability, the performance of this move is actually good. Cheng Ying himself also needs an auxiliary ability with similar functions. Without wasting the position of the meridians in his body, he can indeed be used like this. Transformation.

After he made up his mind, he began to construct design ideas in his mind and drew the rough meridian structure on paper. Next, he would use this structure to adjust his own meridians.

The effect of the modified spell is measurement, and the color of the light ball is no longer white or golden, but can be controlled freely. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet can be used, and can even be changed into invisible light.

In this way, the surveying and mapping process can be relatively concealed without making too much noise.

The light ball can change into any shape, so that the shape of something can be sensed by covering it. The light inside the light ball is constantly refracted, and will bounce when it encounters the edge of the light ball. By combing the light rays inside the photosphere and calculating the time they take to bounce, the shape parameters of the object wrapped in the photosphere can be obtained.

Not only can he measure other beings, but he can also accurately measure his own body. This will also be helpful to his future construction of meridians, allowing him to improve the accuracy of his meridians as much as possible, reaching nanometer-level accuracy.

At first, the instructor of the elves saw that Cheng Ying was just writing and drawing without practicing at all, and thought that Cheng Ying was about to be eliminated. Although this magic was simple for him, for these students, just wanting to To learn, uu read a book; it takes a lot of hard work. The guy in front of me is so ambitious. He actually tries to improve instead of learning. The most likely result of this is that he is completely unskilled in using magic and will be eliminated directly. Magic has certain optimizations. Nor does it meet the highest priority standards.

Just when he was thinking this, Cheng Ying began to use a spell-casting method that surprised him.

[To be continued]

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