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Although Cheng Ying has now arrived in a safe area, this area is also relatively safe. No one knows what the relatively undistorted rules in this area are.

And these rules may themselves be fatal. Cheng Ying is now looking for commanding creatures who are still alive. Asking about the rules of this area, he could vaguely feel that the rules of this area seemed to be related to flying. If the goal was to fly, something bad would happen.

This is the experience he summarized through the distortion of magic in his body in the previous chaotic space, and part of it is his intuition.

After walking for so long, he also discovered that there were very few creatures appearing in the sky in this area. Even if they did appear, they seemed to have some distortions and looked like there was a big problem.

Although there are almost no natural animals and plants in this area, wild animals and plants cannot adapt to such an environment, but they are similar to Warcraft or other beasts. Or maybe it's a plant that has become a spirit, which can theoretically survive here.

Those ordinary animals and plants cannot survive because they are not smart enough to adapt to the twisted rules here. However, things like Warcraft are smart enough, but they have brains, but they don’t use them in other places. You can survive on your own strength without using your brain. But if you don't use your brain here, there is only a dead end.

However, these monsters still often become food for intelligent creatures. Of course, intelligent creatures are often eaten by them.

After all, in the eyes of the two, the racial gap between them is very large, and eating species with similar races is obviously much more difficult to accept than eating things with huge racial differences.

Theoretically, in the safe zone, there are many flying monsters hovering in the sky, but there are very few such monsters in this area. One or two are like before, with strange physical deformations.

"Keep walking, this safe zone may not be as safe as we thought." Polo said: "Did you notice that there are very few creatures in this area, and intelligent creatures are almost invisible. We have walked so long For a long time, we only encountered plants and magical beasts that were almost intelligent, and they were extremely far away, and they all ran away when they discovered us.

This shows that this area is not as suitable for survival as we imagined. There are very few creatures that can settle here, and they all maintain a considerable degree of vigilance.

I have traveled through various safe zones before. Some of them look like most of the rules are normal. But the degree of danger is greater than in areas with chaotic rules.

A zone of chaotic rules will indeed make us become twisted and chaotic, but it is not necessarily fatal. There are some confusing rules, and life in the area is actually better than outside.

It's like an area of ​​chaotic rules that I've heard people talk about before. There um...wait a minute, we have a big problem. Do you hear a ding in your head? "

Cheng Ying didn't notice the problem and looked at Bo Luo Ge who was in his heart: "What happened? I didn't hear anything. Does what you said have anything to do with our current situation?"..." It is related. The rule-challenged area I just mentioned will cause the situation in my mind just now. People who enter it will hear a voice in their head.

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