Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 210 Artificial Rules

"I roughly know what you are going to say. We have already discovered that the power of will is very important in this world. If the will is strong enough, it can change reality to a certain extent, at least it can change the balance between light and darkness. When the army sings loud military songs, the will and morale within the army reach a high state, and they can hold on in the dark storm. If people firmly believe that something can resist darkness, then it has the effect of dispelling darkness, just like the military emblem we found before. The general will make it into the shape of an amulet and let everyone believe that he can release light in the darkness, so he can really do it. This is the effect achieved by placing the power of people's hearts on certain objects. Why must this kind of sustenance be shaped? Why must the power of the soul be placed on an amulet? Since singing can convey the power of the soul, why can't symbols? So people teach children from generation to generation that runes can dispel darkness, and different rune combinations have different effects in the dark, so generation after generation firmly believes in this, generation after generation People who were educated in this way believed that the rune could dispel darkness, and then the rune really had such an effect.

The rules of their arrangement and combination became a reality, followed by generations, and can be used anywhere. If this is really a plan they came up with on their own initiative, the person who came up with that plan is definitely a genius. In that chaotic world without rules, I used human power to establish a set of rules that belong to humans, and established a set of rules that people cannot develop, expand and use by themselves.

Let people no longer use the dark power contained in themselves in a rough and primitive way, but organize us into a kind of power that can be learned and cannot be inherited. It must be that the population of that world is too sparse, and the power that such a heritage can give to Li Mei is too strong. The power that such a heritage can bring is probably even weaker. "鑘

Before thinking of that guess, Chengying admired the people who had created runes in that world even more. It was not a very profound idea, nor did it require very simple knowledge, but in the environment of the doomsday wasteland, it was extremely small to be able to think of such a path to preserve a ray of life for civilization.

When Entropy saw that scene, he seemed to be thinking: "Although in a broad sense, you are also considered to be one of the prehistoric races, and you should maintain a contemptuous attitude towards humans, but it must be said that what those people did was indeed wrong. We have shown a more tenacious survival ability than you imagined, but that is still enough.

"You are wrong, you don't think so. The humans in that world are probably not much different from the ancient humans you imagined.

Chengying also saw a lot of things from the civilized world in that city. And those people have actually learned to use us more or less. And many people have no concept related to the civilized world.

In that doomsday, a very small number of people are in a sub-weak state due to lack of various necessary vitamins, and even their lifespans are slightly shortened. Those things that can help people prolong their lives with just one piece are just like the legendary elixir. Especially eating one piece can not increase the lifespan by many years.

Maybe Bai An said Bai An at the beginning, is there anyone who can release light? Does he still remember what you saw in the city? The city seemed to have not suffered any damage, or more accurately, any damage from plants and animals. Nothing in the city had been corrupted by microorganisms, nor had it been affected by any plants and animals. Except for the earthquakes and natural disasters before the end of the world, the city was well preserved.

It seemed that it was not something that came with the end of the world. Perhaps, as he said, the light was some kind of attempt by later generations to deal with the end of the world.

The power of light has always been bound in the human body, which protects people from surviving in the darkness and makes human blood the best fuel. If he said that, those strange phenomena can be explained, and what you are looking for now is probably not why there is light in the human body.

If it is done, human civilization will not be able to survive in such an end of the world, and those precious crops will be completely provided for the army. Although humans still do not understand what vitamins are, we can realize that light, darkness and fungi are enough to sustain our fragile survival.

"What he said doesn't make sense, but after seeing the truth, you should take any of your guesses as the truth. What you need to do is to dig out and speculate the truth through facts as much as possible, rather than guessing out of thin air.

Chengying and the other person had not yet arrived at the rare city while they were talking. In the entire human world, there are probably only a dozen cities of this scale left. Even with the efforts made by future generations, no matter how little civilization has survived in the darkness to the point in front of us, it is finally close to extinction.

And often, the army cannot search for a can of vitamin tablets or something like that in the ruins, and those will become treasures in the city like panaceas.

Facts have proved that even if civilization is interrupted and knowledge is interrupted. People can still summarize precious laws from life bit by bit, and use those laws to make themselves survive better.

But the fact is exactly the opposite. Living people will not release light before they retreat into the white darkness, but will be corroded by the white darkness. When we are corroded and die, our corpses will glow with light.鑘

Those are far from enough. If we survive in the apocalypse, we will eventually consume everything in the apocalypse, and eventually civilization will decline and perish. "

What the firecrackers of civilization there see are photos of other planets, and in the photos, the natural environments of these planets are very different from the planet we are on, so we think this is a different world.

And you are thinking, maybe there must be something in that world. Everything those people have done has already been completely destroyed. The strange rules of light and darkness opposing each other. The environment that belief can change reality is really the white darkness of the end. Created? Or is it that everything that human civilization did in the past led to the current results?

Is there any place where the concentration of light is lower than in the body of a living person? That may not be the reason why the bonfire illuminates a farther place before the blood is released from the body.

Cheng Ying thought about it at a deeper level. As the saying goes, a civilization honed by the end of the world has a potential that is unmatched by abnormal civilizations. According to the original historical trajectory in the prehistoric era, After the rise of human beings, there has never been a move that did not go from under the ancient continent to various inner planes. And these humans who went to different worlds did they start from the ancient continent, or from the ancient sea eye and time and space? What about setting off in turbulent currents?

We understand what the world should be like before development and prosperity. At most, not many people understand that. Because we are saying that we can pick up some photos inside, and through those photos, we can judge everything. It's like picking up the incomplete pieces of a puzzle and finally piecing together the original appearance of the world inside.

And in the apocalypse, not many people died, so you can imagine where our bodies have gone. Or maybe the white darkness outside is actually more terrifying than imagined. "鑘

Once in that city, you can still see a little or more of the prosperity of humankind's past.

Cheng Ying nodded: "Indeed, the masters of the former civilization have not done enough, but what we have done is still enough to change the outcome of that world. I am afraid that the world will eventually be destroyed in the future, but obviously it is not today.

It's like when we are alive, the light is contained in the body by life to protect our body, and the light will not leak out until we die.

Entropy seemed to understand what Cheng Ying guessed: "What he means is that Bai An actually does not have a weaker ability to devour life, but does not show less spiritual attacks like it does now. The original Bai An Dark means directly destroying the living body from the physical level.

Although there are no fallacies in our understanding, the understanding of ancient civilizations allows us to feel clearly satisfied with our modern civilization and have no motivation to actively develop it.

One of your guesses is that the corpses left by ancient humans may not have been wiped out in the white darkness long ago, including the corpses of other animals and plants. We have also been wiped out by the white darkness, and he must have noticed that now People's corpses will find that we will only be destroyed in the darkness, and we will also emit light. We will not emit light when we are alive, but we will emit light before we die. Isn't that boring? Why does it emit light when alive? When we are alive, our will plus our body should be able to be weaker.

As the only surviving natural life in that world, humans could only survive in the darkness before undergoing some ordinary changes. "鑘

Those plants that are similar to vegetables must be replenished regularly to maintain a person's physical weakness. People who are responsible for working in the city do not need too weak bodies, but members of the army do. We must Only a weak enough body and a strong enough mental state can open up a canopy of light in the wasteland, so a very small number of vegetables are used to replenish the army.

Please add it to your favorites and recommend it~ But as you imagined, those precious natural foods needing to be provided to the nobles did not happen.

Of course, if there is no accurate information outside, it would be like crossing the world barrier to come to another world. In fact, it is not really crossing the world, but coming to another planet.

That small continent fell into the white darkness, and fell into the eye of the wild sea in an absolutely instant. There must have been no process for Bai An to completely swallow up the planet. Perhaps during that process, people were not able to do very few things. "

You don't have a problem with this. In such an environment, where are the human corpses? Didn't he see that there were no human corpses among the ruins of the city? Did he find all that strange? If there must be no microbial activity, human corpses will dry out over a long period of time. Even the skeleton is left, right?

And even if our body completely exhausts the light in the body, it will disappear in the white darkness. You haven't seen the corpses of primitive people in some tribes. In the wilderness and urban ruins, it is often said that they have seen We children and our clothes cannot easily tell that they are not ancient people but modern people. "

But what he said is indeed impossible. You have just found a person who is retreating in the wilderness. I am holding an umbrella made of the bones and skin of a former person. Under the protection of the umbrella , it cannot retreat in the darkness. And my body seemed to be shrouded in light as well. The light in the bodies of these dead people is constantly overflowing. Although you are still unable to perceive the existence of that light because it is too muddy, you have not yet found a vague feeling. At most, you cannot distinguish the light. The concentration of light is actually the place with the lowest concentration of light in the living body.鑘

That kind of thinking was very common among ancient people. For primitive people, dark caves or deep seabeds are equivalent to another world for us. If no one can escape and return dangerously, they will be regarded as heroes who have gone to another world.

It is only because of the restrictions of the material world that it has stayed in a special system similar to the Middle Ages. It is a civilization that has not yet enlightened its mind, but is limited by the productivity of the world. It does not matter whether it is the end of the world or not. The quality of that civilization? If we were placed in a materially rich place in the outer world, we would definitely be able to develop into a small human civilization. There is no doubt about that.

[To be continued]

In our myths and legends, humans once lived in a special world of good and bad in the Garden of Eden. At this time, humans were worried about food and clothing, and they also had to worry about the invasion of the White Darkness. They had developed magic, built cities that were a hundred times grander than they are now, and had a much smaller population than they do now. They couldn't even be considered as adults. In the next four days, I crossed the barriers of the world and came to my own world.

In times of crisis, there is no room for corruption among nobles, just as we are described in these biographies. Possessing noble quality.

The food under people's tables is no longer just such simple and interesting fungi, but there are some plants that could only be seen in the past civilization era. Facts have proved that ancient animals and plants were not completely extinct. In that dark realm that can maintain stability, we can still produce quickly. Although the growth rate is much faster than that of fungi, as long as we are given a piece of land in the dark, we can still grow so quickly after the destruction of the world.

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