Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 108 Expansion

The internal conflicts in the Elf Empire are real. They cannot be ignored or treated as non-existent. Cheng Ying knows very well what should be done to alleviate the internal conflicts at this time, and that is to expand externally. The older generation of strong men occupy more Their high social status and possession of more wealth make them unwilling to be surpassed by the younger generation if they change their cultivation method.

They will definitely retain the wealth and resources in their hands in various ways. The younger generation who grew up in this situation, after gaining strength but not having an equivalent matching status, naturally want to gain a higher status and will challenge the older generation of strong people, and at this time, they will expand externally. It becomes the best choice to alleviate conflicts.

In fact, the emperor of the Elf Empire thought the same way, and after discussions between the two parties, he decided to expand the Elf Empire to a certain extent.

In this world, elves are not a peace-loving race. In fact, they are similar to humans. When encountering conflicts of interest, they will not be ambiguous at all when starting a war.

The intensity of the war will also be quite high. Peace with surrounding races is maintained just because there is no need for expansion. The Elf Empire is already very powerful. The demand for external resources is no longer that high.

And there are other different worlds to develop and gain profits from. Now it is enough to maintain the current scale, and their own strength does not allow them to continue to expand.

Although the other surrounding countries are not as powerful as the Elf Empire, they still have quite a deep foundation. In addition, they are actually buffer zones between other huge empires. Under such a situation, if they expand forcefully, they will eventually It would trigger conflicts with other empires, and the Elf Empire could not afford this loss.

But now there are so many strong people in the new generation. They also urgently want to obtain a higher social status and more wealth. Then just transfer domestic pressure to foreign countries. Waging war not only reduces the number of new generations of strong men, but also allows them to obtain new sources of wealth through plunder in foreign wars.

War needs a reason, and reasons are obviously the best to find. So the first war of the Elf Empire began. On the southern border of the Elf Empire, several kingdoms formed an alliance, which can be regarded as the southern one. The strongest force, although it is the strongest alliance, is actually just a buffer zone between the Elf Empire and the protozoa.

The Zerg themselves are also a powerful race. The ranking is comparable to that of the elves, and it is also a race with a huge number of individuals. However, among this race, the number of intelligent individuals is relatively small.

More of them are ordinary bugs, just like ordinary ants in an ant colony. The one who truly possesses wisdom is the equivalent of the queen ant. The truly intelligent being of the Zerg race is also one of their queens. In addition, lower-level nodes and other issues are under their control. They are similar to puppets. Ordinary machines do not have autonomous consciousness.

But they also have strong reproductive capabilities. Every powerful node in itself also possesses powerful extraordinary abilities. It is a truly strong fighting Chinese individual who can at least have legendary level strength when he reaches adulthood.

Even the Dragon Clan may not guarantee that an individual will reach the legendary level when he or she reaches adulthood, but the Zerg Clan can do this. After all, each of them is the leader of an army. When they reach adulthood, they will command an army of at least one million bugs. They have strong adaptability and can transform all organic matter into their own bugs wherever they go.

You can also replace the local ecological environment and evolve your own bugs into types that are sufficient for photosynthesis. Substitute the role of plants for self-development. Most of the currently reorganized territories are in a similar situation.

There are almost no races that choose to invade the Zerg. After all, their values ​​are relatively different from other races. The benefits that can be obtained by invading the Zerg are far less than the risks before recording.

Under this situation, they also developed into the largest ethnic group in the southern part of the Elf Empire, occupying a territory even larger than that of the Elf Empire. However, because of their racial characteristics, the areas they occupied were relatively desolate areas. The regional ecological environment itself is also very bad. Various natural resources have been almost fully exploited. In particular, the local ecological environment has been completely destroyed. The entire ecology has been reorganized and replaced by itself.

The most precious resource that can be obtained by conquering the Zerg is actually the Zerg itself. As long as you can control any of their queens, you can control thousands of troops under the control of this queen.

And they also represent huge productivity. If the Queen Mother can successfully capture the opponent through a contract, this will be even more exciting than getting a giant dragon as a mount.

Of course, this kind of thing is almost impossible for the Zerg to allow. After a bug is caught, it may cause the entire Zerg race to come out and launch an unusually epic war. There are few mortal races in the entire prehistoric continent that can experience such a war. This also makes the Zerg race Even though he occupies such a large area, no one bothers him.

But now the internal conflicts of the Elf Empire need to be transferred, and it is already possible to defeat the Zerg. For them, as long as the mortals can win, it is equivalent to winning more than half. The Elf has three high-ranking officials. Holy level. It is considered quite strong among many races. The strongest one among the Zerg tribe is only a high-level Holy One. Although its strength is not slightly stronger than that of a single high-level Elf tribe, it can already win steadily in a two-on-one situation, let alone a three-on-one situation.

Moreover, the Holy Throne is not allowed to take action casually. Unless a war is declared between races and an endless war is launched, the Holy Throne is not allowed to participate in the war. Once they exceed the rules and participate, , will be punished by the two emperors.

Therefore, the most likely outcome of this war is that the Zerg suffered a big loss in this war and were forced to give up a large area of ​​land and a large number of captured tribesmen, and then fled away from home.

This kind of thing is actually not a particularly big blow to this extremely adaptable race. Their real final mother queen, the high-level saint, will not take action. After all, if an endless war is launched, his side may be completely destroyed. Naturally, he will not bring this kind of trouble to himself. Tribe It doesn't matter if some of his people die. He no longer relies on the power of faith to exist. In fact, even if all his people die, it doesn't mean much to him.

After all, there are differences between the Zerg and other races. Most of the other races exist as individuals and establish a collective civilization. However, the relationship between the superior and subordinates of the Zerg is very clear. It is almost impossible to resist the superiors. The civilization is also based on one Individuals continue to extend downwards. To put it bluntly, the rest of the Zerg race are not considered their own clansmen at all to the real mother queen, they are just their own tools. If the tools are broken, they will only suffer a certain loss. Compared with his own safety, it is nothing at all, and it cannot be like other civilizations composed of individuals. Top strong men will sympathize with the slaughter of their own people.

The southern defense line of the Elf Empire suffered casualties inexplicably, and then found weapons originating from the southern Zerg. Although most of these bugs use their bodies to fight and make inferior Zerg as their own tools or weapons, they can also make Some weapons, such as some low-level reorganizers, will collect some delayed substances, decompose them in their own bodies, extract the substances, and condense them into solid arrows for long-range attacks.

The elves who were shot were hit by such weapons. The war was started for such a simple reason. The alliance sandwiched in the middle as a buffer zone struggled to prove that it was innocent. However, This does not make any sense. The Elf Empire does not recognize this sophistry at all. It still excludes its own army and easily crushes it.

Nowadays, the Elf Curse is when the new generation grows up, and most of them choose to practice. The brand-new, powerful ones with the most suitable method have already cultivated to levels ranging from the third level to the legendary. Those ordinary people have also gradually transformed themselves with some magic props, and have around the first level of strength.

It was the most powerful period, and all members were the lowest level of the legion, which itself represented extremely terrifying power. During their march, their strength would spontaneously gather together, and as the leaders of the legion, they could Taking the initiative to mobilize this collective force, does it matter whether the legion is a mage or a warrior? When the huge extraordinary powers come together, they will merge and turn into a terrifying attack.

The alliance in the south did not hold up at all, and was crushed by the elf army in one day. However, the elf empire did not come for destruction. Although it completely conquered the alliance, it did not carry out any destructive blows. Instead, a large number of young officers were sent to re-maintain order here, replacing the original managers here. Many places where filth and evil were hiding were found by the elven army.

In the future, the territories of these alliances will be the territories of these new officers of the Elf Empire.

This is also one of the important ways to relieve domestic pressure after launching a war. What should a young strong man do if he has sufficient strength but does not have a matching status? Then go outwards to acquire more land, more population and wealth to distribute to these new powerful people.

Those are the ones who choose to stay in the league. They have little confidence in their own strength and no plans for their future. They think that they are not capable of acquiring more wealth later, so they choose to stay in a relatively safe place. The most precious thing for the elves is actually They are the mother queens of the Zerg race. Each reorganized mother queen is equivalent to the productivity of a kingdom. If they can be controlled through a contract, it is equivalent to mastering a mobile kingdom. As long as the mother queen is taken to any place, he can control it. You can produce your own Zerg army and build your own kingdom locally.

And as long as these Zerg races are put into production, they can build cities one after another, allowing more and more residents to gather here and become citizens of their own territory.

As for the price required to obtain the Zerg mother yolk, the elves have promised to bear it for them. Any pursuit and revenge from the Zerg will be solved by the elves. In fact, in the end, they themselves will solve it, but it is only in the empire. Unified dispatch is used to deal with these troubles, so as to ensure the relative safety of individuals.

The Elf Empire is quite confident in this aspect, otherwise it would not have made such a choice. As for most of the veteran strong men, they have chosen to stay in the country to manage their remaining wealth, and a small number of them, about The veteran experts, who accounted for 30%, began to organize themselves and began to practice from scratch.

This is very dangerous for the veteran strong men. They have too many enemies. They have grown up all the way and crushed them. I don’t know how many geniuses have attracted them, and I don’t know how much hatred they have. Once their strength declines, they will lose their original strength. They fell down from their position, and there were countless people who wanted to kill them.

But at this time, there is a way for them to start practicing again, and that is to come in batches. Many strong people gather together to sign a contract, ensuring that after some people lose their powerful strength, the rest will do their best. to protect him. After he regains his peak strength, he can start training with another person. In this way, he can complete the blood exchange with peace of mind and transform his strength into something that can be improved and has potential.

As veteran experts, they will practice faster than others, and they will become more proficient after mastering the method of constructing meridians in the body. Without making mistakes, they can advance to a higher realm at a higher speed.

It's just such a simple method, but no one has thought of it before and used it. The reason is also very simple. It is also difficult for those strong people to trust each other. The supernatural world is actually not as big as imagined. There may be some intricate relationships among each person, and it is impossible to investigate all of these relationships.

Suppose, if there is an enemy unknown to you in such an alliance, he will not tell you that he is your enemy, but will act as your guardian after you have dispersed all your power, and then If there is a possibility of killing you when you have no ability to protect yourself at all, can such an alliance still be formed?

Obviously it is difficult, and the current alliance can be organized because these people are facing greater threats, which also makes them regard each other as their own. These people have all signed contracts with Chengying.

[To be continued]

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