Battles between basic arms are usually very brutal. Because of the large number of basic arms, they are often used as cannon fodder. In many cases, they are even used to deliberately attract firepower.

Bugs equipped with various mechanized equipment quickly gained an advantage on the battlefield. In fact, the advantages of these bugs were not only the mechanization content, but also the magic on them.

The Elf Empire itself is a powerful magic empire. Even without the technology provided by Cheng Ying, they can still give these bugs Sakya magic, but there are no bugs that can be mass-produced as easily as now and can also directly use the same magic as their talents.

Even the cockroaches, which are the basic unit, master a certain amount of simple magic. In fact, their flight itself has a magic component. When the size reaches their size, the mass increases by the third power, and their chicken's However, the pulling force cannot be increased by the third power. As a result, flying by normal means becomes extremely difficult.

In order to allow them to fly, they have wind attribute formations on their wings, which can drive more wind when they vibrate their wings. At the same time, they also have anti-gravity formations on their bodies. With enough energy, they can fly relatively easily.

At the same time, they can also use their magic to search for enemies, which is mentioned a long time ago. When Cheng Ying first came to the Elf Empire, he created a brand new detection method that could change the pattern of the magician sect.

It is a special kind of light that detects the situation in a room through the continuous reflection of light. It is similar to electromagnetic waves but different.

Nowadays, these bugs are also equipped with silk devices, and what they emit may not necessarily be visible light, which allows them to understand everything around them through more convenient means of pen vision.

In this way, they can completely see in the dark environment.

Therefore, fierce battles often break out on the battlefield in the dark. These cockroaches usually cannot fly, but choose to crawl. When they crawl, their claws will secrete a layer of mucus, so that they will not emit any sound while crawling. sound.

At this time, they can quietly sneak into the enemy's important strongholds, and then suddenly launch a surprise attack in the dark.

They were also organized and disciplined in the process of lurking, and they themselves experienced extremely strict command. The original reorganized queen could only give rough commands to the bugs, and the same was true for the orders she issued. It was difficult to carry out micro-management. of.

After all, they did not have a complete operating system at that time, but now the queens have digital operating systems in their hands. They can directly command the on-site reorganization to advance how many centimeters. Such an operation consumes a huge amount of their own experience. , so in order to cooperate with this operating system, some preset instructions were born. These preset instructions are too complicated for the bug as a whole, but as long as these instructions are selected for execution, these complex instructions will be divided into Countless simple instructions are sent to each bug.

Next, they only need to execute simple instructions and complete most of their own tasks. It sounds simple, but it is not difficult in actual execution.

In the dark night on the third day after the battle broke out, 300 insect feet silently touched an important production base of the enemy Queen. After they passed the information back, the Queen Mother responsible for controlling them began to arrange. Soldiers in formation.

Before the reorganization of the Queen, there was no need to learn these, as long as there were enough bugs to rush past. Now that he has modern long-range weapons on their bugs, a certain degree of tactical command ability is necessary.

The bugs are all geniuses in this area, and they can easily learn this level of battlefield command. Among them, the faster bugs will set off first, and after they set off, the artillery fire will start bombing, and when the bombing reaches the highest altitude, When the enemy is in the most chaos, these high-speed bugs will arrive among the enemy and take control of important strongholds among the enemy.

The subsequent large forces will follow up quickly. They carry a lot of heavy firepower. After the leading forces suppress the important firepower points, they can completely suppress the enemy and occupy this area.

And finally, a semi-production base behind the artillery will also be taken over after the battle.

This semi-production base is a part of the body separated by the Queen of Zerg. Like the Queen, they also have the ability to produce other bugs, but their production must be under the Queen's coordination.

And how many things can be produced according to how many permissions are opened. Even if the permissions are not opened, even if you have the ability to produce, you will not be able to produce it. This is a restriction made by the Queen to prevent subordinate nodes from betraying her.

This semi-production base can use the resources of this base to quickly occupy it and turn it into a base of its own.

As the order was issued, the army also completed its deployment, the vanguard unit had set off, and the artillery had already found a suitable design angle. As the calculated time arrived, the launch began.

Having long-range attack capabilities can give you a considerable advantage in such a war. Meteor-like artillery fire falls from the sky and accurately lands on the enemy's position. These bugs are very useful as gun mounts. They can shoot deep into the ground and firmly take root. At the same time, their upper body can flexibly adjust the angle. On uneven ground, they can also adjust their body to find a suitable shooting angle.

At the same time as the flames in the sky fell, the fast troops on the ground also began their charge. They spread their wings and began to fly. At this time, the enemy was aware of the invasion and began to deliver firepower crazily, but they They are not using mechanical weapons, but internal biological weapons. These bugs will process cone-like warheads, and then swallow them into their stomachs. There is a long barrel in their bodies, and Their bodies will secrete some chemicals, and when several chemicals are mixed together, they will cause explosions. These explosions will generate high-pressure gas in the tubes in their bodies, pushing those cones out.

In essence, it is no different from artillery shells. The advantage is that such artillery shells can be produced anywhere and do not need to rely on logistical supplies to a certain extent like mechanized bugs.

But the disadvantage is that it can be produced anywhere, which makes the production line of artillery shells a little more complicated. The production speed is obviously not as fast as that produced on the assembly line, and it can even be said to be much slower.

The nutrients that the living thing itself needs to evolve to withstand the power of this explosion are also huge. In this case, whether it is the rate of fire, quantity or cost, it is much worse than mechanized bugs.

This level of attack density is simply not high enough, and these high-speed bugs that are already flying turn on the rocket thrusters carried on their bodies.

The casings of some rocket thrusters are mechanically produced, and the fuel inside them is secreted repeatedly. This can minimize costs while increasing portability.

As a result, the speed of these bugs flying in the air far exceeds the normal flying speed. The time that artillery shells can be intercepted is greatly shortened, and the mobility brought by their high speed also makes them easier to evade. Only a few bugs were shot down by warheads in mid-air.

More of them had already rushed into the position under heavy artillery fire. The position itself had been blown to pieces by long-range heavy artillery. At this time, they were ravaged by the machine guns on their backs. Those bugs who only had process attack methods. , who had no ability to resist at all, was torn into pieces.

The warehouse where resources were stored here was quickly occupied, and the area where weapons were produced was also locked. All that was left was to exterminate the bugs.

However, the number of leading troops was too small. Although they successfully occupied important locations with the advantage of charging, they were quickly surrounded by counterattacking troops. However, it didn't matter that they were surrounded at this time, because the follow-up troops had already arrived. Come.

They carry more heavy firepower. Before the enemy's position is completely chaotic, these heavy firepowers will be easily knocked out if they are brought to the front line. But now no one can take care of these heavy firepowers. , began to fire fiercely at the enemy.

Amidst the continuous explosions, some of the remaining resistance forces finally disappeared completely, and this production base was completely occupied by the reorganization of the aircraft.

Subsequently, re-construction began. A large number of mechanical disks and the flesh and blood here were re-armed. The mechanized furnace began to devour the flesh and blood here. After devouring it, it re-produced new flesh and blood to replace itself. This was equivalent to a sovereign revolution. A major replacement. If the replacement is not carried out, the flesh and blood may still be controlled by the original queen, and then the base may be in a dangerous situation that is beyond its control.

After being paired with mechanization, the defense of the base here has become tighter. After collecting enough technical resources, fortress cannons were built one after another, a huge radar was erected in the center, and the giant parabolic antenna began to rotate in a circle. It scans the surrounding area to see if there are attacking enemies. If it is scanned, it will lock on. Then, located inside the production base, a heavy artillery with an ultra-long barrel will aim and fire. With a barrel of more than thirty meters, it can attack extremely far away. object.

The base after it was reoccupied was not the same in terms of defense. If there was such a level of defense before they occupied the base, they would not be able to defeat it even if they had ten times more troops.

But now, after collecting a large amount of resources, this base has begun to produce a large number of units that can move freely. This also includes many special units, such as bugs that can release lasers for long-range strikes, or that can launch a large number of weapons. Rocket bug.

These bugs that can launch rockets are actually bugs themselves. And their only simplest ability is to distinguish enemies. After identifying the enemy, it will fly in the direction of the enemy. This tracking capability is much stronger than traditional missiles.

The cost of this kind of thing is many times lower than that of a missile. They only need to use metal to build a rocket shell and a part of the tail that can be controlled. It is basically the price of a steel pipe.

And this thing can launch an overwhelming attack on the enemy. In this production base, it has been produced very quickly. It has a hundred times the force of the previous attack base, and the firepower intensity is much higher.

These troops began to be sent out to search for the enemy's main force and launch a fierce attack on the enemy's main force.

Hundreds of bugs, missiles fell from the sky, another production base fell, and a demigod-level Zerg Queen fell into depression. This was already his last base outside, but it was still destroyed in the end. Now he Only his mother's nest was left, and all the remaining bases were destroyed. This also meant that the war was almost a failure. The only thing to be thankful for was that his current location had not been discovered yet.

However, as he saw a group of cockroaches flying from the horizon, this last thing to be thankful for disappeared. His location was discovered, and a large number of insects came over, like an army of cockroaches like an ocean, followed in the sky by what seemed like Flying insects that can fly infinitely in the air. The huge gas-filled airship was also suspended in the air, throwing gliding bombs one after another downward. Hua Xiang had a small insect brain on his body, which could also control the flight trajectory. The heavy artillery in the distance was in the air. Arc-shaped tracks are drawn in the sky.

Countless bugs and missiles also flew over following these trajectories. The artillery fire blasted all the bugs that finally resisted into charcoal, and the final brood also conveyed the surrender pheromone, a yellow cicada-like bug. Climbing out from inside means complete surrender and exposing oneself.

He was extremely fragile and could be easily destroyed. A large number of bugs surrounded him and kept attacking him, inhibiting his thinking and ability to release pheromones.

Theoretically, control can also occur between different groups of insects. These low-level insects may be directly controlled by the enemy queen, so it is necessary to curb the enemy queen's ability to release pheromones, and then use heavy restraints to restrain them. Capture and imprison him in a completely airtight cage, so that all the information and mental fluctuations released inside are restrained.

This was not the first time that something like this had happened. On the battlefield in front of them, almost all of the Zerg opponents were bugs, and they found that they could not defeat these mechanized bugs at the same level.

[To be continued]

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