Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 130 Gathering of Faith

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The human brain is not inferior to other races in this aspect. Especially on the battlefield, he plays calmly. Relying on their own command, the Zerg have even saved the lives of elven extraordinary people many times, some of which are legendary or even demigod level extraordinary people.

Under this circumstance, the treatment of humans among the elves has been greatly improved, and the elves are paying more and more attention to the Queen of the Zerg. There is also increasing recognition of this plan to attack the south. Now they feel that normal war brings greater benefits than launching a war against any race.

At the same time, he also gained a deeper understanding of the real cause of this war. In fact, as time goes by, most of the powerful elves can realize that their race must launch such a war, obviously because of the conflicts within the race.

It's because a large number of strong people have emerged among them. Anyway, the biggest reason for the emergence of a large number of powerful people is that Jason brought a brand new training system. And they brought magic props that can assist in practice.

This way everyone has a chance to become a top player. It has indeed given birth to one strong person after another who stands at the forefront of the times.

Now they have an almost blind admiration for Jason, who gave them the opportunity to become a top powerhouse and led them to a status that matched their own strength. It seems that as long as there is such a leader leading them, there is nothing they cannot accomplish.

And this is the most appropriate belief for an extraordinary person. Extraordinary people usually do not believe in beings stronger than themselves. They have mastered extraordinary power, so they will think that stronger existences are just extraordinary beings stronger than them, not gods, and not worthy of belief.

It is precisely because they are powerful and unwilling to believe in other beings that makes the beliefs of these beings so precious. They are not like ordinary people, whose beliefs are divided by various powerful beings. Unlike ordinary people, even those with strong beliefs have too weak spiritual power to provide too much power.

Because of this, if anyone can obtain their recognition, the benefits they can obtain are also considerable. And Jason has obviously been recognized by quite a few extraordinary people, and some even hope that he can participate in the election and become the true king of the elves.

This level of support is almost equivalent to devoting one's body and mind to him. If other beings receive the power of faith, they will receive at most a trivial benefit and cannot transcend their current level.

But Jason is obviously different. He himself has arrived. The pinnacle of intelligent creatures, the highest level of mortal beings from all races in the wild, is what he is now.

And if you want to go further at this level, you need to enter the power of faith, and the power of these faiths gathered on him can be said to be extremely helpful to him.

But this also brought him quite a lot of trouble, so that during the war, he had to temporarily return from the front line to the rear to find Cheng Ying. This was the only thing he could think of that could solve his current troubles. . …."Lord, the plan you made is a bit too successful. The total amount of faith in me has exceeded the limit that I can control. It won't be long before the gods discover my existence and realize that I am Attempting to become a saint would definitely be a disaster for us. Although my prestige among the elves has reached a certain level, for those saints, I can still kill them with just a few clicks."

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