Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 212 The Origin of the Artifact

The city lord didn't quite understand what Cheng Ying said. What does it mean that only the runes he knows are meaningful? Don't these runes exist in nature? flutter

However, he more or less had his own understanding of some of the ancient precepts followed in the city, so after being confused at the beginning, he actually guessed something.

"You mean that these runes were not actually born naturally. They were created by our ancestors. They only created these runes, so we can only use these, right?"

Cheng Ying showed an uncertain expression on his face: "I don't know exactly how many runes your ancestors created, but at least it should be more than the number of runes you have now. This is almost certain. ”

"Since the number of runes created by our ancestors is more than what we have today, those lost runes should be able to be rediscovered and used by us."

"No, the creation runes are not what you think. These runes are not universal everywhere, but can only be used to fight against your darkness.

These runes only have power if you believe in them. And those runes that have been forgotten have naturally lost their power.

You should be able to understand the meaning of what I am saying. The runes themselves have no power, just like the amulets of your army. They were just ordinary items at the beginning. Only the people in the army believed in these. Only when the amulet has power will we truly have power. flutter

The same is true for the runes. They doubted whether the runes had power, so I would lose them. And these have not been forgotten by them, and no one doubts that we have power. Naturally, even if we start from ancient ruins again Lieutenant General, we found out that the effects of each one are extremely convenient.

Unless he widely publicizes the runes found in ancient books and makes everyone doubt my role, then my power can be restored. But for such a world that has not been lost, for such an exchange of information In a world of open access, that kind of thing is almost possible. "

"So discouraged, at most he knew an impossible way to use the power of their beliefs. Maybe he didn't try to make Shuyi and add a certain rune to today's education system, but just temporarily let that The rune regressed to any application and only allowed me to appear in textbooks, and then gradually expanded to cities one after another, and finally became known to all mankind, and the rune appeared.

In places where the population is so concentrated, food is often relatively poor, but other daily necessities are relatively scarce. Therefore, we need to go back to the city to buy them. On the other hand, if the city is not separated from those tribes or even towns, we will often lose the source of plants, but we will have to reduce the population in the city.

As for those who can truly understand those Shu Yi, who can truly realize that we are over, they are stable existences. Your relationship with us was relatively bad after that, but now you have to shut us up.

But he must have enchanted the stick and used it to show weak power a few times before telling Xiaojia that the stick was an artifact. The possibility of Xiaojia's suspicion would be much lower.

Faced with that tense situation, the city lord finally made his own decision, sent his men to investigate, and then went to other cities to inform other city lords of his guess. flutter

Based on what you guessed, you can't make any small guesses about ancient times. The artifacts themselves need to be relied upon. Only the power of faith can overwhelm weak power.

The city owner did not tell the two of them about the recent events in the city: "In those few years, there were few runes that played a role in the formation. It ended with stability. If one side didn't have it, you would have thought it was white and dark power. of downwelling.

But that is quite easy in a world of white and darkness. My army still has a lot of things to do, such as escorting students from various places back, or searching for necessary supplies in the dark.

As long as they can succeed and repeat it, it is certain that they can really rely on that method to restore their past prosperity. "

Before Cheng Ying picked up the hand and observed it casually, he found that the long years were still being erased little by little. At most, it looked like it had always remained brand new, and that thing was really a special mortal thing.

[To be continued]

Although the difficulty of that kind of thing is almost possible, if he tries it, there will still be no such slim chance. And if he succeeds once, he will become less nervous the seventh and eighth time. Compared to The feasible way to definitely find the lost runes, which has not yet been determined, is actually an even more meaningless existence. flutter

"No, they did have a misunderstanding. Did he think that the artifact itself was not ordinary at all, but people thought it was weak, so it didn't have weak power? The actual situation was slightly different from what they guessed. In and out, the thing itself does have certain ordinary abilities.

You didn't provide them with any help, such as giving them some blood. Your blood contained less power of order than theirs. Even though you looked bad, you didn't even understand why you couldn't. Has the light converged in the body? "

"That's not one of the ten small artifacts preserved in your city, the dragon-headed cane. Then, have you realized why you need to put down the artifact exhibition every year, let the artifact tour around the city, and even send people to carry the artifact? Tour around various villages and towns.

Before the city lord heard that speculation, there was an ugly expression on his face. I have always known that the rune style I am using is actually Fangmei's, and there are not many shortcomings.

And if you want most people to travel back and forth across such a long distance between cities, you need more than just some relatively common equipment.

"That's difficult. The human population is not very large now. Although your city alone occupies a relatively small proportion of the entire human population, it must be like what he said. People need to firmly believe in something for it to be real. If there is power, I am afraid that this requires not just a small number of people on a spatial scale to firmly believe in that point, but also a small number of people on a time scale to firmly believe in that point. It has taken thousands of years to achieve the stable and reliable performance it has today, and the performance stability of a newly born Shuyi will itself become an obstacle for people. When the content of the textbook is When there is a contradiction with what is happening in reality, people will always doubt what is happening in reality, and over time these fantasies may gradually collapse.

There was such an artifact in the city of yesterday, and the two of them were lucky enough to come to the city's treasure house to visit the artifact. It was a cane that didn't seem to have much in common, but it was just a stick that was once very common. Carved from a tree. The handshake looks like a dragon head holding a bead in its mouth, which seems to be a natural crystal. flutter

"In this case, the effectiveness of that artifact will gradually weaken over time." Although the city lord has never discovered that the effectiveness of that artifact has weakened, has he also discovered that the artifact is not damaged due to aging? situation, but still asked worriedly.

Now maybe you understand why? It was not a complicated artifact, but it meant that no one knew about the existence of the artifact.

So it must be separated, so that the light can occupy a smaller area and be used to feed fewer people. The same separation also meant that Fang did not explore further areas and obtained less ancient materials. What these remote towns do is not use their own food to go to the real city in exchange for other supplies they need.

On the contrary, our artifact is often used, and even suffers damage during the process. However, before it is secretly regressed and repaired, it looks no different from the original one, and its divine power has not decreased before the repair.

Only when no one knows about the existence of the artifact can the magical power be maintained. If it was known that Fang had not kept it in the treasure house, then my strength might disappear rapidly over time, and it would eventually become a special item. "

The wood I used to hit it was the root neck of an extraordinary plant. It was not generally precious, but it also contained a certain degree of extraordinary power, and was infused with the blood of the weak humans. If you read it correctly, there shouldn't be a legendary weakling's blood out there. "

That thing was not very precious in the industrial age, and it could not be easily manufactured in any factory. But in the apocalypse, it was indeed a very exquisite handicraft, and when it was taken out , you can see the glimmer of light emitted from the surface of the cane. flutter

In fact, a similar situation has not yet occurred. Did you realize later that a few runes ended up becoming stable? What happened? Now that I think about it, it's possible that Fang didn't end well. "

Only when you came here did you realize that the situation was not the same as you imagined. It was only after he reminded you that you realized that the problem might not be inside, but under the runes themselves. The problem was with the runes. Normally, it's just a sign that has just appeared. It's still too late to try to stop the spread of the news. You will find some people who are not very good at Shu Yi and can find those who are not available to be your personal soldiers. Then he went to tell the residents in the city that the runes were working abnormally. The problem was just that the carvers made the runes accurately.

Please add it to your favorites and vote for recommendations~ You need to be like me. First show the commonness of your artifact, and then add the power of faith to the artifact bit by bit.

But now I think about it, everything I have done may have been useful. There may be such runes in history, but even if I really find them, there is no point.

The number of runes itself is not very small, and some runes with important functions are missing. Let some facilities with important functions and formations with important functions be arranged in a way.

"That's not the case, but you have to tell him that the current cane doesn't have any other extraordinary power besides the power of their prayers. Seven thousand years have not been enough to build me. The original extraordinary power in it has all decayed. You only restored my former appearance through the remaining clues under the cane.

In that case..." The city lord of Burning Cold City thought very little at this time. Many of them are related to the future of the entire city. And those may even be related to the future of the entire human race. Pounce.

And knowing that we are not in order to let the belief have no carrier is like taking a square stick and telling Xiaojia that it is a divine weapon. It is difficult for Xiaojia to doubt it.

Only a few people can serve as liaisons to contact the same city, and when those people are sent out, it is usually when there is no urgent incident that affects the future of the entire civilization.

Originally, I was looking forward to searching for these lost runes through experiments and searching ancient books. As long as these things are found, the danger of the camp will increase slightly. The number of people the city can accommodate will also increase slightly, forming a virtuous cycle.

Cheng Ying picked up the so-called artifact and observed the city lord to see if he approved it. The artifact is not something that can be touched. It is also quite strong in nature and will not be damaged by touching it.

In this way, the power of faith is gathered under that artifact. Even if the artifact is damaged in the future and the original extraordinary power is lost, it doesn't matter, because until the power of faith is completely gathered, I will only need it. The extraordinary power to maintain one's own ordinaryness.

In that case, it would not be difficult for them to create new artifacts.

The other cities are not plundering their own towns, but are providing supplies to villages and towns in various places relatively cheaply. Human beings are not in the same market town. The smallest reason is that if they gather together, there will be no law in the surrounding area. To feed us, in the final analysis, we still need to rely on some fungi that can grow in places to feed ourselves, and there is no limit to the number of people that a city can illuminate and can feed. flutter

According to legend, there are ten small artifacts under that planet, and those who hold those artifacts must be afraid of the White Dark. It can even illuminate a huge area in the white darkness, but those artifacts cannot maintain darkness forever in the white darkness. .

Everyone must be convinced that the runes are declining, otherwise there will be no way to recover once they fall into a vicious cycle. In that case, the control of information does not actually affect the effect of the runes to a considerable extent. As long as you control public opinion to a certain extent, it is not possible to create new runes.

If I really want to do that, I must get in touch with other city lords.

Therefore, the army has always been busy, always needing to search for supplies in the nearby ruins and escort the supplies to various towns and even tribes.

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