Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 54: Heavenly Snake Clan

Chengying was not slow or in a hurry during his return, but he also took the Ice Emperor to visit the customs of various countries in the ancient continent. The most important thing in their trip is safety, and the most important thing is to be like normal travelers, not Show too much of your own specialness.

As for time, it is not a problem. The rise of mankind cannot be completed overnight. If they go back one day early or one day late, the impact will not be big.

Maybe if I went back too late, Glacier City would have been destroyed. But that doesn't matter. Chengying believes that his body and other clones can leave smoothly, and he can also retain the human fire. He will continue to unswervingly implement the plan to support the future, freeze those humans with potential, and preserve them for future humans. Liberate yourself in times of crisis.

This kind of operation is a bit like Zhe Tian, ​​in the era when the spiritual energy was exhausted and the ancient road in the starry sky was not opened. The major families sealed the strong people in the divine source and released them. It would not be until he encountered some serious crisis that he would wake up his ancestors.

Because Chengying knew this very well, he was not in a hurry to go back. In addition to browsing the customs and customs of various countries along the way, the most important thing was to look for the rare and exotic animals on this continent and collect their information. Bloodline and genetic material.

This aspect plays a key role in the rise of human beings. In the original prehistoric history, a large factor in the rise of human beings relied on powerful biochemical technology, and various powerful elements were integrated into human blood. The bloodline of living things, in this way, has the genetic lock of human beings. After unlocking a certain degree of genetic lock, you can directly use the power of some extraordinary races without even strengthening the bloodline.

Because of this, Chengying plans to collect real birds and animals along the way, collect their bloodline data, and integrate these genes into human genetic material. It is indeed a feasible way, as long as they understand such things as genes. If you understand it deeply enough, you can completely carry out similar transformations, giving humans super talents comparable to all races.

However, in this world, genes do not actually exist naturally. This is a world dominated by extraordinary power, so if you trace the source of everything, it can be traced back to a certain extraordinary person.

It is precisely because of this that while collecting the veins of various rare and exotic animals, Lan Nuo is also looking for some special existences.

"Is this our destination?" Ice Emperor has learned to speak. Although it took a lot of time and her speech is a bit unclear, it can be seen that she is still very willing to learn and is very willing to accept what she doesn't know. Knowledge, she has been in a chatty state these past few days, and seems to want to practice her language skills through constant talking.

Cheng Ying nodded: "Yes, this is our destination. There is a strong man from the Sky Snake tribe living here. He may not be considered a strong man, but for the small country we are in now,

He is already a top powerhouse. "

"Sky Serpent Tribe? Is that the same race as the elves and orcs we saw before?" Ice Emperor is curious and quite smart. Although he is slow to learn, his ability to understand is very strong. This trait is very similar to that of Cheng Ying. , it seems that those who have traveled from his previous world have such characteristics, and he does not know how such characteristics are brought out?

"Almost, they are all one of the thousands of races in the ancient world, but this race is more powerful than the elves and orcs. Well... it may be too much to say that it is more powerful than the elves, but at least it is definitely more powerful than the orcs. .

In terms of mortal strength, the Sky Snakes are not much stronger than the Elves. Even if they fight head-on, they may not be able to win, but the Sky Snakes can be superior to the Elffoots because they have a very powerful ancestor.

In this world, the older things are, the more powerful they are. Although this is abnormal and unhealthy, it is a rule that the world has followed so far, and the ancestor of the Sky Snake Clan is the legendary original one. snake.

They are innate demon gods with powerful power, and they are also known as one of the twelve innate demon gods. They are also one of the twelve strongest innate demon gods. They are the strongest existences below the emperor-level experts. If we want to give people living in the wilderness now

If we were to rank the creatures on land, the original snake should be ranked in the top ten.

Of course, this does not count the old guys hiding in the dark. There are still some powerful beings on this continent who are hidden and have never revealed their strength.

Among those hidden beings, there are beings more powerful than the original snake or even the twin emperors, but these are not the issues we are going to discuss today.

The reason why we want to find this Sky Snake clan member is not because of how powerful their ancestors are. It's because this group possesses the most advanced biotechnology in the continent, and their research on genes is very in-depth.

I have told you a few days ago what a gene is. You should now be able to understand that the double helix of genetic material in our cells records almost all of our life information.

This is an extremely important thing for any creature. Back then, the Sky Snake Tribe and the Earth Spirit Tribe were the two major technological races on the entire prehistoric continent. One represented biological technology and the other represented mechanical technology.

However, in other worlds, biotechnology is far from being able to keep pace with mechanical technology, or even biotechnology. After science and technology develop to higher and higher levels, it is ultimately just a small branch of natural science, and there is no way it can occupy half of the world as an important branch of science.

But it is possible in this world, just because of the existence of initial knowledge. Didn’t you ask me out of curiosity before why our genetic material is in the shape of a double helix?

In fact, the answer is very simple, it is because of the shape of the double helix. It is like two snakes entwined together, which can represent the image of the original snake.

Of course, this is the reason in this world, and the reasons in other worlds are completely different. In a world dominated by normal physical rules, the reason why our genetic material looks like this is just because this kind of genetic material is relatively stable. , easier to copy and pass on to the next generation.

In the world we are in now, it is because everything originated from the original snake. It cannot be said that all life comes from the original snake. To be precise, all flesh and blood life should originate from him. There are very few life factors in the body that represent his power, that is, our DNA. The genetic material of almost all flesh-and-blood creatures is the image of this double helix, and this also represents his power.

Because of this, he can become one of the best among the innate demon gods. Therefore, in this world, biotechnology is very important. It does not mean how high the technology can be or how powerful the ability level is. . It’s because the source of this technology is very strong. "

In front of the two of them was a castle that looked a little weird. It was strange because the castle had a dual style of machinery and biology. Half of the structure of the castle looked like it had some steampunk style, consisting of pipes and rotating gears. The structure of this half of the castle is complete, while the other half is a castle made of huge creatures. The huge snail is the main body of the castle, with various plants climbing on it, and tentacles extending from the snail shell.

There are even eyes and ears on the castle's surface. These may serve the same purpose as surveillance cameras.

There is no one else living within a few kilometers of this castle. Knowing that this is a city where every inch of land is precious, you can imagine how feared this Sky Snake clan member is.

In this large open area, only Cheng Ying and two people were standing here. Even they could hear with their strong hearing. There were people talking everywhere.

"There are still people who are so unafraid of death that they dare to approach Jason's castle."

"They're dead."

"No, it doesn't necessarily mean that if you are caught by Jason, it might be more painful than death."

"Yes, the two children who broke into his castle last time were transformed into terrible monsters. These two people are dead. It's a pity, they are so good-looking."

Many lamented that no one thought either man would survive.

The people of the Sky Snake Clan are very arrogant, and they are even more proud than the Elves.

Gao Gao, they don't even regard many races as intelligent creatures equivalent to them, but only regard them as their own tools and experiments.

If other races discriminate against humans alone, then it is more fair in the eyes of the Sky Snake Clan. They fairly discriminate against every race among all the races in the wild.

Relying on their extremely powerful ancestors, they indeed have this qualification.

In addition, this also stems from their culture. In their culture and even mythology, all tribesmen will eventually return to the original snake. Not only all tribesmen, but all flesh and blood creatures will eventually return to the original snake. The original snake became a part of him.

The Sky Snakes are crazy about biotechnology, partly in order to complete it to this extent, so that they can become the same existence as the original snakes, and then return to their ancestors.

It can be said that the entire clan is a mad scientist, and many of the ancient races have been captured by them as test subjects and subjected to various biochemical transformations. However, the Sky Snake clan is still relatively orderly, at least when they arrest people, they do not He will not be caught openly, and he will not directly offend all races in the wild.

But this Sky Snake clan member is obviously independent from his clan. Normally, this kind of situation occurs when someone in the group has committed some crime and ran away to avoid it, or it is someone who was eliminated without paying attention. , ran to develop in the territories of other races.

It is very simple to make such a judgment. The Sky Serpents are a race with very advanced technology, and scientific research requires a lot of resources. Without the Sky Snakes, it is almost impossible to obtain such rich resources. Perhaps the Elf Empire is equally rich. , but their technology is not very developed, and many of the resources required for scientific research cannot be obtained by magic. They must use a huge industrial system to produce them in large quantities at low prices.

It is not as good as running to such a young people's empire. The Snake Clan people hiding in remote small towns are definitely very weak in the race. Otherwise, they would not choose such a backward and remote place.

Cheng Ying is not worried about being captured by the opponent and used as an experiment. The opponent is not very strong, probably at the level of a demigod. He is considered the top powerhouse in this small country. However, Cheng Ying, who was hunted down by the Elf Empire, It seems that he is an enemy that can be defeated with one finger.

What he needs here is not the other party's power, but the large amount of genetic data accumulated by the other party. These are valuable technical data.

For the time being, Cheng Ying is not suitable to join the Serpent clan. This race has extremely advanced biotechnology. His ability to transform into a Serpent clan like a shape-shifter cannot be hidden from their clan members. When the time comes, their special abilities will be discovered. Sex, it is very likely that they will be caught and used as experimental subjects for research.

The Sky Snake Tribe is more powerful than the Elf Tribe. If you are targeted by them, you may not be able to escape as smoothly as this time.

Jason, who was conducting human experiments in the laboratory, had a ferocious look on his face when he heard the alarm sent to him by the castle intelligence.

His experiment failed again, which made him feel very bad. He was like a gambler who had not drawn a card, and he seemed to be playing an extremely difficult game that he could not pass because of his poor skills, so Choose to take that anger out on other people.

"It seems that you don't realize what you have broken into at all, so let's send some little guys to play with you first." Although Jason is not an outstanding being among his race, the entire Sky Serpent race It is quite powerful, and the technology he masters is extremely similar to this country.

I saw the underground outside the castle; the ground was broken open, and a large number of biological colonies grew there. It was as if dense bumps were growing on the ground.

As these pustules burst open, ferocious-looking creatures crawled out one after another, including creatures that looked like aliens.

The main god's space will throw people into the alien world. In a sense, this is because in ancient times, all races made similar biological weapons, and the main god used these biological weapons to train reincarnators. However, these biological weapons Chengying can be said to be crude.

In terms of biotechnology, Cheng Ying is sometimes very strong, although he does not have the understanding of magic that he has now, so in-depth

, but compared to his understanding of the ancient technology of the Earth Spirit Tribe, it is still much deeper. After all, his own body contains extremely advanced biotechnology. Now that he has cracked some technologies from his body for reverse engineering, he has already It was enough to elevate his skills to incredible heights.

[To be continued]

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