Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 64 The tempering of time

Chengying didn't know exactly what kind of environment he was in, but he just felt that it was quite dangerous. It seemed that he might face various dangers and die at any time. His own instincts would also change in different environments. Make different adjustments.

Before, my existential crisis was not that serious. His talent is more inclined towards development and invention.

But now he is facing a huge survival crisis and may be destroyed by powerful enemies at any time. At this time, his talent has begun to turn towards a relatively more intense and exciting direction. His thinking speed has begun to accelerate, and he has begun to exert more influence on his body. The ability to control begins to increase. With limited thinking speed and reaction speed, one can exert stronger body strength as much as possible to ensure that one can survive in more harsh environments.

Among primitive tribes, human life is quite difficult. Not only do they have to be oppressed by all races, but because they do not have extraordinary strength, it is also very difficult to do simple things such as hunting.

Huge sacrifices are often made to hunt a prey, and the scope of the wilderness is also constantly shrinking. The civilized world is constantly being compressed into the ultra-primitive world, and the living space of human beings is being squeezed.

In order to survive as long as possible, Cheng Ying began to continuously practice his hunting skills.

Although he has quite a wealth of knowledge, even if most of it supports memory, because his current brain is too weak to carry it and cannot recall it, with these existing memories alone, given enough time, he can still recall it. Civilization advanced to the period of the first industrial revolution.

But now is obviously not the time to promote the development of science and technology. He just used a limited number of materials to organize members of the tribe to create some relatively better hunting tools, such as bows and arrows with higher accuracy, or ones that can store energy. A crossbow that is relatively more convenient to use.

At most, it is just for the tribesmen to collect materials such as iron ore and use the most primitive furnaces to make iron or bronze weapons.

His biggest goal now is to survive, and only after he can survive will he be able to consider other things.

However, it is not that easy to survive. The remaining will of the God Emperor is to let him experience the suffering of human beings, to let him identify with his human identity amidst death again and again, and to hate the suffering that has been brought to him. of all races.

So no matter how hard Cheng Ying works in the spiritual world. Then the inevitable came, and a group of kobolds invaded their territory and started killing humans without restraint.

In fact, these kobolds are not powerful. There are only two extraordinary ones, and the highest is only second level. However, humans are already used to being oppressed. They are as timid as mice and do not dare to resist.

Cheng Ying saw with his own eyes that the child he had taught him knowledge not long ago was caught by a kobold and his head was bitten off on the spot. He chewed it like a snack and his eyes were red.

Limited by his own thinking ability, he could not completely suppress his sensibility with his own rationality. When he saw this picture, his emotions could not help but become impulsive. However, in the end he chose to escape, taking the things he made with him. Various hunting tools were used to migrate further afield, looking for other human tribes, and after integrating into them, more advanced tools were developed.

After seeing his choice, the God-Emperor felt something strange in his emotions, "What on earth was this guy thinking? It was obvious from the look on his face that he was extremely angry at that time, but he actually chose to endure it instead of fighting for his life.

This is very strange. He is obviously not a guy who is greedy for life and afraid of death. It was as if he had a more important mission and could not die no matter what. "

Even if there is only a trace of consciousness left in the blood, he is still an extremely powerful being. With just this trace of consciousness, he can possess almost the same wisdom as when the God Emperor was still alive.

In the fantasy world, time is still accelerating. The difference in time flow speed between the dream world and the real world can be very large. Even ordinary people can feel this when they dream. It may have passed in the dream. Several days may have passed in reality only a few minutes.

Cheng Ying has spent several years in the dreamland, during which he has traveled to several tribes. Human tribes are too easy to be destroyed. In the process, he has gradually returned to his original rational state. Although He would still be angry when he saw the clan members he had been with day and night being killed, but he had been able to stabilize his emotions, suppress his anger, and choose a way that could better enable him to survive and better ensure the inheritance of the fire of civilization.

And after several twists and turns, Cheng Ying has accumulated enough technology. It's not that his technology can't even cope with primitive society, but that technology from different eras cannot be directly used universally, just like a modern person who travels to primitive society. After the era, he could invent bows and arrows, and even crossbows.

But the bows and arrows he made were definitely not easy to use at the beginning. Although our knowledge is enough to produce a mechanical crossbow with a very complex mechanical structure and a very high efficiency if we have enough materials, in the environment of primitive society, the materials It is the rarest and most precious thing in itself. How to use limited materials to create the best equipment, and how to combine and process limited materials. This itself is actually very important knowledge. As the saying goes, the Tao is in the rubble and the Tao is in the shit. Even in primitive society, learning cannot stop.

Cheng Ying has been transferred again and again, and has gradually learned how to live in primitive society, and how to use limited tools to build the most advanced weapons under existing conditions with the greatest efficiency.

With this ability, the tribe he lives in now has begun to live a relatively prosperous life, and has begun to transform from a primitive society to an original farming society.

However, his existence was like a curse. The tribes that had just entered the farming society were soon robbed again. Even because this time they had accumulated more wealth, the looting was more cruel and thorough.

When Cheng Ying saw this scene, he was undoubtedly angry, but he still suppressed his anger and continued to move towards the next tribe. He must live, live as long as possible, and change. To become stronger, no matter whether the world he is in now is real or illusory, no matter what situation he is in, he must be able to survive under any conditions, but he must complete himself in any harsh environment. The goal.

This may be the talent he brought from his last time traveling. In the process of escaping again and again, Cheng Ying finally collected enough materials and found a relatively large tribe with extraordinary people. He still remembered himself The original design was the one that allowed humans to perform simple exercises. He had captured the kind of slime that could be implanted into the body as a meridians, including some other materials for surgery, and he had also prepared it. .

The next step is an operation to transform his body so that he can use extraordinary power. After becoming stronger, the probability of survival will be higher, and he will have the opportunity to challenge more powerful existences in the future. Cheng Ying’s analysis of the main contradiction now It is clear that it is the contradiction between the harsh natural environment and its own weak strength.

After completing the transformation of his body and gaining extraordinary power, this main contradiction will temporarily take a back seat and become a secondary contradiction. The next main contradiction is the contradiction between the long time required for the development of civilization and his short lifespan. At that time, he would need to rely on his enhanced strength to continuously find ways to extend his lifespan, and use his longer lifespan to develop human civilization to a higher level.

When the civilization you built may be destroyed, collect the powerful men with extraordinary power in this civilization and seal them away. Continuous accumulation will serve as your trump card in the development of a certain civilization in the future. Such accumulation comes round after round. There is always a chance to build a strong civilization.

At that time, he can still adopt a strategy similar to the clone. Send your own clone to the world of all races. There is sufficient technical support. Theoretically, relying on his ability, he can still prosper among all races. In this way, we can usher in a period of rapid acquisition of knowledge and becoming more powerful.

before investing this knowledge in the construction of civilization. Under the continuous cycle, there may still be no way to give birth to a saint, but saints will be born among humans, that is, those beings who have not become saints themselves, but whose strength has surpassed the upper level.

Chengying will seal one after another such individuals with endless potential. Finally, in a truly most glorious era, they will be liberated and become a real high-end force for mankind to fight against all races. People have to rely on themselves. Lean on other people. It can never truly succeed.

Due to the special mental structure of Chengying, the God-Emperor cannot directly read his thoughts, but he constantly observes what he does, and sees that he is constantly researching how to seal individual strong people to keep them alive and stop their activities. In this state, without any decline in strength, he finally roughly guessed Cheng Ying's plan.

Even the God-Emperor, who once led mankind to rise once, had to lament the madness of Cheng Ying's plan, which requires almost infinite patience and a person who needs endless time to implement his strategy, never stopping, never Discouraged, he will unswervingly carry out his strategy for tens of thousands of years, millions of years, tens of millions of years, until the human race has a strong man comparable to the entire race, and then beat him to the ground. .

This is a path that relies solely on human beings to strive for self-improvement without resorting to any external force. However, the God-Emperor does not believe that someone can persist in completing this path, so that his will is enough to bear the contract that will bring him endless pain. He Nor do I think I can do the same thing.

So he chose to give Cheng Ying almost endless time. Golden blood has extremely powerful power. Even just a drop of blood is enough to suppress ordinary saints. Therefore, in the spiritual world, it is completely possible for him to stretch time to infinite length.

As time went by, the God-Emperor's feelings became more and more relaxed and serious. It took a hundred years for Chengying to obtain the third level of extraordinary power, and he gained everything from the primitive era to the iron age. The technology included all the details, and he also obtained a method to extend his life. It was very painful and cruel. It required sacrificing other people's lives and taking other people's bodies. Even so, Chengying still chose to execute it because Theoretically there is no other feasible solution.

In the past hundred years, more than 70 human tribes, large and small, he has experienced have become extinct. On average, he has to change tribes in less than two years.

The highest level of civilization was when a tribe developed for ten years, its population reached 10,000, advanced to the Iron Age, and even had its own heavy cavalry unit. However, it was still under the third-level magic of all tribes. The entire army was wiped out in front of the magician, but that time Cheng Ying successfully attacked the magician secretly, killed the magician, and took away his magic book and staff. His extraordinary power achieved a breakthrough and reached the third level.

And then, as time continued to pass, what happened became more ups and downs. Chengying disguised himself again and again, sneaked into the world of all races, gained knowledge, and returned to the human tribe again and again, leading the human tribe to rise and practice. One's own knowledge drives civilization to a higher level.

In this process, human civilization will become more and more conspicuous and become an easier target for attack. Therefore, the further back we go, the harder it will be to push forward, and the easier it will be to be destroyed midway.

From the Iron Age to the First Industrial Revolution, it took a full five hundred years, and the tribe was destroyed more than two hundred times. In this process, the second-level human extraordinary beings sealed by Lan Nuo had already There are three thousand people.

After promoting the first industrial revolution, Chengying actually chose to unblock all three thousand people, and then spent fifty years to push civilization into the electric age at once, establishing a three-dimensional The kingdom of hundreds of millions of people was finally completely destroyed.

The God-Emperor thought that his patience would only end here, but the truly shocking thing had just begun. The purpose of what Cheng Ying did was just to rely on the power of the kingdom to establish a sufficiently concealed underground base. He started from scratch again and began to collect strong human beings and seal them in it to continuously support the future.

Only then did the God-Emperor realize that he had chosen to establish a kingdom not because Cheng Ying had lost his patience, but because his existing sealing methods were no longer enough to maintain the strength of the powerful human beings for a long time. Now, we need more advanced technology, the construction of more advanced sealing facilities, and a larger sealing scale. The establishment of a kingdom is just a small step in this huge plan. The demise of the empire has not affected Chengying in the slightest. He remains determined. Yiji continued to implement his plan, both in terms of courage and consciousness, which shocked the God Emperor.

[To be continued]

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