Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 124: Warcraft Families

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When fighting against the elven army, although the bugs were beaten badly, it does not mean that their strength is inferior. Compared with the wild creatures on this planet, these bugs are too powerful. Well, those bugs that were not even cannon fodder on the elven battlefield were now extremely powerful individuals facing the wild wild animals on this kind of planet.

A single insect that could only be used as cannon fodder is quite powerful for the monsters and beasts on this planet, and it requires a huge price to kill it.

There are almost endless such individuals on the planet, and they can be seen everywhere. After they collect resources, more of these bugs will appear. If they want to reproduce, the resources required are very cheap.

As long as roadside weeds and dry tree trunks are needed, any organic matter can become a breeding ground for them, just like mushrooms. A bunch of them can grow after a rain.

And this is undoubtedly catastrophic for the native creatures of this planet. The Queen barely gave any command to her subordinates, but only allowed them to fight freely and not harm the intelligent creatures in this world. For this reason, the elves also counted the types of intelligent creatures on the planet.

It was not just the elves who traveled to this planet due to accidents, but also the orcs and earth spirits. However, their development on this planet was also different. As one of the three most numerous races on the prehistoric continent, They can also be regarded as the most representative intelligent creatures on the ancient continent.

They have mastered the raw physical power, the power of magic and the power of technology, and each can be regarded as a relatively powerful race in the ancient continent. Precisely because of their large number, the probability of time-travel is greater. With such a large base, the probability of surviving after time-travel is much greater than that of other races.

Therefore, this planet is also dominated by these three races, but these three races are not the only ones that survive on this planet. Some races that have traveled through 00 stars have also spread out on this planet.

It's just that their situation is usually not very good. Some are because they arrived late and all the good positions they could occupy have been taken up, so they can only work in some low-level industries. Some are because of the individuals who have traveled here. Talents are so mediocre that even the races that have been reproduced can only become vassals of the three major races in the world. It is this kind of chance coincidence that makes the world have a large number of races. Under the control of the elves, After these races were registered, the information of these races was uploaded to the Queen's mind, so that the bugs created by the Queen could distinguish these races and not attack them.

Intelligent creatures are very valuable for the development of a planet. Even the queen cannot do many things herself. This is the limit of brain power.

At this time, other races are needed to help, and this group must be individuals and highly intelligent, and the elves are one of the most suitable races.

After the Queen's production base was built, a large number of bugs with the ability to easily identify friend or foe were released overwhelmingly. Their individual attributes do not seem to be particularly strong. In the early stage, they took a defensive route instead of a speed route. Their shell can resist most attacks. This part of the shell is modeled after the Zerg that can resist the attack of the magic cannon. That shell. .... There are no powerful beings on this planet that can unleash an attack as powerful as the Magic Cannon, so it is extremely difficult to penetrate their armor.

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