Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 92: Fighting to the death

Player No. 6 suddenly turned his trap into a hand cannon, which was really unexpected. The hand cannon burst out two powerful ray attacks. The shape of the cannon itself is more suitable for launching long-range attacks. This time it was unexpected again. Even the legendary level puppet did not react and was hit in mid-air.

A violent explosion exploded in mid-air, and something seemed to fall down in the smoke after the explosion.

After being stunned for a short time, the host also began to finish excitedly: "What a wonderful tactic to deceive contestant No. 6 into using his glove form to deceive all his opponents into thinking that what he is good at is actually close combat, but in the real fight, What he is good at is actually long-range attacks.

I don’t know if Player 1 can withstand such a level of attack. Player 1 chose an agile type of puppet, so the defense might be a bit worrying.

We saw that something seemed to be falling in the smoke and dust in the sky. Could it be the puppet of player No. 1?

No, what exactly is the thing that was adjusted? It seems to be a sword blade. Where is the puppet of contestant No. 1!

Will there be a reversal? Wait, what do I see? The smoke and dust generated by the explosion in the sky were actually separated. Was it just a trick to lure the enemy? What a powerful sword energy! Has Player 1 finally used his trump card?

what is that? It turned out to be more than just one sword. Contestant No. 1's sword actually split into a dozen. Each one was like a boomerang, spinning at high speed and releasing the sword energy inside. If such an attack hits the body, I am afraid that the body will be cut apart in an instant. Player No. 6 is going to be in trouble. Player No. 1 blocked the attack just now with unknown means and used his own trump card.

We saw that player No. 6 was caught off guard and did not have time to use defense. Now it was too late! Knew it! It's really a pity that the weapon was directly hit. One of the two hand cannons was cut off directly. Now the combat effectiveness was directly cut in half, and he would also suffer this level of damage in the next battle. . This is quite bad.

We saw that player No. 6 here also reacted immediately. He actually directed the puppet to pick up the chopped weapon. Can he continue to use his weapon after it is severed?

It turns out that it is possible to reattach the severed weapon. Is it because memory metal was used before?

Or maybe nanomachines have been used before, but specializing in this kind of self-healing function doesn't make much sense for such a lightweight competition.

When working, this kind of function only appears on mecha-type magic props. It is still very rare to appear on such small-sized magic props. I wonder what player No. 6 wants to do?

So, can the hand cannon be combined? Player No. 6's two hand cannons actually fused together, and the power that exploded was far greater than the previous attack.

At the beginning, player No. 6 launched a strafing beam of light as thick as a water tank in the battlefield. Audiences, don’t worry, the shield of our arena is extremely strong. Even if it is hit by attention, it will not be damaged or hurt you.

Player No. 1 also started to dodge. At this time, you can see the advantage of choosing an agile puppet. With the blessing of the wind element, the dodge speed can be said to be extremely fast.

After all, Contestant No. 6’s weapon was restrained. We saw that although Contestant No. 1’s sword was split, it could still be extended and shortened after separation. This allowed the size of the rotating sword to be changed at will. , the difficulty of intercepting is greatly increased, and the damage caused after being hit will also be greatly increased.

This time, Selector No. 1 learned the lesson from before and instead of attacking the weapon, he attacked the main body with the hand cannon. The moment he was attacked, he actually transformed.

It turns out that what we saw before was just a certain form of this weapon. He is not limited to a certain form at all, and now he has even turned into Kaijia.

However, it still failed to withstand the attack. The armor's defense was still weaker after all. Compared with professional armor, which can flow and deform freely, the defense is definitely much worse. It was cut off and the sword blade was embedded in in vivo.

Let's look at the replay. The puppet determines that this attack has cut off one of his arms. We can see that the puppet's arm has automatically fallen off.

I hope you don’t mind. This is also due to cost considerations. Legendary level puppets are still very expensive. If they are allowed to be destroyed in battle, the pressure on the organizers will still be very high, so we have adopted a special pressure After the attack intensity exceeds a certain threshold, it will be determined that this part of the body has been destroyed, and then the connection between this part of the body and the main body will be automatically disconnected, thus simulating limb injuries that occur in combat. .

Player No. 6 was now at a huge disadvantage. Although his weapon turned into liquid and was retracted, it even took the form of an arm and re-completed the body of his puppet, but he could see this. The arm still lacks strength, and its flexibility is much worse than the original one.

The battle has reached this point, and the balance of victory has begun to tilt. Can player No. 6 change his disadvantageous situation? Okay, we see that player No. 6 has tried to fight back, and actually threw his weapon directly. Is he going to make a desperate move?

Both sides are long-range attack weapons, and they have separated from their bodies. The competition is who can hit the opponent first. Who was faster? We saw that the bodies of the puppets on both sides were cut into several pieces under the opponent's attack. This level of damage was enough to be judged dead. Let's take a look at the slow-motion replay.

The weapons of both sides hit each other's body almost at the same time. Continue to slow down the video. Okay, we see that the rotating blade hit the opponent first, and it also took over and completely cut off the head. Let us congratulate No. 1. The player won the game. "

The next step is to draw lots for the game again, and this time the two sides of the game are player No. 1 and player No. 5. The two favorites to win the championship are facing each other in this game.

"We saw that the players on both sides have chosen their puppets and entered the ring. Will player No. 1 choose to abstain? It is not easy to defeat player No. 5, and even if he abstains, he will win 3 times. With a result of 1 loss, I still have to fight the other two players in the end, and I still have to fight the No. 5 player in the end.

I wonder how player No. 1 will choose? We saw contestant No. 1 walking onto the field and onto his own ring. It seemed that he was at least going to fight first. Is this his intention to initially explore the opponent's strength? Or are you just planning to put your decisive battle in front of you?

If the decisive battle is placed in this one, I am afraid it is a bit irrational. My state after this battle will definitely be affected to a considerable extent. If I want to achieve success in the next few games, If you win, the difficulty will probably increase greatly.

It can be said that the previous choice of player No. 2 has put a lot of pressure on other players. If they all do not fight with player No. 5, then everyone will lose collectively. It can be said that the further behind player No. 5 is. The pressure of the battle will increase, and the person facing player No. 5 in the end will have to fight with his back to the wall. Tactical concessions can be said to have gained a great strategic advantage.

Okay, the battle has begun. We saw that player No. 1 actually took the initiative and began to roam based on his speed advantage. Such tactics are indeed effective against huge units.

We can also see that the giant mecha is somewhat inconvenient in operation. There is definitely a huge gap between the mecha structure temporarily made in the arena and the one made with the assistance of precision instruments on the operating table.

Especially in terms of flexibility and precision, it can be seen that player No. 1 has also spotted this point and wants to rely on his speed advantage to entangle with the opponent to continuously weaken the opponent.

But can such a plan succeed? We saw that although the giant mecha is not as flexible as mechas of the same size on the market, it is not far behind. Contestant No. 1 had a very difficult time avoiding it.

The size gap between the two sides is really too big. There will be no danger if Player No. 5's mecha is hit continuously. On the contrary, Player No. 1 will probably suffer serious damage as long as he is hit by an attack.

We see that player No. 5 has started his own manufacturing. Due to the restrictions on the rules, the rules cannot be changed in this game. Player No. 5 can make new equipment for his own mechanical giant as soon as possible. Add new weapons.

Player No. 1 harassed Player No. 1 as much as possible, but the effect was not very good. Harassment-type attacks hitting Player No. 5's body would at most tear his armor apart, and it would be difficult to damage important internal structures.

Player No. 5 has also built a large number of weapons. It can be seen that he wants to use long-range firepower to cover player No. 1. A large number of artillery and micro-missiles were transported to the mecha. In the fire control system of the mecha, Fired continuously.

The attack has begun, and the continuous explosions really put contestant No. 1 into a panic, but contestant No. 5 seems to have not given up on his own production, and is still making more powerful weapons. What exactly is he planning to use? How about dealing with player No. 1?

What cards has Player No. 1 been preparing so far? If there was no trump card to target, player No. 1 probably wouldn't waste so much time now.

You can do some other things during the avoidance process, but player No. 1 seems to be doing nothing, just asking his puppet to avoid with all its strength.

We see that player No. 5’s new weapon seems to have been completed. From the ground, we can see that the new weapon has broken out of the ground, revealing its handle.

What a huge weapon. Only this kind of giant mecha can control this kind of weapon. So what kind of weapons and equipment has he developed?

We see that he has pulled out the weapon. Except for the handle, it is a slender sword-like thing. So did Player No. 5 make a giant sword?

No, that doesn't seem to be the case. If it were just a giant sword, the ground wouldn't vibrate so strongly when it was pulled out. Maybe there was a larger part of this thing underground. We saw that he had been completely pulled out, and the ground was shaking. There was such a big movement.

What on earth is this? Player No. 5 made a... hollow racket? No, this shape looks like a fly swatter? "

The host's voice seemed a little unnatural. When designing weapons, I had never seen such an outrageous design. And how could anyone add a fly swatter to the design drawings of weapons?

But if I must say, a fly swatter is probably much more useful than ordinary weapons when dealing with such a small opponent.

Just like a fly that is flying flexibly, its reaction speed is much faster than that of a human, but once it stops, it is almost impossible to dodge the blow of a fly swatter.

Although it is very practical, what is more powerful is its insulting nature. Player No. 1 was relatively calm when dodging, but when he saw his opponent pull out a fly swatter from the soil and then attack his puppet crazily, the expression on his face finally couldn't be held back.

"We see that the emotions of contestant No. 1 seem to be unstable, but this is also normal. If I met my opponent, I would not be very stable even if I used a fly swatter.

Is contestant No. 1 going to use his trump card? He finally showed his hidden power. We see that the weapon in contestant No. 1's hand began to glow. The sword in his hand seemed to have turned into a lightsaber.

Everyone, look at the screen. The screen shows the abundance of energy. The brighter the color, the more energy it represents to keep out the cold. The blade is now a dazzling bright white.

The next attack may be earth-shattering. The venue is now raising the defense shield to the highest level possible, just in case, don't let him break the shield."

From the real vision, the blade in contestant No. 1's hand has turned golden, and the powerful attack is almost uncontrollable.

Player No. 5 seemed to have already realized that the opponent might have a powerful attack, and he threw away the fly swatter in his hand. This kind of ordinary material item could not block the top attack. The giant robot suddenly squatted down and took a posture of holding its head with both hands. The whole giant robot shrank into a sphere, and then pieces of arc-shaped armor began to emerge from the ground. They were spliced ​​on the surface of the giant robot to build a huge shield, which completely protected the giant robot inside.

[To be continued]

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