Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 215: Changes in the Image of Gods

Because they only have a vague understanding of ancient writing, Cheng Ying is currently unable to figure out where this suspected god's brain came from, but it is not impossible for them to decipher such ancient writing. Yin

In terms of grammar and the morphology of some characters, these ancient characters are still very similar to the characters circulated by humans in the apocalypse. As long as you find some records of ancient characters and analyze and compare them, you can complete the understanding of this kind of characters. It’s not particularly difficult. Even if you can’t read it, you can at least understand the meaning.

Cheng Ying relied on his clairvoyance ability to search in this underground base. Materials that can isolate optical perception were used extensively here, so that the efficiency of this search was quite low, and he had to search room by room.

Fortunately, in this kind of underground secret room, even if thousands of years have passed and even the oxygen has been almost exhausted due to isolation, the items kept here will rarely be oxidized. No microorganisms are present. Situations such as rot rarely occur, so there are still many books preserved here.

However, most paper books are not serious documents or useful information, but some entertainment-type books from the original world, such as novels or magazines.

However, these have little impact. Any book can be used to decipher the meaning of the words in it. Especially for magazines, the effect is better, because such books generally use some relatively standard formats. The meaning of many words cannot be guessed through those formats. Other than that, that type of book. Most of them don't even have illustrations, so it's a very convenient way to infer the meaning of the book based on the illustrations.

I just found a few magazine books. It was enough for me to briefly understand the meaning of ancient characters. In fact, a small part of the paper books in that base were so-called idle books. Really useless information. They are all stored in our computing devices, and that kind of thing is difficult to retain over a long period of time. A small part of the data in the computer has been lost over time. Information stored electronically. It is difficult to experience the erosion of a long time.

Only these are engraved under stone slabs or important information is recorded in document archives. Only then can we come up from the preservation of feelings. Yin

The base's archives have not yet been found, and not many paper materials have been found. But before understanding the ancient text, the two finally could not go back to the small hall to read the text left under the stone tablet.

Obviously, the purpose of writing the text ten times lower is to allow us to pass it on for a longer period of time. As the two of them read, the veil of history was quickly lifted.

The expression on Entropy's face before he got this key document. There have also been subtle changes.

This is also true in the era when humans are in power and need me to participate in entertainment.

Cheng Ying frowned: "Can you estimate that the individual before the fusion is not very strong? The faith of human beings on an entire planet should not be as huge as the faith of an entire race among all the races in the world. Well, logically speaking, that level of power should be supported by a holy being. Even if an existence can achieve that level, it may not be able to allow humans to survive in the darkness.

The plan we propose is not to fuse together the few gods in the world. And we have the ability to change reality based on human beliefs. When everyone's beliefs are integrated, the most realistic transformation of gods constructed may be able to resist the coming of white darkness and allow humans to successfully survive in the apocalypse. Come up.

Just like some people go from feeling weak to being almost invincible, but they are still a little gorilla with only muscles outside their brain. Yin

Entropy has the same view: "That world should be a very standard material world, but such distortion occurs at the level of laws. Do you think it has nothing to do with some sensible beings?"

During that period of time when human civilization was at its most developed, people no longer needed the power of the gods. We relied on technology and magic to have the power to rival the gods, and the power of technology and magic became universal. This Although the gods of that time were still the weakest individuals in civilization, our power was not insignificant in the overall civilization.

And as the planet ushered in the unification, although the faith has not ushered in the unification, there will be some wars between the gods again.

It was the first time even Cheng Ying had seen the Lord of Storms in the seventh dimension. When they thought of such an existence, having his head cracked open and his cerebellum dug out and soaked in a vat, the two of them felt a sense of curiosity, even if it was The existence of entropy, which is completely the same as human life form, also feels like a kind of blasphemy against good and bad things.

Even when the world was relatively prosperous and the cultural and entertainment industry developed to a certain extent, some gods became idols. Well... there are not too detailed records in that regard. I guess the gods at this time also had personalities. They are different, maybe there is no more out-of-the-box type out there. "

"So? Why are we hanging there when our power is important?"

Although entropy is weak, his ability in calculation and analysis is not as outstanding. Strength and logical calculation ability are not necessarily directly proportional. Yin

There are no more detailed documents out there that explain why the gods need to be regressed and dissected. You haven't sent him the language comparison table yet, so he can't read it directly.

The plan was not proposed by humans, but when humans faced an overall crisis, all the gods proposed it unanimously. We ourselves are not the condensed existence of human collective will, but represent the future of human civilization. subconscious.

Before fighting against the small sea, humans gradually understood the laws of ocean operation. And smaller ships were built. No matter how terrifying the huge waves became, it was getting lost in the ocean that was the most troublesome. So the Lord of Storms once again transformed into the image of a captain, relying on his own wisdom, Provide direction for ships.

What's that? The struggle and confrontation between humans and gods in my imagination is basically the same style of painting. That is the rhythm of the gods choosing to become idols in order to save the God Realm that is on the verge of collapse!

It is very difficult to find the photos of Storm Lord outside. Although they have not faded due to the erosion of time, you can still see my appearance in detail.

And the humans in that world had not discovered that long ago. And learned to harness the power of the gods to change nature for us.

There are no statistics on the number of followers of the Lord of Storms outside. The number of my followers is more than you think, and the power I can display is at the peak of my spiritual level. There seems to be some sense of belonging in that world. Rules allow the power of faith to exert a weaker effect than its original effect. "Yin

[To be continued]

Lan Nuo also planned to hide the words under those stone tablets. The secret of a plane that has experienced the end of the world has no hidden meaning for the weak at that level.


Therefore, although the strength is weak, Entropy has not fully understood the meaning of ancient texts in such a short period of time.

Both of them relatively understood the subsequent changes. At the end, the image of the old man with the white beard was difficult to understand. Human beings at this time worshiped their ancestors. The magic weapons they created for themselves were also their ancestors, and the image of their ancestors was natural. He is an old man with a white beard. With the development of the times, human beings have been living near the sea, fighting with the small sea, and fighting with the wind and waves in the small sea. Therefore, the Lord of Storms has become a wilder image.

Before that, the image of the Storm Lord turned into a captain holding a telescope, my artifact also turned into a telescope and an astrolabe, and my power also changed from fighting to guiding in the ocean. direction.

When the two of them saw the photo for the first time, the expressions on their faces looked quite strange. Yin

In short, it is an existence that can resist the erosion of white darkness. However, our ordinary life forms cannot illuminate a sensitive area in white darkness, so the research institute you are in is no longer the same research institute. They don't have the same title, but the title of your research institute is Lord of Storms. The god standing in front of you is not the Lord of Storms. Look... what he looked like outside that time, it is said. Almost all gods are humanoid. After all, they are based on human imagination. "

When you come to that world, although your perception is blocked, if you have never sensed the existence of this level, you should still be able to have no intuition at all. "

And for such a plan, the price the gods need to pay is obviously huge. It requires us to abandon our bodies, fuse our spirits together, and finally become a unified god. According to our expectations, before completing that step , the self-will of every god will disappear, and what will be born will be a brand new individual.

Chengying continued to read the content under the inscription, and then Xiaozhi learned about the situation that year: "Wrong to say, it can be called being hung there. In fact, that matter was voluntary by the gods, and we are not influenced by human beliefs. Shaped, so there is no instinct to protect the creator in his instinct. During the period before the white darkness fell, the gods chose to actively cooperate with human researchers to try to develop a method that can allow human beings to survive the doomsday. The props or medicines that survived.

At first, the image of the Storm Lord was that of an old man with a white beard, but after a while, my image changed to a middle-aged man with a beard, and he didn't have a huge metal anchor in his hand. , this is not the artifact of the Storm Lord. According to the records, it is a very powerful weapon that cannot stir up a storm or freeze the small sea.

"You don't seem to be able to understand why the people of that world can be so nervous and happy to coexist peacefully with the gods." The expression on Entropy's face was not tense at all. The gods of that world really know how to have fun with the people. In other words, we are not shaped and changed by the will of the minority, so we can meet the needs of the minority no matter what era.

"Those ancient gods have become weaker and weaker with the development of human beings. The fewer people who believe in us, the weaker our strength will be. But because those gods were born from the will of humans, they themselves They will harm the people who believe in themselves. Therefore, although human tribes and even countries are constantly having wars and annexations at this time, the gods are fighting side by side with humans, and the ones who kill the least humans are humans themselves.

"That thing turned out to be a man-made god. The original underlying rules of that world seemed no different from other worlds. People's power of faith could not be condensed together, turned into entities, and transformed into a direct non-interference in the material world. The existence of ability.

Please add it to your favorites and recommend it~ Yes, it’s not strange. There are no such rules in my world. And judging from the traces on the edge of the world you saw when you retreated, it shouldn’t be a prehistoric place. Even if the rules are not the same as those in the main material world, the gap should not be that small. "

Entropy nodded and said: "Our plan should be successful. At most, the ultimate god created has not been successful. However, the power of this god... must be as strong as he imagined.

Following the instructions under the inscription, the two people quickly arrived at a secret room. It was not the so-called archives room. It contained research records and recorded the transformation of the gods.

But as science and technology developed further, and the oceans had not yet been fully conquered by humans on the planet, storms also became the source of energy for tidal energy power stations. The image of the Lord of Storms began to become more and more delicate, and his image also gradually ended. Masculinity, at the forefront, has completely transformed from the image of a man with a pair of blue twin ponytails. There is no anchor accessories on the belt around the waist, and there is no astrolabe-like earring under the ear. In addition, Here, probably only the navy uniform you are wearing can prove my original identity as the Storm Lord.

Maybe ordinary is not that world. But a weak person who once visited that world, and then said that

It is difficult for you to imagine the social form of that world. It was a world where people and gods interacted quite naturally, and gods seemed to have become a part of our lives. Yin

"Anyway, you think he still hasn't got a rough understanding of what kind of existence the gods are in that world. We are not so much gods as idols imagined by human beings. We will always conform to people's fantasies. look like.

Those are difficult to understand, and even the clothing and artifacts under the previous Storm Lord have changed one after another, and they have nothing to do with sailing in the ocean.

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