Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 191 Official Members

The C member infected by Jack is named Wang Shan. He is just an ordinary peripheral member, but even as a peripheral member, he has already known a lot of inside information. After being infected, he was quickly promoted. Before, he was only a fifth-generation vampire who was infected. Although it is considered a relatively high class, it is still far from the core of the real vampire. Now because of its important position, it is directly infected and becomes a second-generation vampire. In this way, his own power will become stronger, and he can infect more subordinates. In this regard, he develops more subordinates in his own organization. Establish a larger force of his own. It is actually very simple to do this kind of thing, especially among peripheral members. For Wang Shan, as a peripheral member, it is not a taboo to contact other peripheral members. Soon he made an appointment with the captain of his group. "What's the matter with you asking me out? The captain has recently assigned us to closely monitor the situation in the area where the meteorite fell. I'm about to go on a business trip. If there's nothing urgent, I may have to leave soon."

"Of course there's nothing urgent, I just asked you to come and see me. I missed you a little too much." As he spoke, Wang Shan had already come to his captain's side. The other party was not on guard. After all, the relationship between the two was actually quite good. However, at the moment when the two sides approached each other, Wang Shan suddenly bit the other party's neck.

This bite was strong. The captain struggled desperately, but it was still very fast. He fell into a state of powerlessness, and the strange pleasure after being infected also made him subconsciously not want to resist. 陳

Soon he completed the transformation process, and the object of his loyalty also changed from the original organization to the subordinates around him.

"You...what did you do to me?" He found that he subconsciously became respectful to the other party, and he could not have any resistance to him at all. As for those creeds that he once regarded as belonging to you, or even as life, they were nothing in the face of the suppression of his superiors.

"I just transformed you into a glorious and great member of the blood clan. You should be happy that you have become a powerful and elegant third-generation blood clan, which is completely different from those lower-level members.

We now need to control other members in the organization. You should understand what existence like us means in front of the organizers? If we are discovered by the organization and we have not yet gained enough power, then only death and containment are waiting for us.

You should understand the purpose of the organization behind us. They suppress the existence of most of the containment objects on the earth as much as possible. If you and I are discovered by them, the greatest probability is that we will be directly destroyed.

So I need you to find a way to contact the official members of the organization as much as possible, and then find an opportunity to infect him. I know this opportunity is not easy to create. After all, the members of the organization are much stronger than us in terms of strength. They all have special attributes and are like supermen.

But I think you should be able to create an opportunity for us to get close to him, right?" The captain nodded. : "Although this task is somewhat difficult, it is not impossible to complete. You should know that the member who contacted us is one of the official members.

So there is rarely any close contact between us, but he has a close relationship with the female peripheral member of our team, and the two seem to have developed into a couple.

It's just that the woman in our team doesn't seem to be particularly willing, and the two sides are still in the process of pulling each other. Now we just need to infect the woman and then let him infect the official members.

So the official members are all strong men trained by alcohol. They have more or less the characteristics brought by various containments, and have strong combat power and physical fitness. One person can compete with an army of hundreds of people, but when they are in bed with women, they are always unprepared. Even in that case, even if they are bitten and bleeding, no country will This is our best chance. Otherwise, if you invite the official members to meet for an interview, there will be absolutely no chance. Infecting him will expose our existence. I think for a poison dog like us now, concealment should be the most important thing, especially not to be discovered by the organization behind us. Once discovered, the consequences will be absolutely disastrous. " "Then do as you say. Let's find a chance to invite the woman in the team, and then I will transform her. A formal member of the organization is too important for us. Only formal members are qualified to contact the containment, and they are also qualified and capable of infecting other formal personnel. " Several peripheral personnel are very clear that they are too weak compared to the formal members of the organization. The gap in strength between the two sides can hardly be called the same kind of creatures. The formal members have a variety of powerful abilities. They have undergone extremely rigorous training, and their military proficiency is countless times stronger than the most powerful special forces. Facing an existence of this level, even if hundreds of peripheral personnel were to besiege them together, they might not be able to eliminate a formal member. Moreover, the noise made in that situation would be too loud and would definitely be discovered.

As the two people's plan progressed, it was completely okay to have a meal together even if they were in a normal relationship. But on the way to send each other home, a scream came out in the dark night, and the girl reacted By that time, her body had been completely dominated by a feeling of pleasure, and before she sank into this feeling, the transformation process finally ended.

The only woman in the peripheral member team only felt that her body seemed to be countless times stronger than before. His body was full of power, and when he saw the other two people, he couldn't help but feel a sense of intimacy. Especially when he saw one of them, he felt a feeling of ups and downs, and he couldn't help but think. Follow the other person's orders.

This feeling makes the girl very ashamed. It seems that even if the other party gives an order, no matter how excessive it is, he will still accept it. In addition to the shame, there is also a feeling of accelerated heartbeat.

The inferior will naturally have a good impression of the superior, and this good impression between the opposite sex will also be transformed into another form. So she subconsciously wanted to get close to her colleagues who had only an average relationship with her. gaze intently

It's a pity that the girl soon received an order that made him extremely uncomfortable, which was to seduce the official members who had a relationship with him. Of course, after the initial disappointment, the girl adjusted her mentality. Originally, the relationship between the official member and her was pretty good, and it could be seen that the official member wanted to pursue her. In this case, it is possible to open a room with the other party, and then do some indescribable things, and then convert through this process.

After preparations were completed, official members also received calls. "Shall we go out for dinner together? It's rare that you take the initiative to invite me, so of course I will go!"

Although the official members of the organization all have great powers and extremely powerful abilities, they are not much different from ordinary people when it comes to love, so they happily put on a suit that they think is the most energetic. clothes, came to the date scene.

The process that follows is no different from any other date between couples. Shopping, eating, watching movies, and then renting a house.

When the two parties are doing something indescribable, it is completely reasonable for the woman to bite the man's neck in excitement.

Even during this process, the official members didn't realize anything was wrong. They just felt more pleasant than they imagined, and even developed a stronger liking for the peripheral members around them.

It wasn't until everything was over, after the peripheral members carefully gave him orders, that he discovered something was wrong. gaze intently

"What did you do to me? Why can't I refuse your order?" Although he followed the other party's order, as a formal member, his psychological quality and all aspects of quality were stronger, and he soon realized problem lies in.

"Have been infected by the containment object and passed the infection to me? How could you do this?"

However, as soon as he said this, the door of the room was opened, and another peripheral member, Wang Shan, walked in: "It seems that the transformation has been completed. Now the organization cannot reveal any information about the vampires. In the future, you must be loyal to this organization and abandon all your original beliefs about containment. All your actions next need to serve the interests of the vampires. We need to obtain strategic-level containment from the organization you were in before, and you need Use our abilities to infect more formal members and make them our members.”

There was a tangled expression on the official member's face for a moment, but he quickly knelt down on one knee to express his absolute obedience to the order.

It is true that the official members of C have extremely strong psychological qualities and are almost absolutely resistant to various psychological suggestions or hypnosis. However, this resistance sometimes becomes apparent when facing contained objects. Very powerless.

The loyalty to one's superiors in front of one's eyes is not something that can be overcome physically. It is an absolute characteristic and a kind of spiritual distortion.

And personal will has no meaning at all in the face of absolute characteristics. No matter how powerful you are, in the face of this absolute characteristics, you will be distorted and changed in an instant. gaze intently

The current official member has completely abandoned his belief in containment and serves the interests of the vampire group wholeheartedly.

"Now we need more members to infiltrate into the organization, because we don't know enough about the situation inside the organization. We only have a relatively preliminary plan now, which is to cause a containment failure in the organization, and then take advantage of this opportunity Obtain strategic-level containment items."

"No, you can't do this. You are just peripheral personnel, so you don't know what kind of power the organization really has. As long as we launch a containment breach, the vampires will be exposed immediately, and at that time, even if we have strategic Level containment objects will also be destroyed immediately.

Even if the containment object we obtained may cause the destruction of mankind, they will not hesitate at all. And our leader may not be determined to destroy the entire world together, so until then, our mission will continue to develop in secret. .

More members are needed to lift up the organization little by little. You may not know that the organization's protection of these strategic containment objects is very strict. Each use requires strict application. Once there is a containment failure, the nuclear bombs around them will explode immediately and destroy them.

Our containment base is like this. Once there is a containment failure, a large number of nuclear weapons buried inside the base will blow up the entire base. Many containment objects require the presence of humans around them to be effective.

The purpose of the explosion is not to destroy these containment objects, but to destroy any surrounding tangible objects and remove all intelligent creatures from the scope of the explosion. gaze intently

In this way, without the existence of intelligent creatures, most of the contained objects cannot exert their abilities, which also makes it easier for us to re-contain them in the ruins. "

After hearing this, everyone suddenly looked solemn. If this happens, even if a containment failure occurs, it will definitely not be easy to obtain strategic-level containment figures.

Their top priority now is to convert more people before they are discovered. After having formal members, it will be much easier to convert other formal members. After all, for peripheral people, formal members are almost unmatched. Monsters, but for formal members, they can be easily transformed by inviting other formal members out and conducting sneak attacks. Being able to transform one means that many can be transformed. Soon, this shift will spread exponentially.

Everyone's goal has been temporarily changed to transforming all the people in the base in front of them first. This requires a strict plan, and transformation cannot be carried out simply by biting people. This is too easy to be discovered. After all, most of the actions of these official members are monitored. If you suddenly bite your companion, you will definitely find a problem. .

"If you feel uneasy, I can first find a way to transform the person in charge of the cafeteria, and then put the virus contained in our bodies into the food in the cafeteria. In this way, many people will be infected and transformed. I’m afraid you won’t even realize it. When you see me again or receive my information, you will immediately carry out my orders.”

[To be continued]

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